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Alien versus Natural-like Artificial General Intelligences

Howard Schneider1[0000-0001-8052-6448] , Piotr (Peter) Bołtuć2[0000-0002-7210-615X]

1 Sheppard Clinic North, Vaughan, ON, Canada
2 University of Illinois, Springfield, IL, USA

Abstract. A natural-like artificial general intelligence (AGI) is defined to be

an AGI that includes mammalian-like mechanisms such as core usage of navi-
gation maps, spatial and temporal binding, predictive coding, lifelong learning,
and innate knowledge procedures. If it includes core mechanisms which allow
full causal and analogical processing, then it is also considered to be a human-
like AGI. An AGI which is not a natural-like AGI is termed an alien AGI. We
consider (for sake of example) as a natural-like AGI a largely conceptual cogni-
tive architecture (the Causal Cognitive Architecture 5) inspired by the mamma-
lian brain. We consider (for sake of example) as an alien AGI the large language
model ChatGPT. We show for a non-numeric simple example, that the natural-
like AGI is able to solve the problem by automatic core mechanisms, but an
alien AGI has difficulty arriving at a solution. It may be, that alien AGIs’ under-
standing of the world is so different from a human understanding that to allow
alien AGIs to do tasks done originally by humans, is to eventually invite strange
failures in the tasks.
Keywords: artificial general intelligence, large language model, ChatGPT,
cognitive architecture, analogies, causality

1 Introduction – The Need to Consider What Type of System is

Producing the Intelligent Behavior

A large body of work exists attempting to define artificial intelligence (AI) and to a
lesser extent artificial general intelligence (AGI) [1–10]. However, as we show below,
in most of these definitions there is the lack of consideration whether an AI/AGI is
based on a natural-like mechanism or is what we term here an “alien-like” AI/AGI.
At the time of this writing, large language models have improved to the point where
their users may at times consider them to be AI/AGI systems performing at a human
level. For example, Kung and colleagues demonstrated that the large language model
called ChatGPT was able to essentially achieve passing marks on the United States
medical licensing exams without any specialized training ahead of time [11].
We make no claims of AGI existing at the time of writing, but in the following sec-
tions, we will attempt to consider AGI systems in particular, and go on to define natural-
like AGI, and by exclusion, alien-like AGI (or “alien AGI”), by the mechanisms they

use. Since alien AGIs will arrive at decisions in ways very different than natural-like
AGIs would, what effect will this have on the utility and the safety of their decisions?

2 Definitions of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Artificial

General Intelligence (AGI)

Russell and Norvig [1] define artificial intelligence in terms of replicating human per-
formance versus rational (i.e., doing the “right thing”) thought, and in terms of internal
thought processes versus external intelligent behavior. Legg and Hutter [2] provide a
mathematical formulation of a measure of machine intelligence in terms of an agent’s
“ability to achieve goals in a wide range of environments.” Chollet [3] proposes the
machine-suitable Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus, with tasks similar to Raven’s
Progressive Matrices.
Many other approaches with regard to classifying AI systems exist. For example,
Wang [4] attempts to carefully define what is an artificial intelligence, and proposes
“adaptation with insufficient knowledge and resources.” Rosenbloom and colleagues
[5] describe characterizing AI systems and cognitive architectures in terms of basic
dichotomies, i.e., is the system symbolic versus sub-symbolic, symmetric versus asym-
metric, and combinatory versus non-combinatory. The field of biologically inspired
cognitive architectures (BICA) describes cognitive architectures inspired by the human
brain [6]. Such BICA systems can serve to give insight into brain function as well as to
create systems acting as AI systems and perhaps in the future as the basis of AGI sys-
The term “artificial general intelligence” was briefly used in 1997 by Gubrud [7] but
used again more extensively by Goertzel and Legg in 2002 [8]. Goertzel and Pennachin
[9] noted that unlike “narrow AI… artificial general intelligence can solve a variety of
complex problems in a variety of different domains, and that controls itself autono-
mously…” There have since been other attempts to characterize what defines artificial
general intelligence. For example, Adams and colleagues [10] describe a large variety
of characteristics for AGI environments, tasks, agents, and architectures.
Again, no claims of AGI existing at the time of writing are made, but given that we
are concerned largely by more capable systems that produce intelligence in keeping
with the various definitions of AGI, in this paper, we will talk about AGI rather than
AI. As noted earlier, none of these definitions of artificial general intelligence really
consider whether an AGI is based on a natural-like mechanism or not.

