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Welcome to the Spelling bee Contest!

You’ve been selected due to your amazing skills
in the language.
Think of words as magic,
the most you know the better wizard you can be.
Fear nobody but yourself,
because here lies the power to excel.
But, if you don’t win, don’t be upset,
all wizards must practice their spells.

N° Word Definition Example

1 Beetle Escarabajo A beetle is a black or gray insect.
2 Caterpillar Oruga A caterpillar is green and small.
3 Mountain Montaña Putzalagua is a mountain.
4 Hill Colina I run in the hill.
5 Sleepover Pijamada I eat snacks in a sleepover.
6 Fight Pelea I like pillow fight.
7 Alligator Caimán An alligator is green and big.
8 Spiders Arañas I don’t like spiders.
9 Scared Asustado I scared because of Halloween.
10 Nightstand Velador The lamp is on the nightstand.
11 Door Puerta She is knocking the door.
12 Lamp Lámpara The lamp is on the nightstand.
13 Under Debajo The rug is under the bed.
14 Behind Detrás The backpack is behind me.
15 Clock Reloj The clock is to check the time.
16 Closet Closet I have a t-shirt in my closet.
17 Lizard Lagarto A lizard is green and small.
18 Ladybug Mariquita A ladybug is red and small.
19 Butterfly Mariposa A butterfly is beautiful.
20 Together Juntos We work together.
21 Friend Amigo Anita is my friend.
22 Pineapple Piña I like pineapple juice.
23 Peach Durazno The peach is a fruit.
24 Valley Valle I live in the valley.
25 Ocean Océano Whales are in the ocean.

Good for you, You’re half

way there.
You got this!
You’re a legit wizard.

26 Science Ciencia Science studies life.

27 Seahorse Caballito de mar Seahorse lives in the rock pool
28 Whale Ballena Whale is the biggest mammal.
29 Seal Foca o lobo marino Seal plays with beach balls.
30 Afraid Asustado They are afraid of spiders.
31 Proud Orgulloso She is proud because she won a prize.
32 Excited Emocionado I’m excited because of my birthday.
33 Anxious Ansioso I feel anxious when I don’t know the answer.
34 Australia Australia Australia is a country and a continent.
35 Turkey Turquía Granada is a fruit from Turkey
36 German Alemán – idioma y German sounds like people are angry.
37 British Británico/a - Nacionalidad Ed Sheeran is a famous British singer.
38 Headphones Audífonos It’s better to use headphones to listen to music.
39 Console Consola (de juegos) PS5 is the newest game console of Play Station.
40 Magazine Revista There are amazing sales on the magazine.
41 Shopping Centro commercial We don’t have milk. Let’s go to the shopping.
42 Present Regalo I got a new camera for my Christmas present.
43 Competition Competencia You will win the competition.
44 Judge Juez The judge decides who wins.
45 Weekend Fin de semana I go cycling on the weekend.
46 Interesting Interesante Learning languages is interesting.
47 Together Juntos You are stronger when you are together.
48 Cousin Primo My cousin is my aunt son.
49 Young Jóven Tonight, we are young!
50 Passion Pasión Pursue your passion to be happy in life.

that’s it.
Bon chance, champ!

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