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Questionnaire on Assessment of Utilization of Internet Service among
Undergraduate in University of Ilorin, Ilorin Nigeria

Dear Respondent,

The researcher is an undergraduate student of the University of Ilorin, from the Department

of Educational Technology. This research seeks to assess the “Utilization of Internet Service

among undergraduate in University of Ilorin, Ilorin Nigeria”. It contains two sections and

each section contains its own instruction that guides the response to be given. The responses

gotten from this questionnaire would be treated with the utmost confidentiality.


Section A: Demographic Data

Instruction: You are required to fill the following information, please tick () appropriately

Faculty: ___________________________________

Gender: Male ( ) Female ( )

Level: 100 ( ) 200 ( ) 300 ( ) 400 ( ) 500 ( )

Age range: 15 – 25 ( ), 26 – 35 ( ), 36 years and above ( )

Section B – Undergraduates’ Computer and Internet skills

Instruction: Please, indicate by the ticking () the appropriate boxes that best suit your

S/N Computer and Internet Skills Yes No

1. I have basic computer operating skills
2. I have basic web browsing skills to navigate different websites and
search for information on the internet.
3. I can use search engines such as Google or Bing to find specific
information or websites.
4. I am familiar with email and instant messaging tools such as
Gmail, Outlook or Skype to communicate with others.
5. Identify and avoid online scams and phishing attacks
6. I understand how to use cloud-based services such as OneDrive or
Google Drive to share files online.

Section C – Undergraduates’ Mode of accessing the internet

S/ Mode of Accessing the Internet Yes No

1. I access the internet through my personal Modem
2. I use the school local area network (LAN) to access the internet
3. I access the internet through a commercial Cyber-Cafe
4. I access the internet through my mobile phone

Section D – Frequency and Duration of Internet use among Undergraduates

S/N Frequency and duration of internet use Very Often Rarely Seldom
1. How frequency do you access the internet on a daily
2. How frequent do you access the internet on a weekly
3. How often do you use the internet for academic
4. How often to do you use the internet for social media

Section E – Purpose of using the internet service

S/N Purpose of internet usage SA A D SD

1. I use the internet service for academic work
2. I use the internet service majorly for emails and
instant messaging
3. I use the internet for information search
4. I use the internet for music and movie download
5 I use the internet service for software download
Section F – Challenges of using the internet service

S/N Challenges encountered while using the internet SA A D SD

1. The cost of browsing is too high for me
2. I usually experience slow internet speed
3. Erratic power supply is major challenge
4. I finds it difficult to retrieve information easily from
the internet
5 I have inadequate browsing skills
6 There is inadequate internet access in my school

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