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Name : Camila Andry Mubara

Class. : K1
Id : 23018075

Skimming and Scanning are two distinct reading strategies used to extracting information
efficiently from written texts. These strategies are particularly useful when dealing with large
volumes of information or when time is limited. In this overview, we'll delve into the definitions,
differences, and practical applications of skimming and scanning, drawing insights from recent
literature. Skimming involves rapidly glancing through a text to get a general overview of its content.
It entails focusing on headings, subheadings, topic sentences, and any other prominent features to
grasp the main ideas without delving into details. Scanning is a reading technique used to locate
specific information within a text quickly. Unlike skimming, which involves reading selectively,
scanning involves searching for particular keywords, phrases, or data points. Scanning requires a
focused and systematic approach, with readers moving their eyes quickly across the text to find the
relevant information. It is commonly used when looking for specific details or answers to questions
within documents, textbooks, or articles.Both skimming and scanning are indispensable skills in
today's information-rich world. By mastering these techniques, individuals can enhance their reading
speed, comprehension, and overall productivity. Educational institutions and workplaces can
incorporate skimming and scanning exercises into curriculum and training programs to equip
students and professionals with effective reading strategies Additionally, advancements in
technology, such as text summarization algorithms and natural language processing tools, offer
opportunities to automate and augment skimming and scanning processes, further improving
reading efficiency (

In summary, skimming is about getting the gist of a text by reading quickly and selectively, while
scanning is about finding specific information by searching rapidly and efficiently. Both techniques
are valuable for navigating large volumes of information and improving reading efficiency.

Skimming is typically used when you want to quickly get the main idea or a general overview of a
text without reading every word. It's handy for previewing content, finding specific information, or
determining if a text is relevant to your needs.

Scanning is commonly used when you want to quickly locate specific information from of large texts
or written materials. To scan text: after gaining an overview and skimming, identify the sections of
the text that you probably need to read. start scanning the text by allowing your eyes (or finger) to
move quickly over a page.




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