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1. i. To determine the effect of temperature on germination of corn seeds.

Ii.A- the enzymes would be more active at 20 degrees qw compared to 10 degrees where
they can be less active or denatured.
iii) cotton wool acts as soil inorder to help disso;ve and absorb water and nutrients
and also makes the conditions sutterble for enzyme activity.

1. Phototropism
ii. the corn seedlings will face the direction of the light due to phototropism.
iii. place the light source directly above the corn seedlings.
The seedinglings undergo photosynthesis.
1. Water is absorbed from the roots and is transported to the leaves via the long narrow
xylem tubes.
2. Co2 enters through tiny holes in the leaves called the stomata.
3. The light rays is absorbed through the leaves and is used to split the water molecules
4. Hyodrogen ions relased after water molecules split reacts with co2 in order to produce

v. CO2 in the atmosphere diffuses into the leaves through the stomata of the leaf.

Water : water enters through the hair root cells by the process of osmosis. Due to
transpiration pull, water is contantly pulled through the xylem vessels towards the leaves.

c. 1

1. Boil leaves inorder to kill and soften them.

2. remove leaves and place them into a test tube of ethanol test tube with leave submerged in enthanol into a hot water bath for two 20 mintues
until leaves are white.

4. removes leave from test tube and dry them.

5. add drops on dried leaf and observe the colour change.

ii. roots tuber

iii. liver and muscles.

2. i. Prokaryote

ii. Multicellular

iii amoeba
iv plantae

v animalia

b. I A speices is a group of organisms that can interbreed to produce viable offspring.

II. humans can have varation among each other. Humans can have differences in skin colour,
hight, body structure..

iii. some organisms may have a similar feature yet are unable to reproduce.

c. 1. They do not interbreed with other species

2. they developed new adatations.

ii. limited food in mountainous unlike lowland where more food is avaible

More predators in mountainous as compared to low land

More active in mountainous as compared to low land

3. x estrogen y progesterone z ovulation

ii. x repairs and thickens of the walls of the uterus
y maintains the thickness of the walls of the uterus.

iii. x ovaries y ovaries

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