3 A Definition of a Natural-Like Artificial General Intelligence

While the underlying mechanisms of a mammalian brain (let alone any animal brain)
are still not well understood, certain high-level mechanisms are recognized, and the
definition of a natural-like artificial general intelligence (AGI) thus requires a number
of these pertinent high-level mechanisms. As will be seen in the sections below, the
rationale for distinguishing an alien AGI from a natural-like AGI is because alien AGIs
may arrive at answers to problems in ways very different than a human or a natural-like

AGI would, and this can have an important (negative or positive) impact on the utility
and safety of their decisions.
A natural-like artificial general intelligence (AGI) is defined as follows:

·A natural-like AGI uses high-level mechanisms to produce artificial general intelli-

gence similar to the high-level mechanisms used by the mammalian-like animal brain.
A. High-level mechanisms required in all natural-like AGIs:
1. Given the existence of spatial maps in hippocampi, and given hippocampi in all
mammals [12, 13, 14], we postulate [15, 16] and require the use of navigation maps
(described in more detail in the next section) not just for navigation, but involved in the
core mechanisms of the AGI.
2. Spatial as well as temporal binding (described in more detail in the next section)
of sensory inputs with the navigation maps or other internal data structures [16, 17, 18].
3. Given that it is well known that higher-level brain or thought levels can influence
the perception of information in a sensory scene, the AGI’s core mechanism must use
some form of predictive coding, i.e., errors between what the AGI thought it would be
seeing or sensing (or internally concluding) and between the actual sensory inputs, are
propagated to higher levels [19].
4. Given that incremental, lifelong learning can occur in mammalian brains, it should
also occur in a natural-like AGI.
5. Natural-like AGI does not start off as a tabula rasa, but contains a number of innate
knowledge procedures concerning objects, physics, agents, numbers, and social group
members, similar to those found in mammals and humans. The work of Spelke and
others [20, 21] shows that such knowledge procedures occur in human infants as well
as in some other young mammals.
B. In a natural-like AGI which is also “human-like” the following additional high-
level mechanisms are required to be used by the natural-like/human-like AGI:
6. Predominant causal (i.e., essentially considering cause and effect) processing of
sensory inputs and stored data can occur by re-operating on intermediate results. While
non-human mammals including chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan
paniscus) do not demonstrate full causal behavior, for the most part, humans do [22].
7. Analogical processing is integrated in the core mechanisms of the natural-like/hu-
man-like AGI. While most mammals, including chimpanzees, do not demonstrate full
analogical abilities, humans, of course, largely, do [16, 23]. Psychological evidence
indicates that analogical processing is actually a core mechanism in the human brain
“High-level mechanism” refers to the mechanisms employed above the level of the
local neural circuits. “Mammalian-like” means similarities between the AGI and a
mammalian animal brain. Would a natural-like AGI that was modeled on the crow’s
brain (i.e., genus Corvus) be acceptable as a natural-like AGI under the above defini-
tion? Yes. Non-mammalian vertebrates have navigation systems including homologues
to the mammalian brain’s navigation-related structures [25]. While most non-mamma-
lian vertebrates may not meet the main criterion of the definition above of producing
artificial general intelligence-like behavior, some birds may [26]. (However, a natural-
like AGI modeled on the octopus’s brain (e.g., Amphioctopus marginatus) would not–

it would be considered as an alien AGI under the above definition. While octopuses
may be able to solve problems and use tools [27], their brain architecture is very differ-
ent from the mammalian brain.)
Kralik gives a large list of uniquely human cognitive abilities [28]. However, above
in our definition we choose two pertinent human-like high-level mechanisms which are
not found in other mammals, and which are more mechanically suitable for considera-
tion of inclusion in an AGI. Although beyond the scope of this paper, if the two human-
level criteria of the definition above are present, then it is likely that most of the other
of what are considered uniquely human cognitive abilities will also co-exist or emerge
[15, 16, 18].

