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1.3 What is Wild?

Does it roar, does it growl?

Is it beast, fish or fowl?

Inhabit rainforests, or snowy peaks?

Live in deserts or the ocean deeps?

Does it have stripes, wear armour?

Exotic feathers or thick fur?

Is it whiskered, huge and ferocious?

Have claws on its paws, good gracious!

Does it grow wild in forests deep?

Tangles of branches where monkeys leap?

That's just where we all go wrong

Thinking wild is a lion or gorilla strong.

What’s wild can be large: a blue whale or elephant

But also microscopic: like an amoeba, mite or ant!

WiIdlife can be insect, reptile or bird

Living alone in a cave, or all in a herd.

It can be the trees in the jungle dark

But also trees in a garden or moss in the park.

It's the living things that we have not tamed

As pets in our home, or in farms retained.

That live on their own as creatures free

In cracks in our homes, or up on a tree.

Lizards, spiders, weeds, rats and snails

Are wildlife as much as tigers or whales.

You don't have to climb mountains or dive very deep

Plunge into dark jungles or ride miles in a jeep.

There’s a wildlife safari you can take any day

Through home or garden, or just along the way.

Just keep your eyes open and all your senses alert

Look out for these creatures, even in the dirt.

You'll find the world around teeming with life

From tiny to enormous, you can call it all wildlife!

By Mamata Pandya

From Walking the Wild Path, published by Centre for Environment Education, 1999.

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