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3. People see what they want but only sometimes know what they see. We're all different.

To become an
effective communicator, we must influence the culture on communication style is significant. People
typically respond to our speech more so than to what we say. Implicit information about how to act in
various circumstances and how to perceive other people's conduct is provided to a culture's members. It
knows acceptable and successful communication techniques and can apply them in various
communication circumstances. Maintaining etiquette is having good communication etiquette that calls
for actions and approaches that enable you to convey information accurately while keeping good ties
with your superiors, coworkers, and clients.

2. Everybody naturally tends to view other cultures through their perspectives. Ethnocentrism occurs
when we erroneously think that our thinking and doing is the only valid one. As a result, we view
behaviors adversely if they don't match our conception of the universe. We consider other people's
actions as strange and inappropriate. We can be open to different cultures when we know their
practices, beliefs, and values. Even if some of us value our culture more than others, we should
appreciate both.

1. I think there is much to learn about other people's cultures to avoid judging one's cultural
views and habits as superior to those of other people, which is why my score was low. An
ethnocentric mindset while talking makes people from different cultures feel devalued. People
tend to shut down when they feel undervalued or dismissed. Therefore, communication is
ineffective and sometimes even harmful. For example, Filipinos show their respect to their eldest
by saying "po" and "opo" to them, while in other cultures, like in Japan and Korea, people bow
as a sign of respect to their eldest. For me, Giving and receiving care from others is essential
because it helps us to feel safe and to express ourselves. Being respected by essential people in
our lives growing up teaches us how to be respectful toward others.

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