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Securing smart grid: Cyber attacks, countermeasures, and challenges

Article in IEEE Communications Magazine · August 2012

DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2012.6257525


245 1,355

6 authors, including:

Xu Li Xiaohui Liang
Taiyuan University of Technology University of Massachusetts Boston


Rongxing Lu Xuemin Sherman Shen

University of New Brunswick University of Waterloo


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Securing Smart Grid: Cyber Attacks,

Countermeasures, and Challenges
Xu Li, Inria Lille — Nord Europe
Xiaohui Liang, Rongxing Lu, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, University of Waterloo
Xiaodong Lin, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Haojin Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

ABSTRACT spanning several substations, and has direct con-

nections to the devices in the regional grid. The
Smart grid has emerged as the next-genera- control center queries these substations about
tion power grid via the convergence of power the grid operation status in turn; based on the
system engineering and information and commu- collected information, it then adjusts power sup-
nication technology. In this article, we describe ply to meet the demands, and detects and
smart grid goals and tactics, and present a three- responds to weaknesses or failures by instructing
layer smart grid network architecture. Following the control devices to take proper actions. Con-
a brief discussion about major challenges in trol centers collaborate to make decisions cover-
smart grid development, we elaborate on smart ing multiple regional grids.
grid cyber security issues. We define a taxonomy With ubiquitous adoption of electronic
of basic cyber attacks, upon which sophisticated devices and complex patterns of electricity usage,
attack behaviors may be built. We then intro- which were both hard to imagine in the past, the
duce fundamental security techniques, whose traditional power grid is undoubtedly outdated
integration is essential for achieving full protec- and does not meet our present growing demand
tion against existing and future sophisticated for continuous stable electricity distribution.
security attacks. By discussing some interesting Specifically, its centralized management involves
open problems, we finally expect to trigger more massive data exchanges and causes large data
research efforts in this emerging area. latency, and cannot satisfy the requirement for
real-time monitoring and control; its one-way
INTRODUCTION electricity distribution channels prevent the grid
from accommodating customer-owned renew-
The August 2003 electrical blackout in North able power sources to improve power efficiency.
America affected over 100 power plants, para- In the recent decade, ever-increasing efforts on
lyzed tens of millions of people’s lives, and led the development of next-generation power grid,
to a $10 billion social cost. Investigations known as smart grid, have been made in many
revealed that the failure was due to load imbal- countries. Under government-imposed open
ance in the electric power grid and lack of effec- access policies, smart grid intends to combine
tive real-time diagnosis, among others. The the traditional isolated power system and public
function of the power grid is to deliver electricity networks, and allows remote access by a wide
from power plants to customers. Because elec- variety of users. By having a communication and
tricity cannot be stored easily, load must be control layer, smart grid will enable local data
matched by the supply and transmission capacity processing, decentralized control, two-way elec-
of the grid. While swift advances in science and tricity transmission, and reliability-efficiency-
technology are triggering radical innovations in driven response. As summarized in Table 1, the
many fields, today’s power grid is still grounded ultimate goal of smart grid is to provide
on a design more than 100 years old. It is com- improved reliability (e.g., real-time diagnosis,
posed of two parts: high-voltage transmission self-healing, self-activating, automated outage
grid and medium-low-voltage distribution grid. management), efficiency (e.g., accommodation
The former is responsible for moving electricity of future alternative, renewable power sources,
from power plants to substations; the latter active management of electric vehicle charging,
delivers electricity from substations to customers cost-effective power generation, transmission,
in local regions. The grid management system is and distribution), and security (physical and
an island of automation, implemented over cyber) [1]. Figure 1 presents an overall picture of
closed dedicated networks running proprietary smart grid.
protocols. It contains a group of control centers. Notably, as a part of the design considera-
Each control center manages a regional grid tion, smart grid will automate reliable power dis-

