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¡Fieles al Deber!

Instituto Tabasco
Vocabulary for the 3rd Grade
Secondary School

Contest Championship
FEP de Tabasco 2024
No. English Word Spanish Translation Word in Use
1 ablaze En llamas The old factory was set ablaze during the strike.
2 accumulate Acumularse Don´t accumulate trash in your backyard.
3 acidic Ácido Be careful if you use any type of acidic substance.
4 acrylic Acrílico This trophy is made completely in acrylic and aluminum.
5 activism Activismo Activism against animal cruelty is more popular these days.
6 advantage Ventaja What is the main advantage of living alone?
7 adventurous Aventurero Harry was an adventurous businessman.
8 advise Aconsejar All doctors advise her to have some more rest.
9 aggressive Agresivo Dan got aggressive with his brother for using his computer.
10 agree Estar de acuerdo I agree with my mother on how delicious the food was.
11 agreeable Agradable If something is agreeable, it is pleasant and you enjoy it.
12 agriculture Agricultura Ukraine is strong both in industry and agriculture.
13 alarming Alarmante The disease has spread at an alarming rate.
14 alert Despierto/atento We all have to stay alert during a natural disaster.
15 alienated Enajenado Single parents feel alienated from society.
16 ambitious Ambicioso Being an ambitious person has nothing to do with selfishness.
17 amusing Divertido This book contains amusing jokes and images.
18 annoyed Molesto/irritado If you are annoyed, you are fairly angry about something.
19 anxious Nervioso/ansioso He is naturally anxious about his job interview.
20 apathetic Apático Even the most apathetic students are beginning to participate.
21 apology Disculpa I owe you an apology for my bad behavior.
22 apparently Aparentemente Apparently, it is going to rain today.
23 appearance Apariencia Never judge people by their appearance.
24 appreciate Agradecer Thanks for helping me. I really appreciate it.
25 approximately Aproximadamente Approximately, $150 million is to be spend on improvements.
26 argument Discusión My husband and I had an argument in the morning.
27 asleep Dormido Mary always falls asleep during conferences.
28 astonishment Asombro To my astonishment, the man vanished behind me.
29 attractive Atractivo Sandra is an attractive and intelligent woman
30 average Promedio Alan is a boy of average intelligence but really talented.
31 awakening Despertar The “Awakening of the Vampire” is the name of this new novel.
32 awful Terrible/espantoso The cheese and the meat had an awful taste.
33 banned Prohibído Local authorities banned smoking in public areas.
34 basement Sótano All the old furniture is stored in the basement.
35 bedtime Hora de acostarse Put your toys away now, it´s bedtime.
36 belief Creencia We must respect everybody´s belief.
37 beneficial Beneficioso Using computer has beneficial effects on children's learning.
38 benevolent Benévolo The company has proved to be a most benevolent employer.
39 bewilderment Desconcierto He looked at us in a complete bewilderment.
40 blackout Apagón/desmayo Power lines were blown down and we had a blackout all day.
41 bladder Vejiga A full bladder may cause discomfort during the night.
42 blogger Blogero Ken is a journalist and blogger who owns a channel on YouTube.
43 blow out Reventar/apagar Blow out the candles before you go to bed.
44 boundary Perímetro/frontera That mountain is the boundary between the two countries.
45 Brazilian Brasileño(a) The Brazilian carnival is an international event.
46 briefcase Maletín The briefcase full of documents belongs to Jack.
47 bunk bed Litera (cama) I used to share a bunk bed with my brother.
48 bureau Oficina The bureau of investigation is working on the case.
49 burglar Ladrón Several policemen arrested the burglar in a mall.
50 butcher Carnicero The butcher needs sharp knives to cut the meat.
51 buzz-word Palabra de moda “Empathetic” has been the buzz-word of this year.
52 candle Vela Only one candle illuminated the entire room.
53 cardboard Cartón We need some pieces of cardboard to build the scenery.
54 carve Tallar/esculpir Mr. Herrera began to carve the figures on the piece of wood.
