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◎Ten points each. Total 100 points.

每題 10 分,共 100 分。
每題 10 分,共 100 分。

(A) (B) (C) (D)

2) How many digits are both outside the square and inside the circle? (3 is written with one digit, and
24 is written with two digits)

(3 是用一個數字書寫,24 是用兩個數字書寫)

(3 是用一個數字書寫,24 是用兩個數字書寫)

(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 9

3) How many more blocks are needed to make the solid on the left become the solid on the right?

如圖,從左邊的立體變成右邊的立體需要增加多少塊小積木 ?

如圖,從左邊的立體變成右邊的立體需要增加多少塊小積木 ?

(A) 15 (B) 25 (C) 75 (D) 5


4) In the box were 100 pearls. The elder sister took away 10 pearls, the younger sister took away 10
pearls, and their mother took away 5 pearls. How many pearls are left now?

盒子內有 100 顆珍珠,姊姊拿走 10 顆,妹妹拿走 10 顆,媽媽再拿走 5 顆,現在盒子內還有


盒子內有 100 顆珍珠,姊姊拿走 10 顆,妹妹拿走 10 顆,媽媽再拿走 5 顆,現在盒子內還有


(A) 15 (B) 25 (C) 75 (D) 85

5) As shown, at least how many ●’s should be put in the grid to make each row and each column has
three or more ●’s?



(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6


6) The mall has 5 garages. Each can hold either 3 ’s or 5 ’s. ’s and ’s cannot
be parked in the same garage. Given that 8 ’s and 18 ’s are waiting to enter the garages.
When the garages are full, how many ’s and ’s are left outside? (All the garages are
empty originally)

商場有 5 個車庫,每個車庫都能停滿 3 輛 或5輛 ,且 跟 不能停在同一

個車庫,現有 8 輛 和 18 輛 要停入車庫,若車庫剛好停滿車輛,則 和 各

商場有 5 個車庫,每個車庫都能停滿 3 輛 或5輛 ,且 跟 不能停在同一

個車庫,現有 8 輛 和 18 輛 要停入車庫,若車庫剛好停滿車輛,則 和 各

(A) (B) (C) (D)


7) The flags are misplaced during classroom decoration. Suppose the flags are to be placed in the order
of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 by switching places of the two adjacent flags each time, at least how many
times should the flags switch places?

讓旗子恢復正確的排列順序 1、2、3、4、5、6 最少要經過幾次交換?

讓旗子恢復正確的排列順序 1、2、3、4、5、6 最少要經過幾次交換?

(A) 12 (B) 10 (C) 9 (D) 8

8) Go rightward or upward from the bottom left 5 to the upper right 5. Add up all the numbers along the
way (including the two 5’s), and find the difference between the maximum sum M and the minimum
sum m.

從左下的 5 出發前往右上的 5,只能向右或向上走,將途中經過的數全部加起來後得到的最大

總和 M 與最小總和 m 相差多少?(兩個 5 也要計算進去)

從左下的 5 出發前往右上的 5,只能向右或向上走,將途中經過的數全部加起來后得到的最大

總和 M 與最小總和 m 相差多少?(兩個 5 也要計算進去)

(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6


9) As shown, the top of Pascal’s triangle is 1, and the two ends of each row are 1’s. Start from the
second row, the sum of two adjacent numbers equals the number between and below them. Find the
sum of the three shaded numbers in the figure.

如圖,巴斯卡三角形的最上面是 1,每列左右兩端也都是 1,從第二列起,相鄰兩數的和等於


如圖,巴斯卡三角形的最上面是 1,每列左右兩端也都是 1,從第二列起,相鄰兩數的和等於


(A) 45 (B) 40 (C) 36 (D) 26

10) Put the 4 pieces of puzzles on the left into the 4×4 grid on the right. If the puzzles cannot be
rotated, what does the shaded 2×2 grid look like?

如圖,將左邊 4 片不同的小拼圖放入右邊 4×4 方格中完成拼圖,小拼圖不能旋轉,則圖中塗

色的 2×2 方格是下列哪一個選項?

如圖,將左邊 4 片不同的小拼圖放入右邊 4×4 方格中完成拼圖,小拼圖不能旋轉,則圖中塗

色的 2×2 方格是下列哪一個選項?

(A) (B) (C) (D)


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