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Electronic Hand Tools and Test Equipments:

a. Auxiliary Tools:

1. Magnifying Glass- used to magnify an image or object

2. Paintbrush- used to clean dirty parts of a circuit or object

b. Boring Tools:

1. 12V mini-drill- used to bore holes in the PCB

2. Portable electric drill- used to bore holes that are made of metal/plastic using drill bits
3. Metal Files- series of sharp and parallel ridges or teeth
Ex. Flat File, Half-Round File, and Round File/ Rat Tail File

c. Cutting Tools:

1. Hacksaw- used for cutting metals

2. Utility Knife- used for cutting lightweight materials

d. Driving Tools:

1. Screwdriver- used to insert, tighten, or loosen, and remove screws

Ex. Jewelers screwdriver, Philip screw, and Slotted screw

e. Electric Equipment

1. Oscilloscope- used to see the current signal voltage in a device being tested
2. Signal Generator- generates simple wave forms
3. Volt- ohm- milliammeter

f. Soldering Tools

1. Desoldering Tool- used to remove soldering wires & components from the PCB
2. Soldering Iron- composed of a heated metal tip & insulated handle, used to melt the
3. Soldering Toolstand- where the soldering iron is placed

g. Splicing Tools

1. Long Nose Pliers- used to hold, bend, and stretch the lead of electronic components
2. Side Cutter Pliers- used for cutting wires
3. Wire Stripper- used to strip the electrical insulation from electric wires
Resistor Color Codes:

Electronic Components

are parts of an electronic system or device, that when combined, forms electronic circults

Basic Electronic Components:

1. Capacitor - temporarily stores electrical charge in an electrical field.

2. Diode - lets the current flow in only one direction.

3. Integrated Circuit (IC) - contains an entire electronic circuit that is contained inside a chip.

4. Light-emitting diode (LED) - emits light when current passes through it.

5. Resistor - resists the flow of the current

6. Transistor - semiconductor device that is capable of amplification.

7. Wire - connects the component to the others so that the current can pass through.

8. Cell- supplies electrical energy to a circuit.

9. Fuse - safety device designed to melt the circuit when current exceeds the specific value

10. Transformer - consist of two coils that are linked by an iron core.

Electronic Symbols:

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