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Part 2.

You will hear a guide talking to a group of tourists who are going to spend a day
on an island.

First, you have some time to look at questions 11 to 14.

Now, listen carefully and answer questions 11 to 14.

Well, morning, everyone. Welcome to ______________________.

First, I'll ______________________ for the day.

So, the idea is that in the morning you'll ______________________.

There’s actually a number of different walks on the island, so I'll ______________________
and then you can choose.

So, there's the ______________ walk.

This is one of the_______________ walks and it will ______________________ who love the

And, in fact, the _______ is out today, so it'll be perfect for ______________________
formations behind the beach.
A good option is the ________________.

Now, this is quite short, but don't be _______________.

You'll be ______________ by that because it's very hilly and _______________________.

The ____________, though, is that you'll be able to see right down ______________________
and even across to the mainland.

It'll be _____________________ on a fine day like today.

There's the Poriri walk, which ________________________ that was built on the island.

Unfortunately, the track's been ______________________ by a storm, but it's still ____________.
The nice thing is, about halfway,
there's a ______________________.

They've recently been ______________________, in fact.

And it's a great place to eat ______________________ and have a rest.

You could also walk up to North Head. This is an inland walk.

You'll hardly ______________________ the whole way, but the attraction is you'll pass
through a large area of very old native bush.
______________________ is amazing, including several rare species.

You'll find some are ______________________, but please don't give them any food.
Before you hear the rest of the talk, you have some time to look at questions 15 to 20.

Now listen and answer questions 15 to 20

Okay, well after your walk, the bus will take you to the regional park where you can relax
for ______________________ before going home now if you look at your maps of the
regional Park.

I'll just describe a few things you can do so the bus will drop you at the park entrance

Right at the bottom of the map, one ______________________ is the bird colony. To get
there, from the park entrance, you go up the path to the lake ______________________ the
east side of the lake ______________________ and take the path ______________________ to the
coast you'll find the Colony there overlooking a little Island.

now if you'd like a swim, remember that not all ______________________ are really suitable
in this wind. For the safest place, ______________________ from the park entrance but
before ______________________, turn right and go down there to the beach.

_______________________________________ is the Old Ship. It's more than 100 years old. To get
there, just ______________________ you take the path which heads towards okiwi Bay then
__________________ the coast a little way before turning right ______________________ over to
Rocky Bay. You'll ______________________ go past that and ___________________ is just along
A long walk but one that's well worth, it is up to ________________. You follow the path
______________________ to the Far Side and keep hitting North but ______________________
you've gone too far, before that you want to ______________________ and take the path to
the coast

Now where else is there. Oh yes! the Settlers monument that's popular. So from the park
entrance, _________ the ______________________and follow it around behind a kiwi Bay the
monument is out at the end there on the Headland.

Finally if all this exercise has made you thirsty, ______________________ where you can get
______________________. It's easy to find ______________________ right on the Waters Edge.

Well now _________________________

That is the end of part two you now have 30 seconds to check your answers to part two

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