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We Must Be Born Again of Water and the Spirit

God, when He created the heavens and the earth in the

beginning, also created the eternal worlds, Heaven and hell. He
created mankind in His own image, but, since the first man,
Adam, sinned before God, all people have to die once. “And as
it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment”
(Hebrews 9:27).
The death of our flesh is the passageway to eternal life.
Those who are without sin shall enter the eternal world of
Heaven and everlastingly enjoy being the children of God,
while sinners will be thrown into “the lake of fire and
brimstone” (Revelation 20:10) and be tormented day and night
for all eternity.
Therefore, all of humankind must be born again. We have
to be born again through our faiths, be redeemed from all our
sins and become righteous. For only then can we enter the
eternal Kingdom of Heaven. The Bible says, “Unless one is
born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of
God” (John 3:5). “To be born again of water and the Spirit” is
the only way we can enter the eternal Kingdom of God.
What, then, is this ‘water’ and ‘the Spirit’ that allows us to
be born again? The ‘water’ in the Bible refers to ‘the baptism
of Jesus.’
Why was Jesus, who is God, baptized by John the Baptist?
Was it to show His humility? Was it to proclaim Himself the
Messiah? No, it wasn’t.
When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist by means of

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‘the laying on of hands’ (Leviticus 16:21), it was ‘one Man’s

righteous act’ (Romans 5:18), which took away all the sins of
In the Old Testament, God gave Israel the merciful law of
redemption. This was so that on the Day of Atonement, all the
sins of Israel for that year could be expiated through the High
Priest, Aaron, by laying his hands on the head of the
‘scapegoat’ and passing all the sins onto that scapegoat.
These were the words of revelation, which foretold the
sacrifice of eternal atonement. It revealed the truth that all the
sins of humanity would be passed onto Jesus all at once, who
came in the flesh of a man, according to the will of the Father.
And He was baptized by John the Baptist who was the
descendant of Aaron and the representative of all humankind.
When Jesus was baptized, He said to John, “Permit it to
be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all
righteousness” (Matthew 3:15).
Here, “For thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all
righteousness,” has the same meaning as the ‘laying on of
hands’ in the Old Testament. It is how all the sins of the world
were transferred onto Jesus and it blots out the sins of all who
believe. The meaning of ‘the righteousness of God’ is ‘most
fair’ or ‘most appropriate’.
Jesus had fulfilled all righteousness for all people through
His baptism in a just and fitting manner. Because Jesus took on
all the sins of people through His baptism, the next day, John
the Baptist testified, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes
away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29)
With all the sins of humankind on His shoulders, Jesus
walked toward the Cross. He vicariously took the judgment for
all the sins He had taken on Himself through His baptism. He
died on the Cross, saying, “It is finished” (John 19:30). He

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took all our sins onto Himself and received the complete
judgment for them in our place.

The Water, Which Means the Baptism of Jesus,

Is the Antitype of Salvation

Therefore, without having ‘the faith in the baptism of

Jesus,’ we cannot be saved. That is why the Apostle Peter
declared the water, which means the baptism of Jesus, to be
“an antitype which now saves us” (1 Peter 3:21).
Today, most people who believe in Jesus do not believe in
the baptism of Jesus, the ‘water,’ but only believe in His death
on the Cross. But will this kind of faith save sinners? Can we
be redeemed from all our sins by believing only in the blood of
Jesus? Can it give us salvation?
No. We cannot be redeemed before God just by believing
in Jesus’ death on the Cross.
When the people of Israel offered the sacrifice of
atonement at the time of the Old Testament, it would not have
been correct to kill the sacrificial animal without first laying
hands on the head of the animal and passing their sins onto it.
Thus, it would be wrong and lawless to believe only in the
Cross of Jesus without believing in His baptism.
Therefore, the Apostle Peter said, “There is also an
antitype which now saves us—baptism, through the
resurrection of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 3:21).
Just as the people who didn’t believe in the great ‘water’
(the flood) during the time of Noah were destroyed, those who
do not believe in the ‘water,’ the ‘baptism of Jesus’ now will
surely be ruined.
The complete faith that leads us to true salvation is the

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faith in Jesus Christ, “who came by water and blood—Jesus

Christ” (1 John 5:6). We ought to believe in both the baptism
and the Cross of Jesus Christ.
The Apostle John said that the correct faith is to believe in
“the witness of the Spirit, the water, and the blood” (1 John
What constitutes true faith is to believe like this. “Jesus is
God Himself and He came in the flesh of a man by the Spirit
through the body of the Virgin Mary, and He took away all the
sins of the world by being baptized at the Jordan by John the
Baptist, the representative of all humankind. And Jesus went to
the Cross bearing all the sins of the world, and received the
vicarious judgment for all of us.” Therefore, the gospel cannot
be complete without ‘the baptism of Jesus,’ the ‘water,’ and no
matter how well we believe in Jesus, we can never reach
eternal salvation without believing in it.

