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11 hard pills you need

to swallow to get
unstuck at work

(and have the career you deserve):

c h r i s t o p h e r r o c a s
You're not unlucky; you're


There’s not such thing as over


Stack your career skills

Be proactive, not reactive.

Make that ‘cold call’ instead of

waiting for the phone to ring.

c h r i s t o p h e r r o c a s
You're not overwhelmed;

you're under-prioritized.

Take back control:

Identify your "big rocks" each week.

Use the Eisenhower Matrix

Run the Pomodoro Technique to

work in sprints.

c h r i s t o p h e r r o c a s
You're not replaceable;

you're just not


Stand out:

Do the projects others are avoiding

Become the ‘go-to’ for a certain skill

If you don’t have a business coach,

do you even care about being


c h r i s t o p h e r r o c a s
Your job isn't killing you;

your lifestyle is.

“A healthy man wants a thousand

things, a sick man, only wants one.

Sweat every day

Get up out of your chair and stand

If it didn’t come from the earth don’t

eat it.

c h r i s t o p h e r r o c a s
Job loyalty isn't about
tenure; it's about growth
and impact.
Switching companies isn’t bad
Reevaluate job every 2 years.
Keep relationships for references.
Treat each job as an investment, not
a life sentence.

christopher rocas
Saying 'yes' to everything

is saying 'no' to your


Take back your time:

Use the "50-5 Rule."

Decline non-essential tasks.

Block ‘sacred hours’ on your


c h r i s t o p h e r r o c a s
Your workplace isn't toxic;

your coping skills are


Be stronger

Create a "wins" journal

Ground yourself "5-4-3-2-1"


Read everything by Adam Grant.

c h r i s t o p h e r r o c a s
You're not ignored at work;

you're just silent.

Be heard:

Speak up during meetings.

Show your work to decision-makers.

Keep a ‘jar of awesome’ work.

c h r i s t o p h e r r o c a s
You're not bored at work;

you're unchallenged.

Chase challenges

Master a new in-demand skill (AI)

Create playbooks for hard problems

Ask for more responsibilities, not

more tasks.

c h r i s t o p h e r r o c a s
You're not underpaid;

you're under-negotiating.

Take what you deserve:

Interview to find your ‘market rate’.

Collect wins and testimonials

Negotiate only when you are willing

to walk away.

c h r i s t o p h e r r o c a s
You don't have a work-life
problem; you have a
setting boundaries

Set your limits:

Have "hard stops" for work daily

Make your off-hours sacred.
The only ones who will remember
you worked late are your wife and

christopher rocas
Thanks for reading!

which one do you wish you

learned earlier in your
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mental models, and career acceleration.

christopher rocas

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