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tribution by engaging and empowering cus-

tomers in utility management in addition to Goal Tactics
adopting advanced control and optimization
mechanisms. It will expose customers’ fine-
grained electricity use information to utilities Automated real-time monitoring and control of equipments;
smart metering and dynamic pricing.
through the key elements, smart meters. Utilities
are consequently able to apply different prices
for power consumption based on the time of day Accommodation of alternative power sources and smart appli-
and the season. They may even interfere with Efficiency ances; active management of electric vehicle charging; opti-
customers’ power usage by pre-installed control mized power generation, transmission and distribution
switches in order to help flatten demand peaks.
Consumers are allowed to access their own real- Improved monitoring; improved reliability; access control;
time use information through web services. In authentication; privacy preservation; intrusion detection
order to lower their own energy costs and enjoy
uninterrupted activities, they are (hopefully) Table 1. Smart grid goals and tactics.
willing to use energy-efficient appliances and
tend to shift power use from peak hours to non-
peak hours. remote terminal units (RTUs) in a neighbor-
hood together. Data storage devices may addi-
tionally be included in the network to support
SMART GRID networked storage, local fault diagnosis, and dis-
tributed decision making. There is a communica-
NETWORK ARCHITECTURE tion gateway in each community network. It
Smart grid network is the necessary communica- manages the communication among the network
tion platform for monitoring and controlling the elements, performs data aggregation, and bridges
grid operation. By generalizing previous propos- the bottom and top layers to allow data
als, e.g. [2–4], we present a hierarchical smart exchange. An example of a community network
grid network structure including three layers, i.e. is the network in a smart community [5].
a residential network layer, a community net- At the top layer are regional networks. A
work layer, and a regional network layer, as regional network connects the community net-
illustrated in Fig. 2. works, power plants, renewable power sources,
At the bottom layer are residential networks, substations, feeders, and other grid devices in a
each corresponding to a distinct customer. A geographic region. Dedicated hub nodes may be
residential network has a star-like topology, deployed in the network to build a multiple-hop
composed of a smart meter at the center and a overlay structure for efficient and reliable data
few control switches (if any exist) at the periph- communication. A control center is implemented
ery. As the interface of the network, the smart in each regional network. It provides supervisory
meter provides real-time raw metering data to control and data acquisition (SCADA) function-
the control center at the top layer, and detailed alities in the regional grid: collecting electricity
energy usage and cost information to the cus- usage data and grid operation status, detecting
tomer. It also accepts control commands from and responding to anomalies, and optimizing
the upper layers to connect/disconnect particular power generation, transmission, and distribution.
appliances (through pre-installed control switch- In the above presented architecture, each
es) for load balancing purposes. network is realized by high-speed wired or wire-
At the middle layer are community networks. less links or a combination thereof, and runs IP-
A community network connects the residential based communication protocols. Supporting IP
networks, intelligent electric devices (IEDs), and allows devices with different physical details to

Power flow Information flow


Commercial Electric
building vehicle
Control center Residence

Power plants Power consumers

+ –
High-voltage Alternative power sources
lines Substation Medium-/low- Feeder
voltage lines

Power transmission grid Power distribution grid

Figure 1. An overall picture of smart grid.

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Through the Internet

connections, cus-
Internet connections Internet
tomers may access Overlay links
Local communication links
their own electricity Utility

use and cost infor-

mation, utilities may
Regional network Community
obtain electricity network
Smart meter

Other grid devices

Control center network
usage information at (SCADA)
Control switches
different granulari- ... IEDs
ties, and control cen- RTUs

ters may share data Power Alternative

plants Substations power sources
and coordinate to
make inter-regional Top layer Middle layer Bottom layer

Figure 2. Smart grid network architecture with a single regional network.