55 cathedral Catedral The cathedral was rebuilt after the earthquake.
56 cattle Ganado Groups of cattle were grazing all over the field.
57 cerebellum Cerebelo The cerebellum regulates the balance of our bodies.
58 chainsaw Motosierra A chainsaw was needed to cut that big tree.
59 chairmanship Presidencia The chairmanship of the company belongs to Mr. Smith.
60 chimney Chimenea Some birds and bats are living in the chimney.
61 coincidence Coincidencia By coincidence, James and I studied in the same school.
62 coincidentally Casualmente Coincidentally, we went to the same city at the same time.
63 come forward Presentarse The hospital is expecting blood donors to come forward.
64 compact disc Disco compacto A compact disc is useful to keep information.
65 compulsory Obligatorio The uniform is compulsory in this school.
66 congratulate Felicitar I would like to congratulate you for your birthday.
67 consequence Consecuencia Many people lost their job in consequence of the low sales.
68 controversial Polémico His controversial speech caused anger and discontent.
69 counterproductive contraproducente Is sending teenagers to prison a counterproductive decision?
70 crawl Gatear Our baby is starting to crawl.
71 cuttlefish Calamar The chef cooked some cuttlefish and other exotic seafood.
72 decency Decencia Pamela was a model of honesty and decency.
73 decrease Disminuir The economic rates decrease every year.
74 deep-fried Muy frito Please, order some deep-fried chicken for dinner.
75 delicious Delicioso A delicious deep-fried chicken is served in that restaurant.
76 demolish Demoler The builders want to demolish the old café and build a hotel.
77 description Descripción Don´t forget to send me the description of the suspect.
78 dice Dado Roll the dice and check how lucky you are!
79 disabled Discapacitado That door is specially designed for disabled people.
80 disadvantage Desventaja Excess of traffic is one disadvantage of living in big cities.
81 disloyal Desleal Mike was proved to be a disloyal boss.
82 diversity Diversidad There is a wide diversity of flora and fauna in Mexico.
83 domesticate Domesticar Some animals in the farm are partly domesticated.
84 dreadful Espantoso/terrible Cancer is a dreadful disease that causes a lot of deaths every year.
85 eclipse Eclipse Did you see the eclipse last October?
86 edge Orilla I´m walking by the edge of the sea.
87 egocentric Egocéntrico Kimberly acts as an egocentric woman.
88 embark Embarcar Passengers please embark by gate 10.
89 emcee Maestro de ceremonia Teacher Smith will be the emcee of the graduation.
90 endangered En peligro de extinción The tigers are highly endangered species.
91 excellency Excelencia His excellency, the president of Uganda, has just arrived.
92 excitement Emoción Whenever I see you, I feel that excitement again.
93 eye-popping Alucinate/impactante The runway began with an eye-popping show.
94 fallacious Erróneo Those ideas are fallacious that nobody accepted them.
95 faltering Vacilante She spoke in a faltering voice.
96 farewell Despedida I had a farewell dinner before leaving my hometown.
97 father-in-law Suegro He smiled in admiration at his father-in-law.
98 fennel Hinojo Add some more fennel to my steak.
99 field Campo We are practicing in the football field.
100 fierce Feroz Lions are fierce animals that attack other animals merciless.
101 filthy Asqueroso/sucio That man was really vulgar and used filthy language.
102 first-aid-kit Botiquín There should be a first-aid-kit in every classroom.
103 furnished Amueblado I am looking for a fully furnished house.
104 furniture Muebles What kinds of furniture do you prefer, wood or plastic?
105 garlic Ajo It is believed that vampires can´t stand garlic.
106 gather-up Reunir Jane gathered-up the books from the floor.
107 gentle Amable James seems to be a gentle and polite man.
108 give away Donar/regalar Give away those books if you are not using them anymore.
109 give out Repartir Please, give out these photocopies among the students.
110 give up Renunciar/rendirse Don´t give up until you succeed.
