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● SSA1 2023 As questões de 20 a 23 avaliam o conhecimento de língua estrangeira

(Inglês ou Espanhol) de acordo com a sua opção de idioma indicado no ato da

inscrição. Questões de 20 a 23 (Opção Inglês) Text 17 for questions 20, 21, and 22.
PHOTO: UN Composition with photographs by PAHO (left), Martine Perret (center)
and UNICEF Ecuador-Arcos (right). The role of indigenous women in the
preservation and transmission of traditional knowledge Indigenous women are the
backbone of indigenous peoples’ communities and play a crucial role in the
preservation and transmission of traditional ancestral knowledge. They have an
integral collective and community role as carers of natural resources and keepers of
scientific knowledge. Many indigenous women are also taking the lead in the defense
of indigenous peoples’ lands and territories and advocating for indigenous peoples’
collective rights worldwide. However, despite the crucial role indigenous women play
in their communities as breadwinners, caretakers, knowledge keepers, leaders and
human rights defenders, they often suffer from intersecting levels of discrimination on
the basis of gender, class, ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Indigenous women
particularly suffer high levels of poverty; low levels of education and illiteracy;
limitations in the access to health, basic sanitation, credit and employment; limited
participation in political life; and domestic and sexual violence. Besides, their right to
self-determination, self-governance and control of resources and ancestral lands
have been violated over centuries. Small but significant progress has been made by
indigenous women in decision-making processes in some communities, achieving
leadership in communal and national roles, and stood on the protest frontlines to
defend their lands and the planet’s decreasing biodiversity. The reality, however,
remains that indigenous women are widely under-represented, disproportionately
negatively affected by decisions made on their behalf, and are too frequently the
victims of multiple expressions of discrimination and violence. This International Day
of Indigenous Peoples, let’s reclaim the role of these heroines. Disponível em: Acesso em 13/06/2022.
Adaptado. 11. Assinale a alternativa que registra CORRETAMENTE as ideias do
Texto 17. a) Apesar do papel de destaque que as mulheres indígenas têm
atualmente em suas comunidades, há um número considerável de jovens indígenas
que não consegue encontrar emprego no município, nem no estado em que seu
povo ancestral está situado, situação que é identificada também em outros países.
b) As mulheres indígenas são o alicerce de suas comunidades, onde a maioria
desempenha um papel relevante na transmissão do conhecimento e das tradições,
recebendo, assim, a atenção de que precisam: o respeito aos direitos humanos,
entre os quais acesso à saúde e à educação básica. c) Embora sejam “o pilar” de
suas comunidades, onde têm um papel coletivo e comunitário como cuidadoras e
detentoras do conhecimento científico, as mulheres indígenas sofrem com altos
níveis de pobreza e baixa escolaridade, além de limitações no aceso à saúde e
violações dos direitos ao longo dos séculos. d) As mulheres indígenas, pela
relevância que têm em suas localidades, alcançaram progressos importantes entre
as representações comunitárias atuais, conseguindo lideranças em âmbito nacional,
principalmente aquelas que moram próximo a grandes centros urbanos deste país e
lá fora. e) As comunidades indígenas que não assimilaram bem os costumes e a
cultura dos colonizadores são aquelas que apresentam um nível mais alto de
esclarecimento, além de um número expressivo de ações exigindo os direitos das
mulheres e das crianças indígenas no âmbito educacional. 12. In the excerpt
‘Besides, their right to self-determination, self-governance and control of resources
and ancestral lands have been violated over centuries.’ (paragraph 3), the author is
a) expressing doubt relating to the previous paragraph. b) imposing certain
conditions on women. c) expressing an idea of time to the facts. d) denying the rights
of indigenous women. e) adding information to support the argument. 13. Observe a
análise linguística a seguir: I. No 2º parágrafo, o autor elabora sua argumentação,
situando a temática na atualidade, por isso o tempo verbal predominante é o Simple
Present. II. As palavras land e territories, no 1º parágrafo, apresentam significados
distintos, estabelecendo quase uma relação de antonímia nesse contexto. III. No 4º
parágrafo, as palavras destacadas (but e however) são conectores ou linking words,
que apresentam ideia de conclusão e adição respectivamente. IV. No 2º parágrafo, a
palavra ‘breadwinnwers’ significa ‘provedoras’ e está sendo empregada para
dimensionar o papel das mulheres indígenas. V. O 3º parágrafo “Indigenous women
particularly suffer high levels of poverty; low levels of education and illiteracy;
limitations in the access to health, basic sanitation, credit and employment (...)”
