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Narrative Report

Key Instructional Strategies in Teaching Mathematics - The Formal and Non-Formal Math and
Lesson Planning
Teacher III

I discussed the importance of employing effective instructional strategies in teaching

mathematics, focusing on both formal and non-formal approaches including parts of the lesson
plan. This narrative report aims to provide an overview of the key strategies discussed during the
session and their significance in enhancing student learning experiences.

During the talk, I emphasized the significance of formal instructional strategies in teaching
mathematics. Examples of such strategies include direct instruction, explicit teaching, and
structured lessons. These strategies provide students with a solid foundation by presenting
mathematical concepts in a logical and systematic manner. Learners are guided through step-by-
step instructions, ensuring a clear understanding of the subject matter.

In addition to formal instructional strategies, I also discussed the value of incorporating non-
formal approaches in teaching mathematics. Non-formal strategies real-world situation to make
math more understandable and enjoyable for them. These strategies promote active learning,
problem-solving, and critical thinking skills while making the subject more relatable and
meaningful for the pupils.

The discussion on key instructional strategies in teaching mathematics highlighted the

importance of both formal and non-formal approaches. By utilizing formal strategies such as
direct instruction and problem-based learning, teachers can provide a solid foundation and
facilitate critical thinking. With the integration of these strategies, educators can foster a deeper
appreciation for mathematics and empower learners to become confident problem solvers.

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