111 glimmer Luz tenue A glimmer in the distance marked the entrance of the castle.
112 glorious Glorioso He wants us to be prepared for this glorious event.
113 gloss Brillo The lip gloss shines very nice on you!
114 goal Objetivo My goal is to become a professional soccer player.
115 grapefruit Toronja Avoid citrus fruits including lemon and grapefruit.
116 greedy Ávaro/codicioso The greedy man didn´t want to share his fortune.
117 guaranteed Garantizado Your car is guaranteed by the insurance.
118 gymnastics Gimnasia We love to see the Olympics only for the gymnastics routines.
119 handkerchief Pañuelo Julius always carries a silk handkerchief in his pocket.
120 hanger Gancho/percha Please, put my coat on the hanger.
121 harassment Acoso Any type of harassment should be penalized.
122 harden Endurecer Water hardens in the freezer.
123 hay Heno Horses, cows and sheep eat hay every morning.
124 health Salud The government cares about public health.
125 heaven Cielo It is believed that all souls go to heaven after death.
126 heritage Patrimonio Mexico´s cultural heritage is worldwide famous.
127 hideous Espantoso/repulsivo It was a hideous idea to eat spoiled food.
128 hill Colina There is an apple tree on top of that hill.
129 illiterate Analfabeto(a) The survey showed that a high number of illiterates are men.
130 immunodeficiency Inmunodeficiencia Some diseases produce immunodeficiency.
131 impressed Impresionado I am impressed by the results of the exam.
132 improvement Mejoramiento All students have showed great improvement this year.
133 increase Incrementar It´s urgent to increase the security on the borders.
134 index Índice The topics are in the index of the book.
135 ink Tinta Please, use blue ink to put your signature on the document.
136 inorganic Inorgánico All inorganic material should be recycled.
137 invite Invitar I invite you to my dinner party.
138 irreplaceable Insustituible This piece of art is irreplaceable.
139 issue Problema One of the main issues in the school is the excess of homework.
140 jab Pinchazo I felt a jab in my hand when I was looking for a needle..
141 jamboree Gran fiesta The school had a jamboree to celebrate the graduates.
142 janitor Conserje The school janitor cleans the playground everyday.
143 January Enero January marks the beginning of a new year.
144 jaw Mandíbula Sam was skating when he fell and hurt his jaw.
145 jewelry Joyería The Queen owns beautiful jewelry including precious stones.
146 Jewish Judío Many Jewish people settled in the East side of the city.
147 jigsaw Rompecabezas Peter won a jigsaw at the fair.
148 keyboard Teclado Tania's hands rippled over the keyboard.
149 kidnap Secuestrar We thought they were going to try to kidnap one of us.
150 kidney Riñón The doctor removed the healthy kidney from the donor.
151 knit Tejer She is learning to knit cute baby clothes.
152 knot Nudo Tie the knot as tight as you can.
153 knowledge Conocimiento Knowledge comes from study and experience in life.
154 knuckle Nudillo I knocked the door with my knuckles.
155 larynx Laringe Have a doctor check your larynx as soon as possible.
156 laugh Reir(a carcajadas) Children always laugh at hilarious situations.
157 lavender Lavanda The smell of lavender filled the entire room.
158 letter Carta I received an urgent letter from my mom.
159 liver Hígado Alcohol may cause a terrible damage to your liver.
160 loan Préstamo Recently, I asked a loan from the bank.
161 log Tronco The artist used a big log to carve the sculpture.
162 loneliness Soledad Deaf people have a strong feeling of loneliness.
163 lorry Camión The accident was caused by a lorry and two small cars.
164 loss Pérdida I am sorry for your loss.
165 loveliness Hermosura This sculpture is such a loveliness as well as fine and detailed.
166 luggage Equipaje Lost luggage can be found in the airport office.
167 lung Pulmón The lung´s function is to receive air into the body.
168 lurk Acechar Little children believe that monster lurks in the dark.
169 luxury Lujo The stores are decorated with luxury in Christmas.