be effortlessly integrated and managed in a uni- ent location, in peak time. These distributed
fied way. Furthermore, control centers, commu- power sources will cause reverse power flows
nity gateways, and smart meters are connected and voltage variations in the grid, resulting in
to the Internet. Through the Internet connec- more severe power distribution reliability issues.
tions, customers may access their own electricity Solving these reliability issues requires realiza-
use and cost information, utilities may obtain tion of wide-area measurement and control as
electricity usage information at different granu- well as improvement of real-time communica-
larities, and control centers may share data and tion, diagnosis, and response mechanisms.
coordinate to make interregional decisions. Since smart grid is a combination of the
power grid and a communication network, secu-
rity attacks may take place in both the physical
SECURITY CHALLENGES IN space, as in the conventional power grid, and
cyber space as in any communication network. A
SMART GRID power device is traditionally located at a protect-
With the elaborate smart grid architecture and ed place (e.g,. substation) and controlled through
composition as well as real-time grid operation physical contact or following proprietary proto-
status information, control centers may easily cols via dedicated wired communication links. In
ensure power efficiency by applying optimization smart grid, a power device is often microproces-
techniques to find the best power generation, sor-based and running public protocols, the
transmission, and delivery strategies with respect specifications of which can be obtained readily
to given constraints. In smart grid development, (e.g., from the Internet) by anyone interested.
major challenges lie in the delivery of reliability Also, it may have a human-machine interface
and security. and very likely support wireless connection for
Conventional power grid employs dedicated easy access. The increased openness conve-
power devices, which are usually integrated with niences adversaries and brings additional securi-
control and communication functionalities, and ty vulnerabilities to the grid. In conventional
uses closed networks composed of reliable, pre- power grid, there is normally only one access
dictable serial communication links. In contrast, point to the grid management system in a neigh-
smart grid will decouple the communication and borhood. In smart grid, smart meters are mas-
control functionalities from power devices, and sively deployed as access points, one per
be modularized from the expendability and customer, in order to engage customers in utility
maintenance perspectives. Its components will management. They are connected to the Inter-
largely be commercial off-the-shelf products net for ease of management. These access points
from different companies that may have are ideal portals for intrusions and malicious
unknown incompatibilities, and adopt broadband attacks. As computer communications is exten-
communications and IP-like technologies which sively used in the grid for implementing
are error-prone and have nondeterministic advanced monitoring and control, the grid
behaviors. This transformation inevitably becomes increasingly like a computer network,
decreases system operation reliability. Faults and as a result, all kinds of cyber attacks present
caused by component incompatibility and com- in computer networks will have their analogs in
munication failure will occur. In order to reduce smart grid, with the purpose of jeopardizing the
greenhouse gas emissions, renewable but unsta- grid system.
ble power generation by, for example, photo- To conquer the above reliability and security
voltaic cells and wind turbines will be challenges and realize the ambitious vision of
accommodated in smart grid. Besides, to flatten smart grid, innovative research is expected in all
load in the grid, power may be stocked during aspects of smart grid, from high-level architec-
off-peak time and released, possibly at a differ- ture design to low-level implementation detail.

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In the sequel, we focus our attention on smart

