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I. Introduction
A. Overview of social media usage worldwide
B. Definition of mental health and its significance
C. Thesis statement: Exploring the multifaceted impact of social media on mental health

II. The Positive Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

A. Social support and community building
B. Access to information and resources
C. Opportunities for self-expression and creativity

III. The Negative Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

A. Comparison and self-esteem issues
B. Cyberbullying and harassment
C. Fear of missing out (FOMO) and anxiety
D. Addiction and excessive screen time

IV. The Role of Social Media Platforms and Design

A. Algorithms and personalized content
B. User interface and design features
C. Impact on user behavior and mental well-being

V. Demographic and Cultural Factors

A. Age differences in social media usage and its effects
B. Gender disparities in experiences and responses
C. Cultural influences on perceptions of social media and mental health

VI. Coping Mechanisms and Interventions

A. Digital literacy and media literacy programs
B. Online mental health resources and support groups
C. Strategies for promoting digital well-being and balance

VII. Future Directions and Recommendations

A. Areas for further research and exploration
B. Policy implications and regulatory considerations
C. Personal and societal responsibilities in promoting healthy social media use

VIII. Conclusion
A. Recap of key findings and arguments
B. Call to action for fostering a healthier relationship with social media
C. Final thoughts on the intersection of social media and mental health

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