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World war: A world war is a large-scale military conflict involving many of the world's

most powerful and populous countries. It is characterized by widespread and sustained

warfare on multiple fronts, typically spanning continents. World wars have historically
involved complex alliances, extensive mobilization of military and civilian resources, and
significant impact on the global political, economic, and social landscape.

Balance of power war: The term "balance of power war" refers to a type of conflict
that arises from shifts in the distribution of power among states within an international
system. In international relations, the balance of power theory suggests that stability is
maintained when no single nation or coalition of nations becomes overwhelmingly powerful,
thus preventing one entity from dominating others. However, when there is a perceived or
real imbalance in power, it can lead to strategic competition, conflict, and war as states seek
to preserve or alter the existing balance.

A hegemonic war, also known as a hegemonic stability war, refers to a type of conflict that
arises when there is a challenge to the dominance or hegemony of a leading or predominant
state in the international system. In international relations, the concept of hegemony refers
to the ability of one state or a group of states to exert disproportionate influence and control
over the rules, institutions, and dynamics of the international order.

A territorial war, also known as a territorial conflict or territorial dispute, is a type of conflict
that arises when two or more states or entities contest ownership or control over a specific
piece of land or territory. Territorial disputes can involve various forms of contention, such as
conflicting sovereignty claims, disputes over borders, and disagreements regarding the use
or management of a particular area

Total war is a concept in military and strategic studies that describes a type of warfare in
which a nation-state mobilizes all available resources, both military and civilian, to achieve a
complete and unconditional victory over an adversary. In total war, the entire society is
involved in the conflict, and all aspects of life, including the economy, industry, and the
civilian population, are considered integral components of the war effort.

A limited war is a military conflict that is intentionally restricted in terms of its objectives,
scope, or means used to achieve those objectives. In contrast to total war, where a nation
mobilizes all available resources and aims for complete victory, limited wars are characterized
by a more restrained approach, with defined goals and limitations on the use of force. The
restrictions in a limited war may be imposed by the involved parties themselves, by
international agreements, or by the nature of the conflict.

A civil war is a conflict between organized groups within the same state or country that aim
to take control of the central government, gain independence for a region, or achieve other
political objectives. Civil wars are characterized by violence, political, social, and economic
upheaval, and often involve complex issues of identity, ideology, or governance.

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