grid cyber attacks. We present an attack taxono- Name Description
my, and discuss how to resist these attacks and
enable secure smart grid communication. It aims to compromise (control) a grid device. It is
Device attack
often the initial step of a sophisticated attack.
It attempts to adversarially insert, alter or delete
We present a taxonomy of basic cyber attacks in Data attack data in the network traffic so as to mislead smart
smart grid communication. In this taxonomy, grid to take wrong decisions.
there are four types of attacks: device attack,
data attack, privacy attack, and network avail- It aims to learn/infer users’ private information by
ability attack. These attacks are listed in Table 2. Privacy attack
analyzing electricity usage data.
They have different objectives and are often the
building blocks of more sophisticated attacks. It aims to use up or overwhelm the communication
A device attack aims to compromise (control) Network availability
and computational resources of smart grid and to
a grid device. It is often the initial step of a attack
result in delay or failure of communication.
sophisticated attack, in which the compromised
device will be used to launch further attacks Table 2. A taxonomy of basic cyber attacks in smart grid.
such as data attacks and network availability
attacks toward the smart grid or perform mali-
cious physical actuation (if the device is a con- a few seconds may cause irreparable damage to
trol element). For example, a compromised IED the national economy and homeland security. A
such as a circuit breaker may break a circuit network availability attack must be handled
maliciously and cause power outage. Another effectively.
example is that a compromised grid device might
abruptly increase load to cause circuit overflow
[6]. To resist device attacks, strict access control SMART GRID
is necessary.
A data attack attempts to adversarially insert,
alter, or delete data or control commands in the We now present the fundamental security tech-
network traffic so as to mislead the smart grid to niques for defending the above basic cyber
make wrong decisions/actions. One commonly attacks in smart grid communication networks.
observed data attack is that a customer jeopar- These techniques are to be used in combination
dizes the smart meter in order to reduce its elec- to provide full protection against existing or
tricity bill. Another example is that a future sophisticated malicious attacks.
compromised RTU is informed about a fault
detected by a faulted circuit indicator (FCI) ACCESS CONTROL
device, but it refuses to report the fault to the In smart grid, typical system roles include opera-
control center, resulting in increased outage tors, engineers, technicians, managers, and so
time. To resist this attack, data integrity and on, and by regulation these roles have different
authenticity must be protected, and effective access privileges to grid devices and system func-
intrusion detection mechanisms ought to be tionalities. Using role-based access control
developed. (RBAC) can obviously increase the system relia-
A privacy attack aims to learn/infer users’ pri- bility and eliminate potential security threats.
vate information by analyzing electricity usage Existing RBAC schemes are designed for a sin-
data. In smart grid, electricity usage information gle security domain (e.g., a regional network)
is collected multiple times per hour by smart and do not meet requirements of secure opera-
meters so as to obtain fine-grained information tions across multiple domains (e.g., interconnect-
about the grid status and improve grid operation ed regional networks). Cheung et al. [8] proposed
efficiency. The detailed information may easily an RBAC model specially tailored for smart
reveal customers’ physical activities [7]. For grid, known as smart-grid role-based access con-
example, in a residential setting, lack of electrici- trol (SRAC). According to this model, the con-
ty use for stove and microwave during a certain trol center of each regional network maintains
time period indicates that the home is not occu- the security policy for all inside community net-
pied. Using this information, physical attacks works and residential networks, and acts as an
like robbery can be planned when nobody is at interface to communicate with outside users
home. Clearly, such privacy-sensitive information from other regional networks. Role hierarchy
must be protected from unauthorized access. and role constraints are predefined in accor-
A network availability attack takes place in the dance with the real-life role relations and limita-
form of denial of service (DoS). Its objectives tions. Some particular requirements are taken
are to use up or overwhelm the communication into consideration. For example, a role in a com-
and computational resources of the smart grid, munity network may take on some tasks belong-
resulting in delay or failure of data communica- ing to another community network; a user may
tions. For example, an adversary may flood a be assigned multiple roles, while conflict of
control center with false information at very high interest of the roles must be prevented; the trust
frequency such that the control center spends relationship between users of a home regional
most of the time verifying the authenticity of the network and those of a foreign regional network
information and is not able to timely respond to is required for establishing a foreign-user net-
legitimate network traffic. Communication and work access policy. An XML-based security poli-
control in smart grid are time critical. A delay of cy managing method was suggested, with respect

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m as input, the device calculates the hash value

