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Some of these can also be used as quick tips that you can
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Symptoms of type 1 diabetes often come on suddenly and are

severely dramatic. The extra stress of diabetes can lead to
something called diabetic ketoacidosis. Symptoms of
ketoacidosis may include nausea and vomiting, which may
also lead to dehydration and serious problems with the blood
levels of potassium. This could lead to a diabetic coma and
ultimately death.


Since you had to be diagnosed by a doctor for your diabetes,

you should talk to that same doctor and get advice on your best
course of action. Since your situation and medical needs are
specific to you, it is important to get advice based on what the
doctor has discovered. Special diabetes medication may be
needed immediately.


Diabetes is a disease of the metabolism. Our metabolism is

what the way our bodies use digested food for energy and

A piece of good news, however, is that if an overweight

individual is diagnosed with pre-diabetes, then he or she
could reduce that risk simply by losing the excess weight.
This also shows that there is a direct correlation between
the two. Diabetes can often be pushed back a number of
years simply by doing this. In some cases, it may even be
able to be completely avoided. It usually only takes losing
about 7% of your body weight, on average, to have this
effect. Some may require more, but any weight loss for an
overweight person is a move toward better health in the
long run.


With obesity levels being at an all time high, the epidemic

of type 2 diabetes is growing at an alarming rate, and will
only get worse.


There are certain symptoms that shouldn't be ignored if

they develop. These symptoms could lead to blindness,
amputation of limbs, coma or even death.


Another reason to contact your medical professional would be

to find out if he or she is able to provide you with other valuable
information in the form of classes, books, brochures, and other
up to date literature. He or she may also be able to direct you
to a support group in your area.

Eating out at a restaurant will be very tempting to throw your diet

overboard while you are there. You need to remember, though,
that it is the high blood sugar levels that cause the damage to
your organs. If ignored long enough - or frequently enough, it will
eventually catch up to you - and you will not be able to run away
from it. New promises will not help either. This makes it all that
much more important to get on a solid diabetic diet plan and
stick to it. Lose that extra weight and do all you can to keep it
off. This is where a good exercise program comes in too. Find a
friend that also needs to lose some weight and help each other.


We are a gluttonous society and ultimately it is affecting

how we live and how long we live. And unfortunately, the
diabetes epidemic is not just a US problem. It is spreading
worldwide with epidemic reports in Asia, the Middle East
and the Caribbean.


Not knowing is the worst because risks of untreated

diabetes puts us at a terrible risk of complications
including but not limited to blindness, amputations and
ultimately death.


Therefore the pancreas can produce little to no insulin.

These people are in need of daily injections of insulin to
live. Five to ten percent of diabetes cases are type 1 in
the US.

Losing extra pounds would be one of the most significant

steps you could take in your fight with diabetes. It is the
extra pounds that can lead to what is called a metabolic
syndrome. This means extra fat around the waist actually
helps create diabetes because it seems that the fat
actually helps create a natural insulin resistance. Retaining
this extra weight is simply a vote for diabetes, heart disease
and high blood pressure. The three recommended changes
are ways to lose those extra pounds.


Symptoms of diabetes mellitus include increased urine

production, excessive thirst, extreme fatigue, and
excessive thirst and weight loss. These symptoms though may
not be present in those people with only mildly elevated
sugar levels.


You will also need to learn how to make preparations when

you are away from home, traveling, and other situations. A
diabetic diet, to be most effective, needs to be adhered to
as much as possible - even when eating at fast-food
restaurants. The alternative, of course, is to take low calorie
food with you from home - which means you need to plan
ahead. Also, if there are plenty of high-calorie snacks
available around the office, you will need to have your own
low-calorie substitutes.

Once you have created your diet plan, and have calculated in
the right amount of calories, you will need to stick to the plan.
The reason for this is to regulate your blood sugar levels and
keep them as even as possible. This means that it will be
important for you to eat everything on your plan at each mean
and at the snack times, too. The thing that you do not want is
to have your blood sugar levels get too high or too low.
Remember that both could be harmful.


One new development is that insulin can now be given as either

short-term effect or long-term effect. The long-term effect needs
only to be injected once a day and keeps sugar levels
moderated pretty evenly throughout the day. The short-term
effect is taken before meals and helps regulate the sugars


Other symptoms of diabetes may include extreme fatigue. We

all get tired at times, but diabetes triggers a more severe
fatigue than normal. People with diabetes also experience
unexplained weight loss. This is because they are unable to
process many of the calories they consume. Losing sugar
and water in the urine also contributes to the weight loss.


