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Textual Genres

Narrative: Tells a story or recounts events, often with characters, plot, and

Descriptive: Provides detailed descriptions of people, places, objects, or events.

Expository/Informative: Presents factual information, explanations, or analyses on

a particular topic.

Persuasive/Argumentative: Attempts to convince or persuade the reader to adopt a

particular viewpoint or take specific action.

Analytical: Examines and interprets complex ideas, texts, or phenomena to

understand their underlying meaning or significance.

Report: Presents findings from research or investigation, often organized with

headings, subheadings, and sections.

Opinion/Editorial: Expresses the author's personal viewpoint, often on a current

issue or topic of interest.

Review: Provides an evaluation or critique of a book, film, product, performance,

or other works.

Instructional/Procedural: Offers step-by-step guidance or instructions for

completing a task or achieving a goal.

Interview: Presents a conversation or dialogue between an interviewer and one or

more interviewees, often with questions and responses.

Biographical: Tells the life story of an individual, highlighting significant

events, achievements, and experiences.

Autobiographical: Written by the author about their own life experiences, thoughts,
and reflections.

Travelogue: Describes the author's experiences and observations while traveling to

different places.

Historical: Examines past events, periods, or figures, often with analysis and

Literary Criticism: Analyzes and interprets literature, discussing themes,

symbolism, style, and other literary elements.

Poetry: Expresses emotions, ideas, or experiences through rhythmic and often

metaphorical language.

Drama/Play: Presents a story through dialogue and stage directions, intended for

Speech: Transcribed or written versions of spoken presentations or addresses.

Manifesto: Declares the beliefs, goals, or intentions of a person or group, often

in a passionate or persuasive manner.

Manifesto: Declares the beliefs, goals, or intentions of a person or group, often

in a passionate or persuasive manner.
Satire: Uses humor, irony, or exaggeration to criticize or comment on societal
issues, politics, or human behavior.

Technical Manual: Provides detailed instructions or information about how to

operate, assemble, or troubleshoot a device or system.

Business Proposal: Presents a plan or proposition for a business venture, project,

or initiative.

Legal Document: Formalizes agreements, contracts, laws, regulations, or other legal

matters in written form.

Academic Paper: Presents research findings, theories, or arguments within a

scholarly context, often adhering to specific citation styles and conventions.

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