170 management Administración The CEO of the company has good management of it.
171 marble Mármol/canica In the past, it was common for children to play with marbles.
172 marriage Matrimonio My parents´ marriage took place at the beach.
173 mathematics Matemáticas Mathematics was my favourite subject in secondary school.
174 mattress Colchón The mattress was designed and manufactured in China.
175 measurement Medida I can´t find the right measurement of this polygon.
176 meat loaf Pastel de carne My mom prepares an excellent meat loaf at Christmas.
177 memorable Memorable Agatha Christie novels are full of memorable characters.
178 memorize Memorizar You have to memorize all the important facts for the exam.
179 microbiology Microbiología I love microbiology because it studies really small living things.
180 midnight Media noche Oscar always comes home at midnight when I am sleeping.
181 mild Leve/suave Janna uses a soap that is mild on the skin.
182 milk Leche/ordeñar Farmers milk their cows in the very morning and sell the milk.
183 mirror Espejo Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the most beautiful?
184 mistake Error Anna rarely makes a mistake when writing emails.
185 misunderstanding Malentendido All the problem began with a misunderstanding.
186 moan Gemido The little girl made a moan when she received a shot.
187 moist Húmedo Every log was moist because it rained last night.
188 monotonous Monótomo My job is a bit monotonous but rewarding.
189 monster Monstruo The monster looks very ugly and frightening.
190 moral Moraleja The moral of this story is that crime does not pay.
191 motivation Motivación My motivation in life is my family and my well-being.
192 musician Músico All the musicians in the orchestra are important.
193 negotiation Negociación We had meaningful negotiation and everyone was satisfied.
194 neighbor Vecino Alan is the kind of neighbor you can always count on.
195 neighborhood Vecindario She lives in a very beautiful neighborhood.
196 nephew Sobrino Patty has a naughty nephew and a lovely niece.
197 nervous Nervioso I get nervous if I have an oral evaluation in my English class.
198 nevertheless Sin embargo The team did not play well; nevertheless, it won the match.
199 newly Recien/nuevo The newly appointed judge is not so severe.
200 newlywed Recién casado The hotel had a special discount for newlyweds.
201 newspaper Periódico Tabasco Hoy is a famous newspaper in my city.
202 night shift Turno nocturno Nurses sometimes work night shifts.
203 nightlife Vida nocturna Valencia is famous for its vibrant nightlife.
204 nightmare Pesadilla Andrea recently had a horrible nightmare.
205 nineteen Diecinueve I received a tip of nineteen pesos in my last service.
206 nobody Nadie Nobody admitted taking the documents from the office.
207 noisy Ruidoso Don´t be that noisy because the baby is sleeping.
208 normal Normal/común Is it normal for a teenager to be hungry all the time?
209 Norwegian Noruego Norwegian people seem a lot serious and unfriendly.
210 noticeboard Tablero de anuncios Please, check the noticeboard for further information.
211 nowhere En ningún lugar Almost out of nowhere, he became a prominent politician.
212 nun Monja She decided to become a nun and serve to God.
213 nutcracker Cascanueces The “Nutcracker” is a famous ballet show.
214 obvious Obvio The right answer is not always the most obvious one.
215 occasionally Ocasionalmente We occasionally meet for a drink after work.
216 octopus Pulpo An octopus is a fascinating creature.
217 officially Oficialmente Luisa officially got her passport and visa to travel the world.
218 ointment Pomada/ungüento Put some ointment on your knee if you need it.
219 old-fashioned Anticuado Old-fashioned furniture and clothes are trendy these days.
220 once Una vez/antes I once went to Haiti for a soccer tournament.
221 online En línea You are always online but never read my messages.
222 openly Abiertamente Whitney openly spoke about her divorce.
223 opportunity Oportunidad He finally had the opportunity to buy a new car.
224 optimistic Optimísta Optimistic people always see the good side of everything.
225 orchestra Orquesta We don't have an orchestra in our school.
226 ordeal Calvario/suplicio Traveling for eight hours was a real ordeal.