apresenta vários adjetivos, pois estão se referindo ou qualificando os substantivos
pospostos, conforme regra de uso da língua inglesa. Estão CORRETAS apenas a) I,
IV e V. b) I e II. c) II e III. d) III e IV. e) II, III e V. Text 18 for question 23. Arctic Circle
Cartoons for Earth Day. Disponível em Acesso em 20/07/2022. 14. A tira
cômica veicula informação sobre uma das maneiras de ajudarmos a mudar o mundo
no contexto climático. Nesse sentido, assinale a alternativa que corresponde
CORRETAMENTE ao ponto de vista do autor. a) Embora não sejam humanos, os
pinguins conseguem preservar habilmente a natureza em seus habitats. b) Para
salvar os pinguins, que sofrem com as mudanças climáticas, não haverá voos
comerciais para as regiões polares. c) Como são aves que não podem voar, os
pinguins podem entrar em extinção, afetando seriamente a fauna marinha. d) Uma
das formas de mudar o mundo é seguir o exemplo dos pinguins – aves que não
voam – e viajar menos de avião. e) Para amenizar a crise climática que afeta todo o
Planeta, os animais terão de defender minimamente seu habitat. SSA2 2023 Text 01
for questions 33, 34, and 35. Skydiving: an amazing experience! INGLÊS by:
ChloeBlogger When I was 16, I wrote a bucket list. This was a list of things that I
wanted to do in my lifetime. One of the things on my bucket list was to do a skydive.
Two years ago, I spent three months travelling 1 South America. We visited so many
places and it was a great experience. One of the most amazing things we saw was
Iguassu Falls. The day after we visited the waterfalls we were relaxing in a hostel in
Brazil, having breakfast. My friend then suddenly noticed an advert on the wall saying
'skydive 2 Iguassu Falls today!' We looked at each other and decided it was time to
do 3 crazy. That afternoon we were picked up and taken to the Skydive Centre. We
put on our harnesses and helmets and we were given some instructions. After
signing a few papers, we were on our way to the plane! 4 14 of us in a very small
space as we took off into the air. This is when my heart started to beat very fast and I
felt lots of adrenaline. Suddenly we were 10,000 feet (3,000 metres) above the
ground. Luckily, I was strapped to an instructor so I didn't have to worry about 5 ; I
just had to enjoy myself. He asked me if I was ready to fall from the plane ... but
before I had time to answer, I felt the wind rushing against my face as we fell to the
ground at 200 km an hour! Everything 6 me looked so small and my breath was
literally taken away. After about 20 seconds of falling, the parachute opened and
everything slowed down. We floated peacefully towards earth, leaving the clouds 7
us. This was definitely one of the scariest 2 3 4 5 1 but most exhilarating experiences
of my life. I think that everyone should do something that scares them once in a
while! Disponível em:
. Acesso em: 26 jul.2021. Texto adaptado. 10. Considerando o contexto e as regras
gramaticais da língua inglesa, escolha a alternativa que preenche CORRETAMENTE
as lacunas do texto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a) around / over / something/ There were / anything
/ below / behind b) through / under / nothing / There isn’t / anything / behind / against
c) across / into / anything / There was / nothing / next / beside d) into / near /
something / There was / something / through / behind e) among / over / nothing /
There were / anyone / below / between 11. Leia estas passagens do texto e a
indicação do propósito comunicativo da autora em cada uma. I. In “Luckily, I was
strapped to an instructor so I didn't have to worry about (…); I just had to enjoy
myself.” (4th paragraph), she is expressing desire and fear. II. In the excerpt “I think
that everyone should do something that scares them once in a while!” (last
paragraph), the author is expressing an opinion. III. In “After about 20 seconds of
falling, the parachute opened and everything slowed down. We floated peacefully …”
(5th paragraph), she is narrating a sequence of actions. IV. In “(…) and it was a great
experience. One of the most amazing things we saw was Iguassu Falls.”, (2nd
paragraph), she is showing both anger and sadness. The CORRECT answer is a) in
alternatives I and II. b) only in alternative II. c) in alternatives II and III. d) in
alternatives III and IV. e) only in alternative IV. 12. In the excerpt: “After about 20
seconds of falling, the parachute opened and everything slowed down.” (last
paragraph), the highlighted verb is in the simple past, and can be translated into
Portuguese as a) alastrou-se. b) estancou. c) despencou. d) desacelerou. e) piorou.
