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Subject: TLE

Grade Level: Grade 10

Objective: Know the distance and depth of transplanting seedlings

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science - Understanding the growth process of seedlings and the importance of

proper transplanting techniques in ensuring healthy plant development.

2) Mathematics - Calculating the optimal spacing and depth required for

transplanting seedlings to maximize growth and yield.

3) Home Economics - Incorporating harvested produce from well-transplanted

seedlings into nutritious and delicious recipes.

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes]

[Instructional Materials:]

1) Pictures of different seedlings

2) Quiz questions related to transplanting techniques

3) Rewards for correct answers

Activity 1: Seedling Transplanting Challenge

[Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning]

Materials: Seedlings, soil, pots, gardening tools

Significance: Hands-on experience to practice transplanting techniques


1) Prepare the materials

2) Demonstrate proper transplanting distance and depth

3) Students transplant seedlings following instructions

Rubric - Accuracy of distance and depth - 20 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the recommended distance between transplanted seedlings?

2) Why is it important to transplant seedlings at the correct depth?

3) How does proper transplanting affect plant growth?

Activity 2: Virtual Field Trip - Botanical Garden Tour

[Teaching Strategy: Technology Integration]

Materials: Virtual tour app, devices

Significance: Observing real-life transplanting practices in a botanical setting


1) Take a virtual tour of a botanical garden

2) Identify transplanting techniques used for different plants

3) Discuss observations and take notes

Rubric - Observations and notes - 15 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What are the common transplanting methods observed in the botanical garden?

2) How does the environment in the garden support healthy plant growth?

3) What can you apply from the tour to improve your own transplanting practices?
Activity 3: Role-Playing - Plant Doctor Consultation

[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

Materials: Plant samples, diagnosis sheets

Significance: Applying knowledge of transplanting to diagnose plant issues


1) Assign roles as plant doctors and plant owners

2) Plant doctors diagnose issues based on symptoms

3) Prescribe transplanting solutions and discuss with plant owners

Rubric - Accuracy of diagnosis and solution - 25 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How did you determine the transplanting issue based on the symptoms?

2) What transplanting technique did you recommend to address the plant's problem?

3) How important is proper transplanting in maintaining plant health?


Activity 1 - Students demonstrated understanding of transplanting techniques

through hands-on practice.

Activity 2 - Students applied knowledge from the virtual tour to identify effective
transplanting methods.

Activity 3 - Students showcased their ability to diagnose transplanting issues and

provide appropriate solutions.

Understanding the distance and depth of transplanting seedlings is crucial for

promoting healthy plant growth and maximizing yield. By following proper
techniques, students can ensure the successful development of seedlings into
thriving plants.


[Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning]

Task 1 - Design a garden layout plan that incorporates optimal transplanting

distances for various crops.

Task 2 - Create a step-by-step guide on transplanting seedlings for beginners,

including distance and depth recommendations.


[Teaching Strategy: Discussion]

[Instructional Materials:]

Question 1 - How does the distance between seedlings impact their growth?

Question 2 - Discuss the consequences of transplanting seedlings at incorrect


Question 3 - Explain the importance of knowing the distance and depth of

transplanting seedlings.


1) Research and write a report on innovative transplanting techniques used in

modern agriculture.

2) Conduct a home garden project where you apply proper transplanting methods
and track the growth of your plants.

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