4 An Example of a Natural-Like Artificial General Intelligence

The Causal Cognitive Architecture 5 (CCA5) is a biologically inspired cognitive archi-

tecture (BICA) loosely inspired by the mammalian brain, conceptually meeting the cri-
teria above for a natural-like AGI, and if full feedback is used [16], also meeting the
criteria above for a human-like AGI. The navigation maps in the simulated architecture
are arrays with 6x6x6 spatial dimensions (as well as other dimensions for object seg-
mentation, associated procedures and metadata). Thousands to billions of such naviga-
tion maps can exist within the architecture and prove useful for the overall storage and
representational needs of the architecture, i.e., each navigation map storing associated
features of the environment along with associated procedures and links to other navi-
gation maps [15].
An overview of the architecture of the CCA5 is shown in Figure 1. The architecture
takes as an input the set of sensory features streaming in from different perceptual sen-
sors. Objects detected in this stream of sensory features are segmented, and visual, au-
ditory, and other sensory features of each segmented object are spatially mapped onto
navigation maps dedicated to one sensory modality. This represents the first step in
spatial object binding. These single-sensory navigation maps are then mapped onto a
best matching multi-sensory navigation map taken from the Causal Memory Module
(Figure 1) and operated on in the Navigation Module. This represents the second step
in spatial object binding. As well, a parallel sensory stream has gone through the Se-
quential/Error Correcting Module (Figure 1) which detects changes with time, and is
then converted to a vector value which is also bound along with the spatial features onto
the same navigation maps, effectively representing temporal binding [17, 18]. Instinc-
tive primitives and learned primitives, essentially small rules or productions, them-
selves using modified navigation maps, are then applied onto the navigation map in the
Navigation Module, producing a signal to the Output Vector Association Module (Fig-
ure 1) and then to the external embodiment. Instinctive primitives are innate knowledge
procedures concerning objects, agents, numbers, and social group members. Learned
primitives are procedures which are learned by the architecture.
There are extensive feedback pathways throughout the architecture—states of a
downstream module can influence the recognition and processing of more upstream
sensory inputs. The differences between the expected sensory input and the actual

sensory input are computed and fed forward, and influence the binding of the sensory
inputs onto local sensory navigation maps in the Input Sensory Vectors Association
Modules (Figure 1) as well as the final binding of the local navigation maps onto a
multisensory navigation map which becomes the working navigation map in the Navi-
gation Module (Figure 1). This is reflected in the equations describing the architecture
in [16].
Existing navigation maps in the Input Sensory Vectors Association Modules (Figure
1) as well as the Sequential/Error Correcting Module (Figure 1) and the Causal Memory
Module (Figure 1) are updated with changes as sensory inputs stream in, and as well
new navigation maps are created. This can occur constantly, as long as there is a suffi-
cient supply of empty navigation maps and links between navigation maps. There is no
catastrophic forgetting–navigation maps are updated or created, links are updated or
created, with little effect on other navigation maps (i.e., lifelong learning occurs).

Fig. 1. Overview of the Causal Cognitive Architecture 5 (CCA5)

In the Causal Cognitive Architecture 5, the feedback pathways between the Naviga-
tion Module/ Object Segmentation Gateway Module and the Input Sensory Vectors
Association Modules (Figure 1) are enhanced allowing intermediate results from the
Navigation Module to be stored in the Input Sensory Vectors Association Modules. If
so, in the next cognitive cycle (i.e., cycles of passing input sensory vectors into and
through the architecture), these intermediate results will automatically be considered as
the input sensory information and propagated to the Navigation Module and operated
on again. By feeding back and re-operating on the intermediate results, the Causal Cog-
nitive Architecture is able to formulate and explore possible cause and effect of actions,
i.e., generate causal behavior [16, 17, 18]. As Schneider shows, a consequence of this
enhancement in feedback processing of the intermediate results of the architecture is