Text 02 for questions 36, 37, and 38. The Myth of Sustainable Fashion Few
industries proclaim their sustainability credentials more forcefully than the fashion
industry. Products ranging from swimsuits to wedding dresses are marketed as
carbon positive, organic, or vegan while yoga mats made from mushrooms and
sneakers from sugar cane dot retail shelves. New business models including
recycling, resale, rental, reuse, and repair are sold as environmental life savers. The
sad truth however is that all this experimentation and supposed “innovation” in the
fashion industry over the past 25 years have failed to lessen its planetary impact — a
loud wake up call for those who hope that voluntary efforts can successfully address
climate change and other major challenges facing society. Take the production of
shirts and shoes, which has more than doubled in the past quarter century — three
quarters end up burned or buried in landfills. This feels like a personal failure of sorts.
For many years, I was the COO of Timberland, a footwear and clothing brand that
aspired to lead the industry toward a more sustainable future. The reasons for the
industry’s sustainability letdown are complicated. Pressure for implacable growth
summed with consumer demand for cheap, fast fashion have been great
contributors. 1 2 3 The precise negative environmental impact of the fashion industry
remains unknown, but it is enormous. The industry’s boundaries spread globally and
its multitiered supply chain remains complex and opaque. Thanks to trade
liberalization, globalization, and enduring cost pressures, very few brands own the
assets of their upstream factories, and most companies outsource final production.
“There are still very, very few brands who know where their stuff comes from in the
supply chain, and even fewer of them have entered into active relationships with
those suppliers to reduce their carbon footprint,” says environmental scientist Linda
Greer. Estimates of the industry’s carbon impact range from 4% to 10% of overall
global carbon emissions. Like all industries, fashion is nested in a broader system. It
is a system premised on growth. While serving as an executive in the industry, never
once did a CFO ask me if the business could contract to yield a more durable
customer base. This obstinate pursuit of growth, of “more,” drives strategies that are
specific to the fashion industry. Despite the improvements in technology and
communications, predicting demand across tens of styles that are launched
seasonally is much easier than doing the same for thousands of styles released
monthly. Therefore, fashion inventories inevitably accumulate, and 40% of fashion
goods are sold at a markdown. “The urge to sell more and get consumers to buy
more is still in the DNA of the industry,” says Michael Stanley-Jones, co-secretary for
the UN Alliance for Sustainable Fashion. “Clothes have a very short life span and
end up in the dump.” The speed of this hedonic treadmill continues to ramp up
exponentially. Five years ago, McKinsey reported that shorter production lead times
enabled by technology and revised business systems enabled brands to “introduce
new lines more frequently. Zara offers 24 new clothing collections each year; H&M
offers 12 to 16 and refreshes them weekly.” This acceleration and proliferation of
“newness” served as a constant draw to bring consumers back to sites and stores.
(…) (PUCKER, Kenneth P. Harvard Business Review. Disponível em: Acesso em 20 jun. 2022.
