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Rachel’s Superstars

YouTube Membership Monthly Audio Lesson

September 2023: Topic — Answering Questions from the Comments

Okay. Welcome to my YouTube channel, members, supporters, and anyone who is a subscriber
on Facebook.
Thank you so much for your support. I am going to be continuing questions from the comments
section. I answered some questions a couple months back, and there were a couple I didn't get
So, we're dedicating this month's audio lesson to two questions. One comes from Tim, and the
other, which is just a supporting question to that, from Gerold.
So, Tim asked, he says, “I'd like to hear you speak on spirituality and the supernatural. And to
whether you've devoted time and energy into this topic throughout your journey of becoming
successful in the field you work in today. Or, whether you don't believe in it at all? And if so,
what other strategies have you applied in order to achieve this success?”
Gerold followed up with that and said, “I have the same opinion as Tim. Did you have a
supernatural or spirituality moment in your life? A moment you can't explain rationally?”
These are deep questions. Um, and I'm not sure which part of the question to start with, I think
I'm going to start with Tim, whose question is aimed directly at the business. About Rachel's
English, building this idea, starting with videos, turning it into a whole business. So, have I
devoted energy to spirituality and the supernatural, and do I attribute that to part of my success?
The short answer is no.
Uhm, and I do feel like spirituality and the supernatural are two totally different things. But I
understand if someone else wouldn't call those two totally different things. So, I, - gosh! Would I
even call myself a spiritual person? I'm not sure that I would even say that, I will say, that I do
meditate, and some people may call that a spiritual act.
To me, it is about expanding my understanding of my own mind and how it works. Which isn't
really a spiritual thing for me. But this is just all my own opinion, and my own experience, and I
don't feel very argumentative about these things, when other people have other opinions and
other experiences. I do feel like meditation is an important part of my life and contributing
overall, to my own mental health, essentially, to finding deeper calm in life, in a chaotic life. And
I think, you could probably say, being calm and tending to yourself, is an important part of your
success in general. But I don't think that there is, for me, any link beyond that.
As far as the supernatural, uhm, I think I'm generally too rational to be very interested in that
kind of thing. I really think that, how do I say this? I think that, if we believe something has a
supernatural connection in some way, and that feels good and right to us, then I think that's right
for that person.
I guess what I'm saying is, I don't know how much I believe in universal truths. Like if I say, “No,
I don't believe in the supernatural,” and someone else does, is one of us inherently right and is
one of us inherently wrong? I mean, for that person, the supernatural is very real, for me, it's
not. I do also think that what we prepare in our minds, does get reflected to a certain degree in
our lives. Some people may call that 'supernatural' or 'spiritual.'
But you know, the idea that a professional athlete would play through an upcoming game, or an
upcoming race, in their heads, and would visualize a positive outcome. To me, that links to the
mind more than the supernatural. And that is something I do. Now, has that related to my
success? I don't know.
I do remember, way, way back, when YouTube was much newer, people wanted to become
YouTube Partners. Because then, you could start earning a few cents against your videos,
through ads. And I wanted to become a YouTube Partner. And at that point, you just had to
apply and wait. And I remember I applied, and at some point, I remember doing this
visualization where I was seeing the message come in, where I had been accepted in this
program and, I was, you know, trying to experience that, through my imagination.
And then at some point later I was accepted into the YouTube channel membership program. I
don't actually remember how close in time those two happened. And I can't say that I think the
reason why it happened is because I imagined it. I do think for me, in general, that imagining
positive outcomes for things I'm working on, helps relax me. And overall makes me feel happier.
It's not a tool, I utilize that much. But I do think that there is some actual, like, concrete science
behind this. As far as people scanning the brain and realizing that if you practice in your mind
your golf swing, like the same parts of your brain light up, that would if you were actually
practicing your golf swing. So, I think that's interesting. And I have used that a little bit.
Mostly, what strategies have I applied in order to achieve this success? To answer that question
