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Hello, thank you for using your eyeballs and reading.

This is basically the FAQ

of the mod.

Q: Is this compatible with Gay Fates

A: Yes! All you need to do is just slap this mod on top of it.jjj sssssssssssnc s
jewhfwb ffwfnjsf kksk cale
All edited supports use the same bin.lz files from Gay Fates,
meaning the same-sex S supports will still appear and be readable
in the game, completely they/themified! Custom paralogues from
Gay Fates are also edited and included, but of course don't do
anything without Gay Fates. They/themified versions of Gay Fates
exclusive supports will be in the next update of
Unofficial Gay Fates!

Q: What gendered terms were replaced, and with what?

A: Before I answer this, I would like to say finding gender-neutral

replacements was HARD. Whether or not they actually work is up to you.

Prince/Princess: Scion, Royal (Depending on usage, Xander calls

Corrin "Little Scion")

Brother/Sister: Either replaced with Sibling or Corrin's name.

Elise calls Corrin "Sib"

Mama/Papa/etc.: Kana, Selkie, Velouria, and Sophie all call

Corrin "Rara", which is completely made up and based on dragon
growls (Credit to circleseverywhere for this one). Rhajat
calls Corrin "Spawner" because I thought it'd be funny and
fitting. Every other kid refers to Corrin by their first name,
as finding other gender-neutral terms for a parent that sounded
fitting was difficult. Please give me suggestions I'm begging.

Lord/Lady: Replaced with "Ser". This is used in some media

as a gender neutral honorific for knights typically, but it
can also just work in general. I could've just used "Lord"
across the board but not everyone is fond of the masculine
version also being the neutral.

Milord/Milady: My liege (Corrin's retainers only, all

instances by other characters address Corrin as Ser Corrin)

Monk/Shrine Maiden: Ascetic

Priestess: Shrine Master

Skills with conditions related to another unit's gender that

can interact with Corrin instead say "non-male/female" instead
of "male/female"

Q: Is Corrin treated as gender-neutral gameplay-wise?

A: No, the Corrin's are still effectively male and female


Q: Are any supports rewritten?

A: No, the only rewriting done was to a small bit of

F!Corrin/Hisame. However, Soleil uses the F!Corrin support
with M!Corrin and Laslow uses the M!Corrin support with
F!Corrin. Soleil uses the Gay Fates S support, however I would
like to just have the entire chain rewritten for this mod
specifcally. (Credit to the writers of F!Corrin/Soleil S,
@uqu on tumblr and r/krakonkraken)

Q: Can I help with this mod?

A: Abso-fucking-lutely. I need it. Reading most text in the

game is quite draining!

End of FAQ

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