Adaptado.) 13. Entre as afirmações a seguir, assinale a única que está de acordo
com o Texto 02. a) Embora a indústria da moda divulgue de forma veemente suas
credenciais de sustentabilidade, os impactos ambientais sofridos são enormes,
ainda que desconhecidos, sendo esse um setor que se baseia obstinadamente no
crescimento. b) A indústria da moda é uma das pioneiras na busca de
sustentabilidade ambiental e, embora sendo enorme sua produção, existem, nesse
setor, parâmetros que devem ser respeitados para não impactar negativamente os
ecossistemas. c) Em razão de sua crescente produtividade, a indústria da moda é
sempre divulgada pelos efeitos negativos ao 5 4 6 7 CFO = Chief financial officer
COO = Chief operating officer meio ambiente, porém não são conhecidas suas
formas de produção sustentável, a exemplo dos investimentos em créditos de
carbono. d) A acelerada produção da indústria da moda tem causado danos ao meio
ambiente, mas os grandes produtores do setor têm buscado compensações,
revertendo os números que antes eram avantajados, iniciando a recuperação dos
ecossistemas. e) Apesar de se mostrar eficiente no modelo sustentável, há muito o
que se fazer para reverter os índices de poluição causados pela indústria da moda,
que ora está desenvolvendo pesquisas para revelar o real tamanho de sua pegada
de carbono. 14. In paragraph 6, Michael Stanley-Jones, co-secretary for the UN
Alliance for Sustainable Fashion, says “Clothes have a very short life span and end
up in the dump”. What did he mean? a) Clothes are very expensive and it’s not worth
investing in fashion anymore. b) Nowadays fashion varies a lot and young people
can never keep up with. c) Luxury fashion items are the ones that pollute the most in
the United States. d) Today the industrial sector is turning the planet into a big
garbage can. e) Clothing are items of short durability and they finish in the garbage
dump. 15. Considerando o contexto e as regras de gramatica da língua inglesa,
assinale a análise linguística CORRETA. a) No trecho “The precise negative
environmental impact of the fashion industry remains unknown, but it is enormous.
The industry’s boundaries spread globally and its multitiered supply chain remains
complex and opaque. (…)” (paragraph 4), há uma curta narrativa em que
predominam verbos no Simple Past. b) Em “ (…) Zara offers 24 new clothing
collections each year; H&M offers 12 to 16 and refreshes them weekly.”, (paragraph
7), o autor emprega os verbos no Simple Present para expressar ações que têm
uma certa regularidade. c) No trecho “Like all industries, fashion is nested in a
broader system. It is a system premised on growth.” (Paragraph 5), a forma verbal
destacada pode ser substituída por is needed sem que se altere o seu significado
inicial. d) Em “Despite the improvements in technology and communications,
predicting demand across tens of styles that are launched seasonally...” (paragraph
6), o autor insere um conector de adição, buscando fortalecer sua argumentação. e)
Na passagem “New business models including recycling, resale, rental, reuse, and
repair are sold as environmental life savers.” (paragraph 1), há uma comparação
marcada pela ideia de superioridade, enfatizando formas de sustentabilidade. SSA3
2023 Text 01 for questions 25, 26, and 27. A NEW ALTERNATIVE TO CAR
OWNERSHIP Image: New drivers are
usually excited about their new freedom: “My mom doesn’t have to drive me
everywhere anymore! I don’t have to ask my friends for rides to school!” When you
don’t have your own car yet, any price seems worth paying. But once you buy a car,
you can’t forget your car payments and insurance premiums, or you won’t be a driver
for very long. You can’t leave gas and maintenance out of the budget either. Car
sharing offers an alternative to these problems, however. Members of carsharing
groups have a car when they need one for either short trips of vacations, but they
don’t have the high expenses of ownership. They pay very little to use a shared car,
and they don’t have to worry about maintaining the car or paying the insurance. Fees
for short trips are only about $3.00 an hour plus $0,50 per mile. Groups do not have
strict requirements either. Members must not have bad driving records or poor credit,
and they must not return the cars in poor shape or they will pay extra. FUCHS, M.;
BONNER, M. Grammar Express. New York: Longman, 2000. p.148. (Adaptado). 10.