Another class of medication is called TZD’s (thiazolidenediones)

and work to improve the body's response to insulin. It is
believed to work well at just about any stage of diabetes and
can help protect the arteries as well.

Proper management can give you many years of healthy
living. Diabetes management starts with a visit to your doctor.
first, finding out you have diabetes, what type you have
then arming yourself with as much information as possible
about the diabetes you are diagnosed with.


You should know that diabetes could be avoided. It is about

the only disease that can be. Some lifestyle changes will be
needed rather quickly. These changes involve what you eat
and how, getting regular exercise, and developing and
maintaining a more active lifestyle.


Medicines are also being developed (megitinides) that

encourage the pancreas to produce more insulin. Although
the idea is already in place with sulfonylureas, the medicines
to promote more insulin are getting better.


The symptoms for juvenile diabetes are the same as in

adults. Thirst, weight loss, fatigue, frequent urination is
typical, but diabetes in children can also increase stomach
pains, headaches and behavior problems. Doctors should
consider the possibility of diabetes in children who have
unexplained stomach pains for a few weeks, along with
the typical symptoms.

It seems that it is generally believed now that simply being

overweight is the primary cause of getting diabetes. A
simultaneous problem, however, is that being overweight can
lead to other diseases, too, especially if that individual also
has high blood pressure. This increases the health threat to
the individual who is overweight and places a greater
demand on him or her to lose the excess pounds quickly.


A diabetic diet does not at all mean that you stop enjoying
good tasting food. The truth is you will largely continue to eat
many of the same things, just smaller portions and with fewer
carbohydrates. You will also need to eat more often, in order
to provide your body with a more even distribution of sugars
throughout the day.


A treatment for gangrenous sores that are the result of diabetes

has also sprung up with positive results in recent years. This
requires placing the person with the gangrenous foot or limb
into a hyperbaric chamber for a series of sessions over a two
week period. It has already saved many limbs that would
otherwise have been lost.

Testing with mice is usually done first in order to see if there
is any hope in a method or drug. Recently it has been found
that spleen cells in mice can be regrown when given adult
precursor cells. This re-growth greatly surprised the
researchers as they expected to need to transplant the
spleen cells but discovered that it was unnecessary. Whether
or not this will work with humans who have diabetes it remains
to be seen. Some doctors are already experimenting with
transplanting spleen cells but it does require medication for
a life-time so that the body does not reject it.


Diabetes is a no-win situation. It is not a fun disease and only

more trouble lies ahead if you do nothing. Diabetes is one of
the most costly diseases there is in terms of medical problems
it causes and treatments that could be needed. It often leads to
kidney failure, eye problems that eventually lead to blindness,
and failure of the nerves. It is also directly responsible for
helping in the development of heart disease, stroke,
amputations, and so much more.


One way that medical science is looking to control diabetes

is to help children who are obese. By finding ways to help
them lose the extra pounds, diabetes can be reduced
greatly in our population.


People with the apple body shape have much of their extra
weight around their waist and this condition can cause a
problem with proper insulin usage. The extra weight around
the waist can create a situation where the cells in this region
become more insulin resistant. When there is a greater
amount of fat cells than muscle cells, it seems to lead to this
situation, but losing some of the extra body weight can
reverse it.

Most food that is processed through our bodies is broken

down by digestive juices into a sugar called glucose.
Glucose is the fuel our bodies run on. When we eat, and
our food is processed, the pancreas is supposed to produce
the right amount of glucose from our blood automatically and
release the right amount of insulin into our blood.


Erectile Dysfunction - This is a common symptom among

men who may just be starting to have diabetic symptoms.
Making sex nearly impossible at times, it should cause an
awareness that something is wrong. This symptom can
appear suddenly, but then may disappear just as quickly
when sugar levels have been reduced over a period of
time. Age is not necessarily a factor with this symptom
and young men can experience it as well as older men.


One of the hardest symptoms to deal with is poor wound

healing. Wounds heal slowly, if at all when the carrier has
diabetes. This along with infections that are not easily
remedied can attribute to ulcers and loss of limbs.


All management begins with controlling the glucose cycle.

The glucose cycle is affected by two factors, entry of
glucose into the bloodstream and blood levels of insulin to
control the transport out. Your glucose levels are very sensitive
to both diet and exercise, so change in either should first be
discussed with your physician. Proper management of diabetes
can be very intrusive to the patient.