227 ordinary Ordinario/común Her paintings are famous for having ordinary elements in it.
228 organization Organización Greenpeace is an organization that fights for animal conservation.
229 outdoor Exterior Football and baseball are outdoor sports.
230 owner Dueño Do you know the owner of this company?
231 pain Dolor I have a strong pain in my stomach.
232 painful Doloroso Movement can be painful when you've hurt your back.
233 painter Pintor(a) Picasso was a talented painter who liked to use vivid colors.
234 pamper Mimar I like to pamper my dog every time.
235 parade Desfile We all saw the beautiful parade in September.
236 paragraph Párrafo Your main paragraph should include main ideas and details.
237 parasite Parásito Flies carry a dangerous parasite on their legs.
238 parents Padres Tell your parents that you will arrive late.
239 parking lot Estacionamiento There was no space in the parking lot because of the special sale.
240 part-time Medio tiempo Having a part-time job is as tiring as having a full-time one.
241 partridge Perdiz Pork, goat, partridge and rabbit are typical meats in Portugal.
242 passenger Pasagero The passenger boarded the train at the very last moment.
243 passport Pasaporte You must have a passport if you want to enter other countries.
244 pat Palmadita Sara received a pat on the back for being a good girl.
245 patient Paciente A doctor will check the patient this morning.
246 peace Paz All countries must be ruled with peace and humanity.
247 peaceful Pacífico(a) Our movement has been peaceful and respectful.
248 peacock Pavo real They brought a peacock for the animal exhibition.
249 pedestrian Peatón Cars mustn´t invade the pedestrian side.
250 penniless Sin un centavo He can´t go on holidays this year since he is penniless.
251 pepper Pimienta Please, add a pinch of pepper to my food.
252 perceive Percibir/captar Can you perceive the smell of the barbecue?
253 perfect Perfecto She got the gold medal because all her movements were perfect!
254 perform Ejecutar/realizar I get nervous when I have to perform in front of a large crowd.
255 perhaps Tal vez Perhaps, the next year we will be living in a new city.
256 permanent Permanente In my company, we perform a permanent quality check.
257 permission Permiso/licencia We have no permission to be in this part of the museum.
258 permitted Permitido It´s not permitted to feed the animals of the zoo.
259 personality Personalidad She has a strong personality and finds it difficult to make friends.
260 persuade Persuadir Your speech must be good if you want to persuade the audience.
261 petrified Petrificado I was petrified after I saw the accident.
262 pharmacy Farmacia Please, buy some aspirin if you go to the pharmacy.
263 phosphorescent Fosforescente We need some phosphorescent lightning for the show.
264 photocopy Fotocopia Can you make a photocopy of my birth certificate?
265 physician Doctor Doctor Peter is the physician in charge of the hospital.
266 physics Física Hugo barely understands the class of physics. He hates it!
267 pick up Pasar a buscar/recoger Do you want me to pick you up at the airport tomorrow?
268 pillow Almohada My favorite pillow is soft and small.
269 pineapple Piña Eating pineapple can help your health.
270 pirate Pirata He was a pirate in the school play and certainly looked the part.
271 plaster cast Yeso My brother has a plaster cast in his arm.
272 platform Plataforma/andén Wait on the platform until the train arrives.
273 playful Juguetón My sister´s cat is absolutely playful.
274 playground Patio de juego All the kids must go to the playground after lunch.
275 plow Arar Farmers plow the land in order to plant the tomato seeds.
276 pocket Bolsillo Harry has a handkerchief in his pocket.
277 poetry Poesía Nobody writes poetry these days.
278 politician Político Being a politician must be tiring and challenging.
279 pollution Contaminación Water and air pollution was discussed in the meeting.
280 polygon Polígono How do you call a polygon with seven sides?
281 popular Popular What is the most popular attraction in your city?
282 portrait Retrato He painted a beautiful portrait of his daughter.
283 possibility Posibilidad Have you considered the possibility of a rain?