According to the text, when you buy a car you a) continue asking your friends for
rides to school. b) can’t forget your car insurance premiums. c) can relax and forget
your car payments. d) go on asking people to drive you everywhere. e) can return the
cars in poor shape without paying extra. 11. Accordind to the text, members of
carsharing a) have the same high expenses of ownership. b) have dificulties to have
a car when they need one. c) have many expenses to use a shared car. d) don’t have
to pay for maintaining or for the insurance car. e) Can return the cars in poor shape
without paying extra. 12. In the sentence “Fees for short trips are only about $3.00 an
hour plus $0,50 per mile” (paragraph 3), the highlighted word is translated into
Portuguese by a) multas. b) lucros c) taxas. d) juros. e) bônus. Text 02 for question
28. 13. Look at the cartoon below and check the doctor’s exact words, using the
direct speech. The CORRECT answer is a) Eat a heavy meal before bed. b) Don’t
eat a heavy meal before bed. c) Not to eat a heavy meal before bed. d) Eat a heavy
meal after bed. e) Don’t go to bed before eating. FUCHS, M.; BONNER, M. Grammar
Express. New York: Longman, 2000. (Adaptado). 14. Mark the CORRECT alternative
to complete each dialogue with the proper phrasal verb. (1) (2) A: Could I speak to
Mr. Clark, please? A: Theo has been in bed for three days. B: on a minute. I’ll put you
through. B: I hope he over this flu soon. (3) (4) A: Hello, Tom? It’s Ben. A: Cough!
Cough! B: Hi, Ben. What’s the matter? B: I think you should up smoking. A: My car
has down again. (1) (2) (3) (4) a) Stop / has / brake / cough b) Wait / is / going / go c)
Turn / gets / be / give d) Hold / get / is / speak e) Hold / gets / broken / give Text 03
for questions 30, 31, 32, and 33. Dear Coldplay, listen to Massive Attack and save
yourselves from greenwashing Coldplay had a head full of dreams this week when
they announced the details of a low-emission world tour driven by concerns for
sustainability. Some of the green interventions are well-meaning, other are just
gimmicks, such as a kinetic dance floor that generates electricity from the movement
of fans. However, the detail of some of the proposed climate measures would appal
even the mildly eco-minded. Perhaps worst of all is the partnership with Neste – a
Finnish oil refining and marketing corporation that will provide the band with
“sustainable aviation fuel” for flights and “renewable diesel” for tour transportation
and stage power generation. Lead singer Chris Martin, on their current Music of the
Spheres tour. Photograph: Getty Images. 2 1 Neste claims to be the world’s biggest
biofuel company, processing 1.3m tonnes of palm oil and palm oil products into fuel
in 2019, according to Friends of the Earth. Biofuels are composed of animals or plant
waste, such as ethanol derived from maize, and are therefore marketed as
“renewable”. The problems start with the huge land area growing crops for biofuel
can require, often driving land grabs and presenting insurmountable challenges to
food security. Besides this, biofuel production is hardly a climatic or ecological
paradise – it causes severe emissions and habitat and biodiversity loss through
deforestation. You could excuse the band’s headlong dive into what critics have
called “greenwash” as a rush of blood to the head – had they not announced a pause
on touring in 2019 until they could do so carbon neutrally. Three years later, they
thought halfway was good enough, with their 2022 tour project to be 50% lower in
emissions than their last, with the other half achieved through offsetting.
Decarbonizing live music is necessary, laudable and a daunting task. But, like many
facets of the climate world, the real routes to cutting emission are rarely sexy.
Coldplay are not the first to explore this, with Radiohead attempting a low-carbon tour
in 2008, making use of alternative travel and local equipment hiring. More recent
contenders for green rock stars include Massive Attack, who have argued that the
challenge is “to avoid more pledges, promises and greenwashing headlines and
instead embrace seismic change”. Massive Attack’s report suggests less aviation,
rather than celebrating alternative fuels, is necessary. Scepticism of sustainable
aviation fuels, after all, is justified: they have been promised for decades, but only
accounted for 0.01% of jet fuel in 2019. Importantly, Massive Attack eschew carbon
offsets, currently the go-to climate solution for most eco-minded people in the music
industry. Coldplay say they will make their tour “neutral” by offsetting the other half
