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Edith Stein was studying phenomenology at the University of Göttingen with Husserl

where she wrote a doctoral thesis on empathy, but when war broke out in 1914 she put
a hold on all her studies to register immediately for a nursing course in Breslau. After
taking the course she became a Red Cross nurse and was assigned to the infectious
diseases section of a military hospital in Austria that held around 4,000 beds. There she
worked for most of 1915 , where she treated patients suffering from diseases such as
typhoid, cholera, typhus, dysentery and other conditions such as frostbite and
pneumonia. At the start of 1916 due to the need for nurses declining, she decided to
return back to her phenomenological study with Husserl.

In 1921, while visiting friends, she spent an entire night reading the autobiography of
Carmelite nun St. Teresa of Avila. After reading the books she realized she wanted to
become a member of the catholic church and on January 1st 1922 She was baptized.
She wanted to join the Carmelites immediately after her conversion, but ultimately had
to wait another 11 years before taking this step. Because she couldn’t join the
Carmelites right away she taught at a Dominican school, and gave several public
lectures on women's issues, but in 1933 due to Ediths Jewish ethnicity and the rise of
Nazicism she had to stop teaching and leave her mother to join a Carmelite convent in
1934, taking the name “Teresa Benedicta of the Cross” as a symbol of her acceptance
of suffering. On August 7, 1942 she was arrested along with her sister Rosa (who had
also become catholic) by Nazis and taken to Auschwitz, and after not passing the
selection process Teresa Benedicta of the Cross was killed inside of a gas chamber on
August 9, 1942 with her faith still strongly in her mind.

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