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Batman, The Great Pretender.

Scene 1, Streets, Night
(Basically, the introduction of Batman Earth One)
We open on establishing shots. Robbers running from the law. Boom
Batman comes out of the shadows, immediately gets suckered punch.
This is to set the fact that this Batman has barely begun. His
fighting style is not yet refined. He tries to throw batarangs,
misses. However, he still comes out victorious. He flees the
scene when he hears sirens inbound.
Scene 2, Room, Day
(Very similar to the journal writing scene in The Batman.)
Batman is back in the “cave” alone. Maybe some newspaper
clippings about commissioner Gordon being removed from the police
force because of his collaborations with the Batman. Alfred can
either be dead or left him. This Batman is in a very dark place.
Should also be mentioned that Wayne Enterprises has gone under,
meaning no fancy gadgets or big manors for this Batman.
We shift to the television, where it is being reported that
someone is live streaming executions. The reporters says that it
is Batman. Bruce looks to the TV and sees an imposter using a gun
to execute people.
Bruce grabs his gear and heads out.
Scene 3, Crime Scene, Night.
Investigation of the crime scene late after dark. Batman cuts the
tape to investigate the crime scene. He’s sloppy, stepping on
evidence and placing boot marks everywhere. A police office walks
in. Batman tries to hide but fails. The officer attacks him, they
The officer wins out and talks to Batman, telling him to put his
hands up. Batman tries to talk to the officer, telling them that
he is no killer, and that there is an imposter out there. The
officer berates him for not killing and while distracted, Batman
uses this opportunity to knock them out and flee the scene.
Scene 4, Room, Day
Back in the cave, Bruce gathers what he knows, he has done a
background check on them. Maybe their criminals who get to walk
free because captures by the batman are illegal. Idk, all I know
is that they’re bad dudes and this imposter wants them gone.
Batman deduces the next possible place the imposter could strike.
Scene 5, Site, Night (where?)
Batman arrives to the execution site, but he is too late.
Imposter Batman kills the last guy. Also focus on the Imposter
Batman’s moves. They are very similar to the cop from earlier.
Anyways Batman lands a few good hits but ultimately losses the
fight. He barely manages to escape… somehow.
Scene 6, Maybe Room, maybe somewhere else, Day.
Batman puts two and two together. Turns out the cop from earlier
was indeed the imposter Batman, same guns, same stance,
everything, shocker.
But why would he do this? Idk for now but there must be a good
reason. Maybe the prisoners set free by Batman killed his family
or something.
Anyways, Batman can’t go in the same way twice, he has to come up
with a counter measure. What’s the counter measure? Idk.
After making (or training) his countermeasure, he finds the final
place where the imposter will strike.
Scene 7, Open Space, Night.
Big fight, Batman wins against imposter due to his something and
his moral code. Hooray!

Written by:


All rights reserved 2023.

We focus on the landscape,

trees, grass, smaller houses.

This is Gotham, but not the Gotham you know.
Shot of a foot running, stepping on a puddle. A burglar is
running from something. The camera lingers on the darkness. A
shadowy figure can be barely seen, running.
Wide shot of the burglar, he has hit a dead end.


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