through technologies like carbon capture and storage. But campaigners and climate
scientists have long argued offsetting should be reserved only for
“hard-to-decarbonize” sectors – think the cement industry, not gigs. Otherwise, it
simply provides a quick fix excuse for the rich and famous who plan to pollute now
and offset later. Of course, not all of Coldplay’s efforts are for show, and it is an
admirable step down the path to zero-emissions music. But to really make an impact,
more consideration should be put into what they are indirectly promoting with the
emissions reductions schemes. Perhaps this could start with a conscious uncoupling
from Neste. Disponível em:
enwashing-neste Acesso: 20/05/2022. (Texto adaptado.) 15. Based on the text, it is
CORRECT to say that a) the British rock band Coldplay is going on a world tour
supported by environmentally friendly companies, aiming to defend green projects
and ecological ideas. b) the most famous British bands compete to contribute to the
environment and reduce current climate problems, but Massive Attack is the leader
among them, as it makes constant donations of carbon credits. c) among the green
interventions adopted by Coldplay for their world tour, some are good, but others are
just gimmicks, and the proposed climate measures could impact even the most
moderate of ecologists. d) Coldplay is not trying to adopt green solutions for the
environment in their 2022 tour because they have already made a great donation of
carbon credits, and that was an important step to zero-emissions music. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 e) Coldplay’s biggest contribution to the environment was made on their 2019
tour, with a valuable green intervention due to low aviation fuel consumption and
carbon credit donations. 16. In the passage “Importantly, Massive Attack eschew
carbon offsets, currently the go-to climate solution for most eco-minded people in the
music industry”. (paragraph 9), the highlighted verb can be translated into
Portuguese by a) obter, adquirir algo. b) pagar por algo. c) acrescentar algo. d)
evitar, afastar-se de algo. e) concordar com algo. 17. In the sentence “Perhaps this
could start with a conscious uncoupling from Neste”. (paragraph 10), the author is a)
approving the measures adopted by the biofuel company. b) encouraging the British
band to continue the partnership with Neste. c) recognizing Coldplay’s reasons to
accept Neste’s support. d) supporting Neste’s actions as well as the company’s point
of view. e) suggesting to Coldplay a disconnection from the Finnish oil company. 18.
Observe as breves análises linguísticas apresentadas a seguir e assinale a
alternativa CORRETA. a) O trecho “You could excuse the band’s headlong dive into
what critics have called “greenwash” as a rush of blood to the head – had they not
announced a pause on touring in 2019 […]”, 5º parágrafo, é permeado pelo sentido
conotativo, apresentando uma comparação na parte sublinhada. b) Na oração
“Besides this, biofuel production is hardly a climatic or ecological paradise […], 4º
parágrafo, há uma ideia de contraste expressa pelo conector (linking word)
destacado e uma de tempo, expressa pelo advérbio. c) No trecho “Otherwise, it
simply provides a quick fix excuse for the rich and famous who plan to pollute now
and offset later” (9º parágrafo), foram empregadas formas verbais no infinitivo para
indicar os sujeitos. d) Na passagem “Perhaps worst of all is the partnership with
Neste – a Finnish oil refining and marketing corporation that will provide the band
with ‘sustainable aviation fuel’ […]”, 2º parágrafo, não há dúvida, para a autora, de
que o pior de tudo é a banda ser apoiada pela empresa petrolífera Neste. e) No
trecho “Biofuels are composed of animals or plant waste, such as ethanol derived
from maize, and are therefore marketed as ‘renewable’ ” (3º parágrafo), há uma
exemplificação de combustíveis fósseis, enfatizando seu valor no mercado dos
transportes. Text 04 for question 34. Disponível em:,54802
. Acesso em 03/06/2022. 19. O comentário do personagem (extraterrestre) deixa
transparecer a) um tom de deboche às investidas de seres alienígenas, que tentam
incansavelmente espionar nosso meio ambiente e tecnologias exponenciais em suas
jornadas ao planeta Terra. b) uma ironia dirigida aos cidadãos, principalmente aos
norte-americanos, que defendem a vinda de heróis e alienígenas, nos moldes da
indústria cinematográfica, para salvar o Planeta. c) uma crítica aos empreendedores
deste planeta, que, mesmo na possibilidade de usarem tecnologias sustentáveis