directly, I honestly think the reason why I am successful on YouTube, and I will say even to just
to make that statement, I don't always feel successful. But the reason why I'm successful on
YouTube is because I started a long time ago, and I never gave up. I'm 15 years in at this point.
So that's it, choosing something you enjoy, and then sticking with it. It's not a very unusual
strategy. It's also not very surprising. I feel like it's very dull, like, in the world of teaching
success, I don't think very many people are saying, just stick with it forever and eventually you'll
find success. But I think that's what happened for me. I mean, I look at YouTube now, it's a very
different playing field than when I joined. So many more people involved, so many more
channels, so much more content. And I do think it can be harder to get noticed.
So, I feel very thankful that I got the idea when I did. I started posting the videos when I did. And
I look back on other people I knew a decade ago, who were posting content to YouTube, and a
lot of them are no longer doing it. For whatever reason, their life changed direction. And, but I
still am. And that is why I'm successful, it's because I didn't stop doing it despite never blowing
up. My progress has been slow and incremental.
But if you see even small progress with something you enjoy, and you can do for a very long
time, then eventually that progress will grow into something real.
Now, Gerold has asked about a supernatural moment in my life, a moment that I couldn't
explain rationally. I've never really had a moment where I felt like, for example, someone was
communicating with me from my past or someone who had died or anything like that. I definitely
have had friends tell me stories that I think, wow, that's interesting. How did that happen?
Where they, they believe that this has happened to them. And I don't discount where they're at
and their experience, but I can't say that I've really had that experience myself.
I did one time have a dream that seemed different than every other dream that I've had,
basically. It seems, I, I hesitate to use the word vision, but it almost felt like how people would
describe a vision, and the reason why I say that is because along with the dream, was like a
physical sensation in my body that was similar to what I feel when I'm meditating. When I've,
like, really quieted my mind. I really calmed things down. You know, my body feels different.
And so, in my dream, I was having that body feeling that was different.
The thing that the dream was about, was a friend of mine had been trying for eight years to
have a child. Had tried everything that was available. Everything was unsuccessful. And you
know, I remember thinking for this person, I don't know if she'll ever be able to have one. I know
she really wanted one and I, I hoped that she would be able to have one, but I didn't know.
Because at this point, she was 40. And she had been trying for, since she was 32.
And she had gotten pregnant once and it hadn't lasted, it hadn't worked out. She had had a
miscarriage. So, I have this dream where, I don't remember the details if I was like looking at a
sonogram or something, but I saw that she was pregnant. And I remember the thought coming
up, “Oh, but what if she loses this one, too?” And as soon as that thought happened, another
thing arose. And that was when I got this sort of vibrating body sensation, sort of, and in my
mind, it was like a picture of her standing, and I had this sort of tunnel vision into her belly where
I saw a baby. But then it went beyond that. And then it was this tunnel vision into the belly of,
like, that baby. And it was just, like, sucked in time, over time, over time. There kept being a
baby in there. And, what it felt was like, “Oh, this baby will live, and this baby will go on to have
babies.” And then not very much longer later, she told me she was pregnant. And it did, she did
end up having a healthy girl who's now four years old or something.
So that, you know, that was a dream that was sort of, had some different feelings to it. I've
never felt that way in a dream before. It's sort of, it felt like a moment. So, who knows what my
mind was doing in that moment.
I think if you believe in the supernatural, you might say, “Oh, yeah, you, you had a vision. You
connected to whatever beyond the world that we know.” But I'm still pretty skeptical, so, I just
will sort of say, “Oh, it was, it was an elevated dream. It was a dream with body sensations. It's
unlike what I had before.” And it did end up that what I saw in the dream is what happened in
real life, to a certain point. Now, I don't know if her daughter is going to grow up and have
children because she's four. It's too early to say. But that is what I would say about that.
Thank you to Tim, and to Gerold, for those very interesting questions.

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