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Shattered Glass is a film set in the early 1990s, focusing on Stephen Glass, a young journalist for The New
Republic. Despite his success, Glass was discovered to be fabricating articles and introducing fake
companies and people to his boss and coworkers. The film highlights the consequences of unethical
journalism and its impact on individuals, companies, and reputations. Glass's charisma and well-liked
personality put his life and reputation at risk.

Journalism is a challenging task that requires dedication and time. In Glass's case, he managed to capture
an audience through his captivating stories, but he did it unethically. He made journalism fake and
authentic by creating a fake website and having his brother pose as someone he claimed had interviews
for his story. Glass's panic and manipulation of the entire company and the public led to the public
believing his articles were authentic. This highlights the importance of honesty and integrity in

Glass admitted to his mistakes while working for The New Republic and expressed remorse in an
interview. While his regret is admirable, it doesn't fully compensate for his actions. Ethical journalism is
crucial for a writer or reporter, as unethical practices can undermine their power and impact on the

Glass admitted to his mistakes while working for The New Republic and expressed remorse. He
acknowledged the importance of ethics in journalism, as unethical practices can undermine one's power.
Glass's social pressure led him to fabricate articles, as his stories gained popularity and he was well-liked
by coworkers. The desire for more attention fueled Glass's actions, as he believed he would never be
caught. Glass's regret for his actions is admirable but does not make up for his unethical actions. Being
ethical in journalism is crucial for delivering factual information to readers.

In class, we discussed the importance of ethics in journalism, including spreading lies and making factual
mistakes. Honesty is crucial as journalists are responsible for spreading information that no one else can
provide. Jefferson Spurlock's article on self-esteem and social acceptance suggests that lying can be a
way to protect oneself, gain financial or social acceptance, and avoid punishment. However, such
behavior is unacceptable in journalism, as highlighted in Shattered Glass.

In conclusion, a motivated and naive journalist, Stephen Glass put everyone at risk through his actions.
His actions taught him the importance of taking time off work and the consequences of lying. The author
initially considered hiring Glass halfway through the movie after his first lie but cut him off after seeing
25 of 47 articles being fabricated. Being authentic and ethical in a journalism environment is the top
priority when releasing information to the public.

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