284 postpone Posponer They decided to postpone their holiday until next year.
285 powerful Poderoso(a) A powerful hurricane destroyed the entire village.
286 predict Predecir Can we predict when an earthquake is going to happen?
287 prefer Preferir I prefer vanilla ice-cream instead of the chocolate one.
288 prepare Preparar Otis will prepare his presentation on animal abuse.
289 prevent Prevenir You can prevent visiting the doctor if you eat healthily.
290 previous Previo His previous decision was based on a thorough analysis.
291 principal Principal/director Independence Day is one of America's principal legal holidays.
292 procrastinate Aplazar People often procrastinate when it comes to paperwork.
293 production Producción Some good production can be seen on television.
294 profession Profesión Nursing is a vocation as well as a profession.
295 progress Progresar/progreso The greatest obstacle to progress is prejudice.
296 promise Promesa/prometer Promise me you'll take very special care of yourself.
297 puzzle Acertijo I can't answer that puzzle. I give up.
298 qualification Calificación The plan was approved without qualification.
299 quality Calidad Quality matters more than quantity.
300 quantity Cantidad Police found a large quantity of fentanyl in his possession.
301 quench Sofocar I need to quench my thirst with water.
302 queue Fila/cola There is a long queue in the bank.
303 quiet Tranquilo Max won´t be a problem. He is such a quiet boy.
304 quietly Tranquilamente They enjoy to work very quietly.
305 quiff Copete They say that having a quiff is kind of old-fashioned.
306 quiz Exámen/evaluación The teacher prepared a quiz to test the students.
307 quote Citar I quote my favorite author any time I have the chance.
308 racket Raqueta The ball rebounded from his racket into the net.
309 randomly Aleatoriamente Plenty of books were randomly arranged on the shelves.
310 raw Crudo(a) Raw food may cause you stomachache.
311 realistic Realista This portrait shows very realistic details.
312 recommend Recomendar Can you recommend me a nice restaurant in the city?
313 recycling Reciclar Recycling and reusing must be obligatory for all of us.
314 rehearsal Ensayo We only had six days of rehearsal before the show.
315 relationship Relación Mike explained the relationship between religion and civilization.
316 reliable Confiable It's an old car, but it's very reliable.
317 research Investigar You have to research a bit more to understand our identity.
318 rheumatology Reumatología Dr. Lee has specialized in rheumatology.
319 rhythm Ritmo That song has a good and sticky rhythm.
320 rib Costilla William broke a rib when he had the accident.
321 riot Disturbio/motin There was no riot, just a peaceful demonstration.
322 rummage Hurgar/rebuscar Rummage in the shelves for some aspirins.
323 rupee Rupias You can´t use rupee to buy food in Mexico.
324 sandcastle Castillo de arena The kids and I built a sandcastle in the beach.
325 satisfied Satisfecho(a) Do you feel satisfied with the result of your exam?
326 schedule Horario/calendario According to this schedule, we have Spanish lesson right now.
327 science fiction Ciencia ficción We really love watching science fiction movies.
328 scrunch Triturar/crujir You have to scrunch the cookies and add them to the recipe.
329 sculpture Escultura Tom teaches sculpture at the local art school.
330 season Temporada/estación Plants grow fast in the warmest season.
331 segmentation Segmentación There was a segmentation in the society.
332 sensible Sensato/razonable It was sensible of you to lock the door.
333 sensitive Sensible She is very sensitive to other people's feelings.
334 shell Concha There are sea shells along the sea edge.
335 shuffle Barajar I shuffled the deck of cards during the game.
336 signature Firma Please, put your signature on this document.
337 silence Silencio Work in silence and don´t disturb the others.
338 similarity Similitud The report highlights the similarity between the two groups.
339 sincerity Sinceridad Talk to your teacher with sincerity and respect.
340 skateboard Patineta My skateboard was made out of recycled materials.
341 slavery Esclavitud Abraham Lincoln abolished the slavery.
342 sleeping bag Bolsa de dormir The kids slept in their sleeping bag when camping.