Device i Device j of m: h = H(m) = h 1 ⎜⎜h 2 ⎜⎜⋅⋅⋅⎜⎜h k in which
i||j||ga each hj is a log2t-bit substring of H(m) and inter-
preted as an integer 1 ≤ ij ≤ t. The device’s sig-
nature on m is computed as (s i1 , s i2 , ⋅⋅⋅, s ik ).
The security of this signature comes from the
difficulty of finding such a message m′ that all hi′
appearing in H(m′) = h 1 ′⎜⎜h 2 ′⎜⎜⋅⋅⋅⎜⎜h k ′ has
i||j||gb been used in previous signatures. Li and Cao
extended this traditional scheme by applying a
hash chain. For 1 ≤ i ≤ t, the device computes
ki,j = H(i||j||gab) f w+1(s i) corresponding to the secret key s i and
the public key, with si → f(si) → ⋅⋅⋅ → fw+1(si).
After calculating all the i j s, it sorts them in
decreasing order. If an ij appears in the kth posi-
Figure 3. Two-step mutual authentication [9]. tion in the sorted sequence, it will replace s ij
with f w+1–k (s ij ) in the signature. The security
level of the traditional OTS scheme is improved
to syntax for elements and privilege assignment, since a forgery attack has to generate such m′
syntax for foreign-interfacing role, and foreign- that the substrings in H(m′) follow a restricted
interfacing role assignment, for simplifying smart order. For example, in the traditional OTS
grid network security administrations. Through a scheme if H(m) = h 1⎜h 2⎜h 3 is generated and a
case study, Cheung et al. showed that the pro- forgery attack finds H(m′ ) = h 2 ⎜ h 1 ⎜ h 3 , the
posed SRAC model is effective. forgery attack can succeed; whereas in the new
variant, m′ has to satisfy H(m′) = h 1 ⎜h 2 ⎜h 3 in
AUTHENTICATION order for the attack to succeed. Analysis showed
The reliability and security of smart grid are sub- that under the same security level, the new OTS
ject to the integrity and authenticity of devices variant reduces the signature size by 40 percent
and data traffic in the grid. Device authentication and the storage load on receiver by a factor of 8.
is normally the first step of a data communica-
tion session, and its result is often a shared ses- PRIVACY PRESERVATION
sion key for encrypting and authenticating There are two types of metering data in smart
subsequent data packets and ensuring data grid communication, transmitted at a low fre-
integrity. Because of the delay-sensitive and traf- quency and a high frequency [12]. The low-fre-
fic-intensive nature of smart grid communication, quency data contains a periodic power use
an authentication scheme should involve minimal summary, coarse enough not to cause privacy
message exchange between grid devices. Fouda et leakage. It may be sent to community gateways
al. [9] proposed a lightweight two-step mutual and then obtained by utilities for accounting and
authentication protocol by combining the public billing purposes. The high-frequency data con-
key encryption scheme and Diffie-Hellman key tains specific power usage patterns and is des-
agreement scheme. Consider two arbitrary com- tined to regional control centers for fine-grained
municating grid devices i and j, as shown in Fig. real-time control and optimization. It is related to
3. At the first step, i encrypts i⎜⎜j⎜⎜ga with j’s pub- users’ private lives and must be protected from
lic key (a is a random number), and sends the utilities. According to this classification,
ciphertext to j. At the second step, j decrypts the Efthymiou and Kalogridis [12] proposed to assign
received ciphertext and responds to i with a each smart meter two IDs, one for low-frequency
newly generated ciphertext on i⎜⎜j⎜⎜g b using i’s data transmission (LFID) and the other for high-
public key (b is a random number). After these frequency data transmission (HFID). The former
two steps, both devices i and j can calculate gab = is considered as a pseudonymous ID and open to
(ga)b = (gb)a, and derive the shared session key utilities. The objective of privacy preservation is
as ki,j = H(i⎜⎜j⎜⎜gab), where H: {0,1}* → Zq* is a therefore to hide the link between high-frequency
publicly known hash function. Both of them are metering data and smart meters’ HFIDs. A trust-
able to identify each other since the secrets g a ed third party, known as escrow, is assumed to be
and g b can be accessed only by each other. connected to the smart grid network. It knows the
Because random numbers a and b are deleted connection of a valid (HFID, LFID) pair, and
after the generation of k i,j, the compromise of assigns two public/private key pairs to each smart
either i’s or j’s long-term private keys does not meter, corresponding to the HFID and LFID of
affect the security of the previous session keys. the smart meter. As privacy can be protected by
Forward secrecy of the scheme is guaranteed, end-to-end encryption, Efthymiou and Kalogridis
and economic and privacy loss due to compro- focused on the initial device registration process
mised nodes can be largely reduced as a result. when a smart meter joins the smart grid. Regis-
Li and Cao [10] considered that in smart grid tration is necessary for the grid and utilities to
field devices often have limited storage space, recognize and accept the readings of legislated
and addressed the authentication problem from smart meters. The idea is to register each smart
a storage load minimization perspective. They meter through two separate steps. At the first
devised a new variant of the one-time signature step, the smart meter informs the utility about its
(OTS) scheme. In traditional OTS [11], a device LFID and the LFID public key, which in turn
has a secret key (s 1 , s 2 , ⋅⋅, s t ) and the corre- passes them to the proper community gateway. At
sponding public key (v 1, v 2, ⋅⋅, v t), where v i = the second step, the smart meter sends its HFID
f(si) and f is a one-way function. With a message and HFID public key to the escrow, and the

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x 104
4 400
14 350
communication overhead

computational overhead
12 TRAD DN=4 350 EPPA
TRAD DN=6 300
GW-to-CC communication overhead


