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Viane Rose Maaño



My mother is undeniably my ultimate role model, a source of constant inspiration in my life. Her
unwavering strength, resilience, and boundless love have shaped me into the person I am today.
From a young age, I witnessed her navigating the complexities of life with grace and
determination. Her ability to face challenges head-on, coupled with a positive attitude, has been
nothing short of remarkable.
One of the most admirable traits I find in my mother is her selflessness. She has always put the
needs of our family above her own, sacrificing her time and energy to ensure our well-being. Her
nurturing nature extends beyond our immediate family, as she effortlessly extends her care and
compassion to friends and neighbors. Through her actions, she has taught me the profound
impact of kindness and the importance of making a positive difference in the lives of others.
My mother's work ethic is a beacon of inspiration for me. Balancing the responsibilities of a
demanding career and the demands of a family is no small feat, yet she tackles each day with a
determination that I find awe-inspiring. Her commitment to continuous learning and personal
growth has instilled in me a deep appreciation for education and the pursuit of excellence.
Beyond her practical wisdom, my mother has also been a pillar of emotional support. In times of
joy, sorrow, or uncertainty, she has been my confidante and a source of guidance. Her ability to
navigate the complexities of emotions with empathy and understanding has been instrumental in
shaping my own emotional intelligence.
In essence, my mother is not just a role model; she is a living embodiment of the values and
principles that I hold dear. Her influence extends far beyond the boundaries of our home,
touching the lives of those fortunate enough to know her. As I continue on my journey through
life, I aspire to emulate her strength, kindness, and resilience, hoping to make her proud and
carry forward the legacy of love and compassion she has so beautifully woven into our family

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