If high blood pressure is also combined with high levels of

cholesterol and an apple body shape, then the risk of getting
heart disease is also much greater. This could create a
situation known as metabolic syndrome and is known to lead
to diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other problems.


In many cases, when you are trying to control your blood sugar
levels by your diet, you may also be trying to lose some extra
weight. This will require eating even slightly less and watching
those carbs even more. Carbohydrates are a very important part
of your diet. Current thinking in diabetic diets says that about half
of your calorie intake should come from carbohydrates. You will
need to reduce our meats as well, because they often are high
in fats. This may mean smaller portions, too, and it is a good
idea to add in fish about twice a week. Some fish are very
healthy because of omega-3 fats, which will also help to reduce
cholesterol levels, too.


You will need to have a period of learning, however, in which

you learn how to reduce your calories and increase nutritional
value. You need to understand what you can eat and what is
not a good idea to eat. Diabetic menus do not require special
foods, simply foods in smaller portions and more frequent.


There are three types of diabetes, type 1, type 2 and

gestational diabetes. People who have type 1 are known as
insulin-dependent. This is an autoimmune disease where
the body’s natural system is fighting against another part of
the body. In the case of type 1 diabetes, the system attacks
the insulin producing cells and destroys them.

The majority of people who now have Type 2 diabetes are also
overweight. With this form of diabetes being the predominant
form, about 95%, it can be seen that losing weight is a must
for those who want to keep diabetes away.


Blurry Vision - When you have sudden changes in vision, which

may be drastic, then you have a symptom of diabetes,
especially if there are other ones that are occurring at the
same time.


One thing that is spurring on the development of diabetes

treatments and medicines is because so many are now
getting diabetes at a much younger age. The result is that
diabetes is rapidly growing in numbers in America and no
abatement is in sight.


Extreme thirst is another symptom of diabetes. Diabetes

develops high blood sugar levels and the body tries to
compensate by diluting the blood, which translates to our
brain that we are thirsty. With this is also excessive urination.
It is another way our bodies have of getting rid of the extra
sugar in our system. But this can also lead to dehydration.

Obesity easily explains type 2, but not why there is such a
rise in type 1 diabetes in children. It is believed that a
mixture of genetics and environmental factors are what
triggers juvenile diabetes. But the majority of children
don’t have a family history of diabetes.


Itchy Skin - Skin that is very itchy is also an indication

that diabetes may be present. An even stronger indication
is that if the itchiness is in the vaginal or groin areas.


Type 1 diabetes mellitus is typically found in children and

young adults. It is also termed juvenile diabetes. The
common treatment for type 1 diabetes mellitus is daily
insulin injections to replace the insulin the body is not
producing properly, along with careful blood glucose


The goal will be to maintain similar blood sugar levels

throughout the day. You do not want your blood sugar
rising too high or becoming too low at any time. This
will require similar carbohydrate values at each meal,
and watching all the extras at snack time. You will also
need to limit the size of your portions, too.

Nausea - The body can try to tell you that too much sugar
is being consumed and you can actually become suddenly
nauseous. Even worse, though, is that if you are consuming
foods that contain a lot of sugar it may actually force you to
eject it through sudden vomiting. If you notice a connection
between becoming nauseous or vomiting when you are eating
sweet foods or drinks, then you can be sure this is a symptom.
Diabetes is nothing to play with and it means that you need to
consume far less sugars than before.


In people with diabetes, little to no insulin is produced

or the body’s cells don’t respond correctly to the insulin
that is produced. Therefore the glucose builds up and
overflows into the urine and passes out of the body.
This is how the body loses its main source of fuel even
though the bloodstream contains good amounts of the
natural glucose.


Losing weight is generally easier to do when you are healthy

and younger. After you get older, say, in your mid-50's, it is
not quite so easy. The risk is also greater if you remain
overweight for a lengthy period of time and are over 50.
The majority of people now being diagnosed with
diabetes are 55 or older.

Infections - The presence of infections is another symptom
of diabetes. This especially is true with women who have
frequent vaginal infections, and in both men and women who
have yeast infections. Infections can also be ongoing in the
bladder, too, or in the gums and skin. A doctor should look
at any kind of ongoing infection. Evidence of not healing
properly could be because the sugar in the blood is
preventing healing from taking place. It means necessary
nutrients are not getting from the blood to the area.

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