not only the ability to generate causal behavior but that the architecture now readily
uses analogical reasoning as a central and core mechanism of action [16, 18, 29].
The references [15, 16, 17, 18, 29] give the functioning of the Causal Cognitive Ar-
chitecture 5 (CCA5) in much more detail, but we note here that it conceptually meets
the above definition of being both a natural-like AGI and a human-like AGI:
“An AGI” – While no claims are made for the CCA5 as being a functioning AGI,
it conceptually could meet the definitions [9] above for an AGI: “…artificial general
intelligence can solve a variety of complex problems in a variety of different domains,
and that controls itself autonomously…”
1. The use of navigation maps – The CCA5 makes extensive use of navigation
maps for representational storage and operations.
2. Spatial as well as temporal binding – As described above, via the binding of
sensory inputs onto local navigation maps and then onto a multi-sensory navigation
map, spatial binding occurs, and temporal binding occurs via the Sequential/Error Cor-
recting Module (Figure 1).
3. Predictive coding – The errors between what the AGI thought it would be sens-
ing and between the actual sensory inputs are propagated to higher levels as described
4. Lifelong learning – Existing navigation maps in the Input Sensory Vectors As-
sociation Modules (Figure 1) as well as the Sequential/Error Correcting Module (Figure
1) and the Causal Memory Module (Figure 1) are updated with changes as sensory
inputs stream in, and as well new navigation maps are created. As noted above, this
occurs constantly, and there is no catastrophic forgetting.
5. Innate knowledge procedures – As noted above, instinctive primitives, which
are essentially small rules or productions concerning objects, numbers, agents and so
on, are built into the architecture.
6. Predominant causal processing – As noted above, by allowing feedback from
the intermediate results of the Navigation Module (Figure 1) to be temporarily stored
and re-processed in the next cycle, the architecture is able to formulate and explore
possible cause and effect.
7. Analogical processing – As noted above, a consequence of the feedback of the
intermediate results from the Navigation Module (Figure 1) to be temporarily stored, is
that analogical processing readily emerges as part of the core mechanisms of the archi-

5 Alien-Like AGI versus Natural-Like AGI

The rationale for distinguishing an alien AGI from a natural-like AGI is because alien
AGIs may arrive at answers to problems in ways very different than humans would, the
latter which by anecdotal evidence [16] we assume is better represented by natural-
like/human-like AGIs. This can have an important effect on the utility and safety of
decisions arrived at.
Above we presented the Causal Cognitive Architecture 5 (CCA5). While no claims
are made for the CCA5 as being a functioning AGI, conceptually it meets the above

definitions for an AGI [9]. As well, it meets the criteria above of the definition of a
natural-like AGI including being a human-like AGI. Thus, for the sake of example, we
consider the CCA5 as a natural-like AGI and a human-like AGI.
Above we discussed how a large language model (utilizes an underlying transformer
architecture [30]) called ChatGPT was able to essentially achieve passing marks on the
United States medical licensing exams [11]. In actual performance, ChatGPT meets
many of the requirements of an AGI in being “able to solve a variety of complex prob-
lems in a variety of different domains”, and it could easily be embedded into an agent
structure and “control itself autonomously” [9]. While there is disagreement whether
architectures such as ChatGPT are close to representing true AGIs [31], for the sake of
example, we consider ChatGPT as an AGI. Since it does not meet many of the criteria
above of a natural-like AGI, we thus consider it an alien AGI.
In Schneider [16] a robot controlled by a CCA5 architecture (for convenience we
will term the combination of the CCA5 and the robot as the “CCA5”) wants to cross a
deep river filled with floating leaves. It has no experience with leaves (and actually
does not even know their names). However, by analogy (which occurs automatically as
part of the core mechanisms of the architecture in conjunction with its very basic intu-
itive object and physics knowledge) with stepping on similarly thin sheets of newspaper
in a puddle at an earlier time, the CCA5 arrives at the conclusion that stepping on the
leaves would result in it falling into the water of the river. Thus, without any prior
detailed understanding about leaves or what a leaf really is, it makes the correct decision
not to cross the river.
ChatGPT has an enormous innate storage (orders of magnitude greater than a single
human could have) of written information about the world (although it may be lacking
with regard to numeric computations, which we thus avoid in our examples). If it is
asked if it safe to cross a river walking on “leaves,” it will respond that it is too danger-
ous to cross, as shown in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Conversation with ChatGPT about crossing a river filled with leaves. (The swirling
symbol represents answers from ChatGPT. Retrieved: Jan 30, 2023.)

