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The beautiful city of London


The purpose of this report is to talk about London, which is a city from United Kingdom. I have
recently visited it and I thought that it is a great idea to tell to everyone how the city is.

The sightseeing

In the first place, London has many touristic places, as the Tower Bridge, the big ben, the
Buckingham palace, the Madame Tussauds London and so one, in many places you have to buy a
ticket to come in, so you have to have enough money if you do the trip. Every place in the city is so
beautiful; nevertheless, there are many people who don’t like the city, they say that everything
there is so old and they have to renew.

The culture and customs

For me it was a little bit difficult to get use to some customs of British people, for example, did you
know that they drive on the left side? It is totally a mess for me. Talking about them they really like
to eat, they have a full breakfast; another thing is that they have dinner early, for example at six or
seven p.m., furthermore they drink lot of tea, it is an british tradition that all the word know .They
appreciate a lot their friendships and they love to spend time with them in pubs. The England’s
national sports are football and cricket and it is another option to spend time with friends.
Something else is the way that they greet someone; many times they greet saying something or
with a handshake.


To sum up , In a future I will like to go to another city of England or maybe to London again,it is an
spectacular city, I really recommend to everyone to visited it(the only bad thing is the weather)it
would like to be the best decision in your life.

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