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Aienne Bianca Peralta

BSEd 3-1 Mathematics

ASL 2| EDUC 9: Reflection on WU-P Core Values

Core Values: Competence, Accountability, Spirituality, Unity, and Compassion

The core values of the university are seen on how the students were shaped through the years of their
residence in the university. I think it reflects more on how they live by after they leave the institution, it
reflects on how they act on their future work fields and how they handle their life responsibilities.

Competence, I think the word does not only apply on the students being academically competitive but
also on how the students will use this trait instilled in them, in going over their limits and competing with
the older version of themselves, it applies more on how they will handle possible challenges on their
future fields. Accountability, it follows the word competence for a reason. Being able to defeat your fear
and going over limitations is being able to be accountable for any action you’ll be making in the process.
Being able to stand for your ground and accept failures and changes.

Spirituality, is something being instilled in the mind of wesleyanians. Being able to remember how all of
your endeavors were possible through the faithfulness of God and being able to recognize and praise God
for the guidance. Unity, a word to describe how the students were being molded to work together and
compromise to meet the comfortability and phases of each other. Compassion, is to be able to fe

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