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The diagram illustrates the steps involving the burgeoning and postharvest treatment of

pineapples to produce different products. As can be seen from diagram, the process concludes
both natural and artificial steps and divides into two main stages: the farming of pineapples and
the processing when the results are turning into juice, canned food, and exportable fruit crops.
In the growing stage, pineapples plant in the region where the temperature oscillates from 23-30
degrees Celsius. Besides, their heads are spaced about 26 centimeters apart to expose enough
sunshine. After seven months of growing, the growners water the plants with a substance which
named ethylene, then farmers grow for five months when the pineapples are ready to harvest
with a height of 30 cm and a weight of 2 kg.
After the harvest, pineapples are washed and categorized into three different types according to
their sizes. The small and medium types have their tops removed with their rinds peeled. The
smallest pineapples are fed into an extractor to produce juice meanwhile the medium-sized
pineapples are chopped into slices or smaller chunks for canning. In contrast, the large types
are coated in wax to preserve their freshness and packed in wooden boxes to ship to other

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