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1. Time Spent Watching Traditional TV.

Nielsen tracks the amount of time that people spend

consuming media content across different platforms (digital, audio, television) in the United States.
Nielsen has found that traditional television viewing habits vary based on the age of the consumer
as an increasing number of people consume media through streaming devices (Nielsen website).

The following data represent the weekly traditional TV viewing hours in 2016 for a sample of 14
people aged 18–34 and 12 people aged 35–49.

Viewers Time are in hours

18 – 34 14,6 17,3 17,8 18,3 19,1 19,2 19,6 20,5 21 22,9 23,4 23,4 24,2 27,1
35 - 49 24,9 29,5 29,9 30,8 30,9 31,9 33,8 34,9 35,4 35,8 36,2 36,7

Compare the mean and median viewing hours for each age group. Which group watches more
traditional TV per week

2. Distribusi frekuensi berikut melaporkan biaya listrik untuk sampel 50 rumah tangga.

Biaya Listrik
(dalam ribu rupiah)
50 - 99 5
100 - 149 11
150 - 199 16
200 - 249 12
250 - 299 6

Berdasarkan the range rule of thumb, jika terdapat sebuah rumah tangga yang mengeluarkan
biaya pemakaian listrik sebesar Rp 55rb, apakah biaya itu termasuk biaya yang wajar dalam
kelompok rumah tangga tersebut?

3. Berikut adalah data sampel usia driver (dalam tahun) dari dua perusahaan ojek online terkenal di

Ojek 23 34 31 22 20 42 36 41 27 27
A 33 35 45 46 30 33 29 28 27 28

Ojek 45 40 40 32 27 26 36 35 33 32
B 25 27 42 28 29 31 32 31 30 38

a. Perusahaan ojek manakah yang usia drivernya lebih bervariasi.

b. Apabila kedua perusahaan ingin mempertahankan driver yang berusia muda sebanyak 85%,
berapakah usia tertinggi yang dipertahankan masing-masing perusahaan ojek online
4. Work Commuting Methods. Public transportation and the automobile are two methods an
employee can use to get to work each day. Samples of times recorded for each method are

Method Time are in minutes

Public Transportation : 28 29 32 37 33 25 29 32 41 34
Automobile : 29 31 33 32 34 30 31 32 35 33

which method of transportation should be preferred? Explain

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