343 smartphone Teléfono inteligente A smartphone can be very helpful if you know how to use it.
344 socialize Socializar Karen finds it difficult to socialize and make friends.
345 software Software He was arrested for selling pirated software.
346 spotless Impecable The house was bright and absolutely spotless.
347 steak Bistec Part of my steak isn't cooked properly.
348 astonished Asombrado We were astonished to find a temple with its original design.
349 subscribe Suscribirse Subscribe to my YouTube channel if you want to see the video.
350 suspicious Sospechoso That man was suspicious of committing the crime.
351 tangerine Mandarina They recommend to eat at least one tangerine per week.
352 tell off Regañar My parents will tell us off if we don´t arrive on time.
353 Thanksgiving Acción de gracias How do you prepare for Thanksgiving Day?
354 Thursday Jueves Every Thursday we visit our grandma in the city.
355 tickle Cosquillas I hate tickles because they make me feel uncomfortable.
356 tongue Lengua I bit my tongue when I was eating boneless.
357 tonsil Amígdala If your tonsils are swollen, they hurt and you have to see a doctor.
358 trigonometry Trigonometría We love mathematics; except trigonometry.
359 turbulence Turbulencia We faced some turbulence during our flight.
360 Turkish Turco Turkish people have different culture and traditions.
361 typhoon Tifón In May a devastating typhoon hit the Philippines.
362 uncle Tío He received a large fortune when his uncle died.
363 underline Subrayar Please underline the important sentences.
364 understand Entender I want to understand your point of view, but it´s difficult.
365 undertake Emprender Why don´t we undertake a business on food?
366 undo Deshacer Undo all the process because we did it wrong.
367 unknown Desconocido The cause of autism is still unknown.
368 unrealistic Poco realista It is unrealistic to expect these changes to happen overnight.
369 urbanization Urbanización Urbanization is inevitable for a country to be modernized.
370 useless Inútil A car is useless without gasoline.
371 vacation Vacaciones I will be on vacation for two weeks.
372 vacuum cleaner Aspiradora My mom bought a vacuum cleaner to dust the furniture.
373 valley Valle The small town was built near the valley.
374 vanish Desaparecer How did the magician vanish the car in front of the audience?
375 veterinarian Veterinario Vicky works as the only veterinarian in this shelter.
376 victory Victoria The victory belongs to the Barcelona team.
377 Viking Vikingo They found a Viking ship buried in the sand.
378 village Pueblo/villa There are no restaurants in this small village.
379 vineyard Viñedo We spent the summer touring the French vineyard.
380 vulture Buitre A vulture was flying over some rotten flesh.
381 wardrobe Armario Martha has an old wardrobe in her bedroom.
382 waste Desperdiciar Don´t waste your time if he never listens.
383 wave Ola There are big waves in the sea of Australia.
384 wax Cera Candles and other figures are made of wax.
385 wealthy Rico(a) Mr. Chen is a wealthy man who likes to help the others.
386 weapon Arma Gabriel was arrested for having a weapon with him.
387 well-off Pudiente/rico Children from well-off families prefer computer games.
388 wellness Bienestar A wellness center can help you if you are under stress.
389 western Occidental The western part of the country is full of big cities.
390 whale Ballena A blue whale was caught last February.
391 willingness Voluntad/ganas de His willingness to grow was clearly visible.
392 x-ray Rayos equis My father needs an x-ray to check his chest.
393 xenophobia Xenofobia Xenophobia should not be part of our society in modern times.
394 yawn Bostezar I yawn if I am tired or bored.
395 yearbook Anuario My photo didn´t appear in the yearbook.
396 yolk Yema Only the yolk contains cholesterol.
397 youth Juventud We have to teach the youth to save time and money.
298 youtuber Youtuber How much money does a youtuber earn?
399 zodiac Zodiaco I always check the zodiac on internet.
400 zoologist Zoólogo Mrs. Diaz is a gentle zoologist who loves her job.

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