CC computational overhead
8 300 250

2.5 6 200
4 250
2 2
0 100
200 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1.5 Number of dimensions
Number of customers

0.5 100

0 50
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of dimensions Number of dimensions
(a) (b)

Figure 4. Performance comparison: EPPA [13] vs. TARD. GW stands for community gateway; CC for control center. Communication
overhead is measured in bits; computational overhead is measured by time in milliseconds.

escrow forwards them to the control center. A was, and so on. When multiple dimensions are
random time interval is suggested between the present, these schemes will have to process every
two steps for breaking the correlation. Since the dimension separately and impose overwhelming
utility is not involved in the second step, the processing load on smart meters and control cen-
HFID remains unknown to the utility. ters, becoming less efficient in communication
For simplicity, in the following we refer to and in time. Under these circumstances, we pro-
high-frequency metering data (containing elec- posed a novel Efficient and Privacy-Preserving
tricity usage patterns) as metering data. In [13], Aggregation (EPPA) scheme [13] for smart grid
we noticed that metering data is often small in communication based on homomorphic Paillier
size, smaller than the plain text space of the cryptosystem [14]. This scheme processes all the
encryption algorithm used. Each time when the dimension data as a whole rather than separately,
data is encrypted, its size is increased to occupy thus saving both computational overhead and
the entire plain text space. As such information communication cost, reducing data latency and
is transmitted by a massive number of smart improving real-time response capability. Below,
meters, a large portion of the communication we briefly describe EPPA and present its perfor-
bandwidth is wasted, and transmission delay is mance in comparison with the traditional scheme
increased as a result. Since in a regional net- (referred to as TRAD) where no data aggrega-
work, smart metering data flows to the control tion is engaged. Detailed algorithm design and
center through community gateways, we reason- performance evaluation can be found in [13].
ably suggested that community gateways aggre- Assume that smart metering data has l dimen-
gate received raw smart metering data and sions. The control center obtains a public key (n,
forward them in an integrated compact form to g) and a private key (λ, μ) using the input securi-
the control center. Each smart meter encrypts its ty parameters. According to the security parame-
readings using a secret key shared with the con- ters and the public key, it selects a proper super
trol center. Community gateways are not be able increasing sequence → a = (a 1, a 2, ⋅⋅⋅, a l) con-
to access the content of metering data. To enable tains l primes. Further, it computes a sequence

community gateways to perform data aggrega- g = (g1, g2, ⋅⋅⋅, gl), where gi = gai. It publishes
tion in this case, we further suggested that smart (n, →g) and some other necessary information to
meters apply a homomorphic encryption tech- smart meters, while keeping (λ, μ, → a) and the
nique. In this technique, a specific linear alge- other remaining information secretly. A smart

braic manipulation toward the plaintext is meter i obtains (n, g) by registering itself with
equivalent to another one conducted on the the smart grid. Each time when it transmits →
ciphertext. This unique feature allows communi- piece of l-dimensional metering

data d i = (d i1,
ty gateways to perform summation and multipli- di2, ⋅⋅⋅, dil), it encrypts di into to a piece of one-
cation based aggregation on received metering dimensional cyphertext and transmits the cypher-
data without decrypting them. text. During the encryption, it computes Ci = (rin
Existing homomorphic encryption based data Πj=1
l gj
di j ) mod n2 as the cyphertext, where ri is a
aggregation schemes consider one-dimensional random integer.The cyphertext is delivered to
data only. In smart grid, metering data is howev- the gateway of the community network that the
er multi-dimensional, for example, including the smart meter belongs to. Let w represent the
amount of energy consumed, and in which time number of smart meters in the community net-
period and for what purpose the consumption work. The community gateway performs data