The Historical Background by Which the True

Gospel Was Lost to the Church

Why is it that nowadays, the true ‘gospel of the water and

the Spirit’ has become so rare and the false gospels have
instead spread widely throughout the world?
After Jesus was resurrected and ascended to Heaven, the
Apostles preached this ‘gospel of the water and the blood.’ If
we read the New Testament carefully, we can see that not only
did the writers of the Bible, including Paul, Peter and John, but
all the Apostles and the workers of the Early Church, had
clearly preached ‘the gospel of the water and the Spirit.’
Meanwhile, the devil had been contriving to alter the
gospel incrementally and to take away the power of life from

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the Church. Thus, from the time of the Edict of Milan of 313
A.D., the Christian Church was caught up in a carefully laid
trap of the devil. The political powers of the Roman Empire, in
exchange for recognizing Christianity as the state religion,
were able to attain political stability.
By specifying that “Baptize anyone who entered the
church,” the Roman Empire maintained its unity over the
diversity of its many colonies.
It was the result of these circumstances that caused the
recitation of the Apostles’ Creed to be substituted as the basis
of religious training. Because of that, ‘the gospel in strict
accordance with the Bible,’ in other words, ‘the gospel of the
water and the Spirit’—which gives us “the power, the Holy
Spirit and much assurance” (1 Thessalonians 1:5)—came to
be substituted by the false gospel. Just as Satan had planned,
the false gospel, allowing no one to be born again, came to
prosper throughout the world.
For over a thousand years after the Milan Edict, the Dark
Ages of Christianity stifled the whole European world.
Although a series of new reformation movements had arisen in
many countries, urging people back to ‘the Word, Grace and
Faith,’ none of them had found the true gospel, ‘the gospel of
the water and the blood.’
This true gospel has been kept alive in the hands of a few
who followed the words since the age of the Apostles. Just like
a stream that has disappeared into the ground, which springs up
again in the lower plains, it surfaced again in the Last Days to
be proclaimed throughout the world.

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12 Preface

This Is the First Book in This Age to Preach

the Gospel of the Baptism of Jesus As It Is Written
in the Bible

This is the first book in this age to preach the gospel of the
baptism and the blood of Jesus as it is written in the Scriptures.
The true gospel clearly tells us that He took away all our sins
through His baptism and took over judgment for all our sins on
the Cross. I am sure that there is no other book that preaches
‘the gospel of the water and the blood’ more clearly and
faithfully than this one.
In today’s world, where the Internet is a valuable tool for
the research and discovery of knowledge, I have tried to find
some coworkers who know the secret of the baptism of Jesus,
and are preaching the true gospel, as it is written in the Bible,
who know and preach the secret of the baptism of Jesus by
faith. But I have failed so far. Therefore, I have decided to
publish this book in English.
When the flood covers the whole world, the water may
flow all over the world, but none will be safe to drink. In the
same way, there are many so-called ‘servants of God’ who
preach a pseudo-gospel, but there is none who can give us the
true life.
The Samaritan woman who drank from the well of Jacob
everyday couldn’t quench her spiritual thirst, but when she
drank the water of life from Jesus, she earned salvation and
thus, quenched her thirst immediately and forever.
The water of life in Jesus is flowing in every nook and
cranny of this book. Whoever drinks from it will be saved from
sin forever. The person will never be bound by sin again, but
rather, the living water will flow from him/her and quench the
thirst of other souls around him/her.

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Let Us Become the Workers of God,

the Repairers of the Breach

We are living in an age close to the end of the world. This

is the time when the sins of humankind have reached its full
measure, and the righteous judgment of God is immanent.
Some scientists succeeded to genetically reproduce a sheep,
‘Dolly,’ and people are almost ready to accept genetically
reproduced human beings.
Today, they are building another tower of Babel. The last
time when humankind attempted such things, God scattered
them all over the earth by confusing their languages. Now is
the time when the Great Tribulations, the righteous wraths of
God, will soon be poured all over those lost souls who have not
yet been born again.
Therefore, I request you to pursue this book carefully. I
pray that you may ‘be born again of water and the Spirit.’ This
book preaches the gospel precisely as it is written in the Bible.
I am sure anyone who peruses this book will not fail to be
precisely born again. Jesus our Lord says, “If you abide in My
word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the
truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32). May
you get to know the words of truth through this book and be
freed from sin and death! May you be redeemed and earn
everlasting life in Him!
Let us do the work of the Father together to save the lost
souls by preaching ‘the gospel of the water and the blood.’ I
sincerely hope that the true gospel will shine all over the world
again. I am sure the true gospel will make you repair the
breaches of today’s Christian faith with the words of truth.
“Those from among you shall build the old waste places;
you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and

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14 Preface

you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of

Streets to Dwell In” (Isaiah 58:12).
Many of you are surely not familiar with the gospel of
being born again of water and the Spirit. So, I have attempted
to lay great emphasis on the gospel of the baptism of Jesus and
His Cross in every sermon.
If there had been no baptism of Jesus, His death on the
Cross would have been meaningless to all of us. These are the
reasons why I have stressed His baptism repeatedly.
My purpose is to make it clear to you. Until you are all
blessed with the gospel of the water (the baptism of Jesus) and
the Spirit, I would like to repeat it for you.
I eagerly expect that all of you come to believe in the
gospel of His baptism and the blood in order to be saved from
sin. I am sure this book will lead you to be born again of water
and the Spirit. 

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