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Social Structure and Economy:

Portuguese society was feudal, with a hierarchy of nobles, clergy, knights, and peasants.
In the north, large estates dominated, with peasants working the land for the nobility.
In the south, recently conquered from the Moors, the Crown encouraged settlement by offering privileges to
towns (concelhos). This fostered trade and a more diverse social structure.
Portugal's location on the Atlantic coast played an increasingly important role. Trade with England and the Low
Countries began to flourish.
Shifting Alliances and Dynastic Change (14th Century):

The 14th century saw internal conflicts and external threats. The Black Death pandemic devastated Europe, and
Portugal wasn't spared.
Tensions with neighboring Castile, another Christian kingdom, led to wars. The 1385 Crisis of Succession
plunged Portugal into a political crisis.
Through the victory at the Battle of Aljubarrota in 1385, D. João, Master of the Order of Avis, secured the
throne and established the House of Aviz. This dynasty would usher in the Age of Discovery in the following
The Portuguese Middle Ages were a period of forging a national identity, battling for religious dominance, and
building the foundations for future maritime exploration and global influence.

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