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aggregation on received cyphertext {C1, C2, ⋅⋅⋅, on. It uses the collected reports as observations
Cw} as C = (Π i=1 Ci) mod n2. It forwards C to
Each IDS module has to form the prior beliefs of the Gaussian pro-
the control center. At the control center, the cess. Using the prior beliefs and observations, it
two components: aggregated cypher text C is decrypted with the computes the posterior probability distributions
a classifier (for attack private key (λ, μ) to obtain a mixture data M = of the Gaussian process through Gaussian pro-
(Σj=1 aiΣi=1dij) mod n. Through simple calculus,
l w
classification) and a cess regression. The optimal parameters of the
the control center easily

recovers each original Gaussian process are obtained by maximizing
recorder (for logging piece of metering data dj from M. Figure 4 shows the log likelihood of the training data with
and accuracy that EPPA indeed has significantly less overhead respect to the parameters. Then it is able to pre-
than TRAD. dict whether a DoS attack is going to happen,
evaluation). As in and to send early warning and instructions to the
convention, either INTRUSION DETECTION respective device so that the later can take
machine learning The above security techniques are for smart grid appropriate actions (e.g. drop the data or
to defend against attacks launched by an adver- authentication request) in advance to mitigate
techniques or sary outside the grid. If the adversary attacks the the forthcoming DoS attack.
artificial immune grid through some compromised devices, these
techniques will lose their effectiveness. Intrusion
systems may be detection mechanisms are necessary for identify- CONCLUSIONS AND
applied for realizing ing compromised devices. While existing net-
work intrusion detection techniques may be
the classifier.
applied to the smart grid network directly or In this article, we have studied the smart grid
with minor modification, below we introduce a network architecture and discussed major chal-
generic IDS (intrusion detection system) frame- lenges in smart grid development. We have also
work and a DoS attack (i.e. network availability addressed the basic cyber attack behaviors in
attack) detection technique, both designed par- smart grid and offered several fundamental
ticularly for smart grid communications. approaches to resist these behaviors. Below, we
Zhang et al. [2] proposed a hierarchical IDS conclude the article by discussing several open
framework, where an IDS module is installed problems and possible solutions, in accordance
distributedly along the network hierarchy, that with the fundamental security techniques intro-
is, on control centers, community gateways and duced previously. Our objective is to shed more
smart meters, as shown in Fig. 2. The IDS mod- light on the smart grid security and privacy
ule at the bottom layer accepts raw input from issues and to trigger more research efforts along
smart meters; the module at a higher layer this emerging research line.
accepts input only from the IDS module at the The role-based access control scheme [8]
immediate lower layer. If an attack is detected requires a pre-defined fixed role hierarchy. From
by an IDS module, an alarm will be invoked at flexibility and sustainability points of view, it is
the corresponding layer. If a detection decision desirable to allow automatic access control poli-
cannot be made at certain layer, it will be left for cy generation to allow dynamic role addition and
the upper layer to make, since the upper layer removal. One possible solution is to apply
has a wider scope of knowledge. Each IDS mod- attribute-based, rather than role-based, access
ule has two components: a classifier (for attack control. In such scheme, there is a pre-defined
classification) and a recorder (for logging and universal attribute sets, and each attribute is
accuracy evaluation). As in convention, either associate with certain access privileges. A social
machine learning techniques or artificial immune role is assigned with a number of attributes such
systems may be applied for realizing the classifi- that it obtains the corresponding access privi-
er. Zhang et al. suggested to apply Support Vec- leges. By combining attributes in different ways,
tor Machine or clonal selection to build the different roles and therefore different access
classifier. In either case, the classifier needs to policies are created on the fly.
be trained before put in use. Considering the The authentication schemes [9, 10] both
difference of attacks likely happening at differ- adopt public key cryptography without specifying
ent layers, the training data will have a different how public keys are managed. Public key infra-
concentration of attack types at each layer for a structure (PKI) is a classic public key manage-
tradeoff of accuracy and time. ment system, where users obtain certificates
Authentication is performed between grid (including public keys) from pre-defined certifi-
devices to ensure authenticity. It is a computa- cate authorities (CAs) and CAs form a hierar-
tion-intensive procedure generating noticeable chical structure. When PKI is used, each grid
delay and can become the target of DoS attack. device obtains a certificate from a local CA. Two
Fadlullah et al. [3] proposed a predication based devices belonging to the same regional network
DoS attack defense mechanism. They assumed may have certificates issued by different CAs
that some compromised grid devices launch DoS and do not recognize each other’s certificate. In
attack distributedly by frequently sending false this case, they have to consult with the common
data or authentication requests along the net- ancestor of the two CAs in the PKI hierarchy,
work hierarchy. Unusual activities such as device leading to increased authentication delay. Fast
failures and authentication failures are moni- authentication is an open problem. One possible
tored at every layer and reported to the control solution is to use a cryptographic technique,
center. The control center models each mali- known as re-signature. This technique enables
cious event as a Gaussian process, realized by a two CAs to together initialize a computing
collection of random variables representing device in the regional network, which can quick-
event features such as number of defective ly translate a certificate issued by one of them to
devices, malicious authentication ratio, and so a certificate issued by the other.