para o meio ambiente, ainda preferem a prática de créditos de compensação de
carbono. d) uma sátira às tecnologias provavelmente oriundas de outras galáxias
cujos avanços nunca foram comprovados pelos pesquisadores nem pelos
incansáveis ufólogos. e) uma crítica positiva ao agronegócio, que não traz malefícios
nem benefícios ao meio ambiente, embora seja constantemente alvejado nos meios
de comunicação. SSA1 2024 As questões de 20 a 23 avaliam o conhecimento de
língua estrangeira (Inglês ou Espanhol) de acordo com a sua opção de idioma
indicado no ato da inscrição. Questões de 20 a 23 (Opção Inglês) Text 12 (for
question 20) A Giant Telescope Grows in Chile LAS CAMPANAS OBSERVATORY,
Chile – To walk among the observatory domes of the Atacama Desert is to brush
your hair with the stars. The Atacama, on a plateau high in the Chilean Andes, is one
of the driest and darkest places in the world. During the day one can see to Bolivia,
far to the east, where clouds billow into thunderstorms that will never moisten this
region. At night, calm, unruffled winds off the Pacific Ocean produce some of the
most incredible stargazing conditions on Earth. One evening in late January the sky
was so thick with stars that the bones of the constellations blurred into the
background. The Milky Way, our home galaxy, was rolling straight overhead, and the
Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, satellite galaxies of our own, floated alongside
like ghosts. The Southern Cross, that icon of adventure and romance, loomed
unmistakably above the southern horizon. In the last half-century, astronomers from
around the world have flocked to Chile and its silky skies, and now many of the
largest telescopes on Earth have taken root along a sort of observatory alley that
runs north-south for some 800 miles along the edge of the Atacama. By Dennis
Overbye Disponível em:
tml Acesso em: 15 jun. 2023. Adaptado. 1. Com base nas informações do Texto 12,
assinale a alternativa CORRETA. a) Os ventos fortes vindos do Oceano Pacífico
produzem, no deserto do Atacama, as condições perfeitas para a observação de
estrelas raras de nossa galáxia. b) Astrônomos do mundo inteiro decidiram explorar
o deserto do Atacama para descobrir as melhores condições de observação até a
metade deste século. c) O Atacama, situado num planalto dos Andes chilenos, é um
dos lugares mais secos e escuros do mundo, mas durante o dia é possível avistar a
Bolívia ao leste. d) É possível fazer observações sem uso de telescópio durante o
mês de janeiro, e qualquer um pode identificar as constelações mais românticas de
nossa galáxia. e) O Chile costuma receber grandes telescópios e os astrônomos
mais requisitados do mundo para darem palestras e fazerem experiências sob o céu
do Atacama. Photograph by Marcos Zegers. Text 13 (for question 21) 2. Leia o
cartum a seguir. Disponível em:
Acesso em: 14 abr. 2023. Assinale a alternativa que registra CORRETAMENTE o
sentido humorístico do cartum. Nele, o autor a) ilustra a falta de entendimento de
certos colegas, que querem se reunir on-line, porém em dias diferentes. b) critica as
dificuldades que certas pessoas têm de usar as tecnologias quando estão no espaço
doméstico. c) ironiza os usuários que não conseguem definir as coisas mais simples
quando estão em reunião on-line. d) sugere que algumas pessoas assumem um
comportamento antissocial e autoritário quando trabalham on-line. e) ilustra, com
exagero, que os funcionários estão trabalhando on-line, mas ficam desconectados
do tempo social. Text 14 (for questions 22 and 23) Disponível em:
/ssAA193IUQ#image=8 Acesso em: 19/05/2023. 3. Na tira cômica, o sentido
humorístico é produzido pela reação de Hagar, no 2º quadrinho, deixando
transparecer que ele a) ignora os conselhos e, com sua habitual rebeldia, desafia o
religioso a acompanhá-lo até a velha taverna. b) rejeita ser tratado como “irmão”
pelo religioso e responde com ironia aos conselhos, agindo à moda dos vikings. c)
supõe que está agindo mal e inventa algo para despistar o sacerdote, a fim de
chegar logo à sua taverna favorita. d) compreende o que lhe diz o sacerdote e
despede-se dele, mostrando-lhe que está bem perto de sua residência. e) entende a
fala do religioso apenas no sentido denotativo e mostra que conhece bem o caminho
da taverna. 4. No 1º quadrinho da tira, ao dizer “Hagar, my brother, I fear (...)”, o
propósito comunicativo do sacerdote é a) expressar alívio. b) exprimir satisfação. c)
mostrar-se severo. d) expressar receio. e) manifestar confiança.

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