However, consider if we ask this question in a way similar to the CCA5 example in
Schneider [16] where the AGI has never seen an object such as leaves before. Imagine
that the alien AGI (i.e., ChatGPT) had not seen before the leaves on the river other than
seeing them in a catalog somewhere as “solid08”. The alien AGI has the same limited
information about sheets of a newspaper as being “solid22”. The alien AGI is given the
same previous experience about stepping on an object “solid22” (i.e., pages of a news-
paper) in a puddle.

From Figure 3 we can see that even if the alien AGI (i.e., ChatGPT) is told a second
time what happened with “solid22” (i.e., pages of a newspaper in a puddle) it still was
not able to readily come to the conclusion that the river should not be crossed (or to
give a creative solution that a human would not normally have thought of).

Fig. 3. Conversation with ChatGPT about crossing a river filled with “solid08”. (The swirl-
ing symbol represents answers from ChatGPT. Retrieved: Jan 30, 2023.)

From this overall conversation (i.e., Figures 2 plus 3) experience ChatGPT may pos-
sibly now know better what to do the next time it encounters “solid08” and “solid22”.
However, there are a myriad of other such examples, where the examples may not be
in the massive corpus which ChatGPT has trained on. In these examples, the alien AGI
such as ChatGPT may be unable to make correct decisions where there are such un-
knowns, while a natural-like and human-like AGI (e.g., CCA5) despite its much more
modest world knowledge, could in theory handle these situations easily.
This example really applies where the natural AGI and alien AGI are at a level aim-
ing for human-level but not there yet. If an alien AGI is at a level many times that of a
human (defining “level” per Chollet [3]) then these kinds of examples may not hold,
and further work is required to investigate natural-like AGIs versus alien AGIs.

6 Discussion

Above we defined a natural-like AGI, including those AGIs that are also human-like
AGIs. If an AGI is not a natural-like AGI, then we term it an alien AGI.
The rationale for distinguishing an alien AGI from a natural-like AGI is because in
a complex world where the decisions taken or the solutions arrived at are not straight-
forward, the underlying mechanisms used by the AGI do matter. As justified above, for
the sake of example, we considered the large language model ChatGPT as an alien AGI.

Similarly for the sake of example, we considered the largely conceptual Causal Cogni-
tive Architecture 5 (CCA5) as a natural-like AGI and human-like AGI.
We considered the example which had already been examined in [16] whereby the
CCA5 controlling a robot needs to cross a deep river. It sees a river filled with leaves
(which it has no previous understanding or knowledge of other than to recognize them,
and indeed considers them “solid08” objects). Through the use of key features of a
natural-like AGI (causality, analogy, innate physics, and so on) it is able to automati-
cally reason that it would be dangerous to cross the river.
We then considered the same example with respect to ChatGPT, which we consider
as an alien AGI. If we tell ChatGPT that the river is filled with “leaves,” due to its
super-human knowledge of much of what has ever been written, it immediately says
not to cross the river. However, if we specify that the river is filled with “solid08”
objects (i.e., so that this problem represents something ChatGPT has not previously
read about) and give it information about analogous “solid22” objects similar to what
the CCA5 received, it is not able to make a decision about crossing the river.
This is an extremely simple example. The simplicity was required in [16] because of
the extremely modest simulation of the CCA5. On the other hand, ChatGPT represents
an impressive engineering achievement, and yet, it was not able to make a decision on
this simple example. Imagine a similar problem in an analogous situation where arriv-
ing at decision held more importance, e.g., prescribing or not prescribing a certain med-
ication for a patient, and so on. The safety and utility of the decision provided by an
alien AGI, despite its apparent super-human abilities, may be seriously and unpredict-
ably impaired at times. It may be, that alien AGIs’ understanding of the world is so
different from a human understanding that to allow alien AGIs to do tasks done origi-
nally by humans, is to eventually invite strange failures in the tasks; yet this depends
on the development of alien AGIs. An alien AGI is not necessarily less powerful in
cognition than a human, but different [32]. A need exists to distinguish future AGIs as
being natural-like AGIs versus alien AGIs.

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