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This proposal is intended to outline why the Festival of Cookery in the college would be a great
idea to promote healthy eating. I will explain how could be organised and make suggestions to
make the festival exciting and fun.

Background information

The current situation is unsatisfactory as students are eating unhealthy out and in the college,
even when they have as an option the salad or the healthy food. The festival would be helpfull
for them to understand that low-fat food is also cool.

Suggestions and Recommendations for the event

 It would be a good idea to have stands where teachers with the students could cook
and try new recepies together. Trying new food is like an adventure, you go trough the
unknown, in the firs case; a new taste; and in the second; the darkness, for instance.
And adventures are exciting and really fun.
 It would be usefull to have activities where they have to discover the benefits of
healthy food. The advantage of this is that themselves are going to find out why some
food are unhealthy and their consequences. Consequently, they will not want that
type of food anymore.
 I would strongly recommend to give a week before some flyers and promote the event
in the social media of the college. With the porpose of bringing together as many
people as posible.


If these recommendations were to be implemented, I am sure the event will succeed and
would be extremely beneficial

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