44 IEEE Communications Magazine • August 2012

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For the sake of privacy preservation, each [14] P. Paillier, “Public-Key Cryptosystems based on Com-
posite Degree Residuosity Classes,” Proc. EUROCRYPT,
smart meter transmits two types of data, privacy- 1999, pp. 223–38. It is an interesting
sensitive raw metering data (to the control cen- [15] D. Wu and C. Zhou, “Fault-Tolerant and Scalable Key
ter) and privacy-insensitive metering data Management for Smart Grid,” IEEE Trans. Smart Grid,
open problem to
summary (to the utility), both going through com- vol. 2, no. 2, 2011, pp. 375–81. enable a community
munity gateways [12, 13]. Since summary data can gateway to compute
be computed from raw data, its transmission is BIOGRAPHIES
redundant. It is an interesting open problem to the summary with-
XU LI ( received a Ph.D. (2008) degree from
enable a community gateway to compute the Carleton University, Canada, an M.Sc. (2005) degree from out knowing the
summary without knowing the content of the raw the University of Ottawa, Canada, and a B.Sc. (1998) degree
data, and generate the result that is accessible by from Jilin University, China, all in computer science. Prior to content of the raw
joining Inria, France, as a research scientist, he held post-
the utility. Solutions will reduce smart grid com- doctoral fellow positions at the University of Waterloo, data, and generate
munication overhead, shorten data latency, and Canada, Inria/CNRS, France, and the University of Ottawa, the result that is
eventually improve smart grid reliability. Canada. He is on the editorial boards of the Wiley Transac-
Compromised grid devices are severe security tions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Ad accessible by the util-
Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, and Parallel and Distribut-
threats to the smart grid operation. They are to ed Computing and Networks. He is/was a guest editor of a ity. Solutions will
be detected by the installed intrusion detection few journal special issues. His current research focuses on
systems [2, 3]. However, normal devices may machine-to-machine communications and mobile social net- reduce smart grid
behave selfishly and damage the grid operation works, along with over 50 different works published in ref- communication over-
ereed journals, conference proceedings, and books.
as well. For example, customer-owned renewable head, shorten data
power sources may suddenly stop providing elec- Xiaohui Liang [S’10] ( is cur-
tricity for its own benefit and lead to voltage rently working toward a Ph.D. degree with the Department latency, and eventu-
variations in the grid. Detecting selfish renew- of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
Waterloo. He is a research assistant with the Broadband ally improve smart
able power sources is a unique problem in smart Communications Research (BBCR) Group, University of
grid, and warrants deep investigation. One possi- grid reliability.
Waterloo. His research interests include security and priva-
ble solution is to apply trust management for cy for e-healthcare systems and mobile social networks.
those devices, with respect to their power gener-
RONGXING LU [S’09, M’11] ( received
ation capabilities and constraints as well as their a Ph.D. degree in computer science from Shanghai Jiao
actual behaviors, and avoid using the devices Tong University, Shanghai, China, in 2006 and a Ph.D.
with low trust ratings. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the
University of Waterloo in 2012. He is currently a postdoc-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS toral fellow with the Broadband Communications Research
(BBCR) Group, University of Waterloo. His research interests
This research was partially supported by Nation- include wireless network security, applied cryptography,
al Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant and trusted computing.
No. 61003218, 70971086.)
XIAODONG LIN [S’07, M’09, SM’12] (
received a Ph.D. degree in information engineering from
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[12] C. Efthymiou and G. Kalogridis, “Smart Grid Privacy via less networks, wireless network security, and vehicular ad
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to appear. of the IEEE Communications Society.

IEEE Communications Magazine • August 2012 45

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