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TO: Television network

FROM: Paul Cracea, Student

SUBJECT: Social Issues in Romania


The aim of this report is the represent as good as possible the social issues of the romanian society, in
order to help the television create a accurate tv series, based on real facts.

Social Issues
Romania has one of the highest poverty rates in the European Union and the distance between the
richest and the poorest citizens in Romania is growing. These problems are often caused by a lack of
access to education and a lack of well-paid jobs.

Corruption is a problem with major social impact in Romania. This affects not only the public sector, but
also businesses in the private sector. Corruption can lead to the loss of public funds and resources, as
well as the discrimination and marginalization of those who do not participate in corrupt schemes.

Discrimination and social exclusion: Discrimination and social exclusion are significant problems in
Romania, including discrimination against the ethic and the skin color, as well as people with disabilities
and those living in poverty.
I would suggest to make the tv series as real as possible and not leave any information out, beacuse the
world needs to know the social problems the Romania is dealing with.
To sum up, these are some of the main social problems in Romania, which affect communities and
society as a whole. To address them in a positive way, collective action and the involvement of
government, the private sector and civil society is required.

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