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This chapter includes findings, conclusions and recommendations based on

results. This study investigated teaching performance of BEEd Preservice teachers

during their deployment in selected Elementary Schools in San Miguel District, San

Miguel Zamboanga del Sur. These criteria evaluated the teaching performance of 23

BEEd Pre-service teachers using the Final Teaching Demonstration Evaluation Sheet.


The following is the summary of findings on the teaching performance of BEEd

Pre-service teachers

The level of teaching performance of BEED Pre-service teachers, for the lesson

planning the teaching performance is very high with mean of 4.51, Teaching Method

labeled as very high with the mean of 4.34, and classroom management labeled as very

high with the mean of 4.49 ,communication skills labeled as very high with mean of

4.37 ,assessment labeled as very high with mean of 4.33 and teacher personality

labeled as 4.65 with the mean of 4.65.

There is no significance difference of teaching performance of the BEED Pre-

service teacher in terms of lesson planning with respect to gender, age, economic

status, parent’s educational attainment and school deployed.

There is no significance difference of teaching performance of the BEED Pre-

service teacher in terms of teaching method with respect to age, economic status,
parent’s educational attainment and school deployed .However, its shows significant

difference in regards of gender with the mean of 4.67 from the six(6) male respondents

and seventeen (17) female respondent’s with the mean of 4.22.

There is no significant difference of teaching performance of the BEED Pre-

service teacher in terms of classroom management with respect to age, economic

status, parent’s educational attainment and school deployed .However, its shows

significant difference in regards of gender with the mean of 4.83 from the six(6) male

respondents and seventeen (17) female respondent’s with the mean of 4.24. The

female has better performance in terms of classroom management.

There is no significant difference of teaching performance of the BEED Pre-

service teacher in terms of communications skills with respects to gender, age,

economic status, parent’s educational attainment. However, its show significant

difference in regards of school deployed with the mean of 4.74, with the mean of 4.00

from Dao-an and 4.39 from Mati.

There is no significant difference of teaching performance of the BEED Pre-

service teacher in terms of Assessment with respects to gender, age, economic status,

parent’s educational attainment. However, its show significant difference in regards to

school deployed with the mean of 4.63 from Limonan , with the mean of 3.97 from Dao-

an , and 4.39 from Mati by the used (Krustal –Walis H test ).

There is no significant difference of teaching performance of the BEED Pre-

service teacher in terms of teaching personality with respect to age, economic status,

parent’s educational attainment, and school deployed. However, its shows significant
difference in regards of gender with the mean of 5.00 from six (6) male respondents and

with the mean of 4.53 from seventeen (17) female respondents by the (Mann-Whitney U

test ).

There is no significant difference in overall teaching performance in regards of

age, parents educational attainment,and economic status . However, by the used of

(Mann-Whitney U test) its established significant difference in regards to gender with the

mean of 4.76 of six (6) male respondents and with the mean of 4.32 of seventeen (17)

female respondents which is the female has better teaching performance and it’s also

showed significant difference in regards of school deployed with the mean of 4.72 from

Limonan , 4.13 from Dao-an and 4.45 from Mati by the used of (Krustal –Wallis H test )

however, by using the Pairwise Comparison its show no significant difference between

the three school where the Pre-service teacher deployed .


Based on the findings ,its implicated to the conclusion that the level of teaching

performance of BEEd Pre-service teacher’s in terms of Lesson Planning ,teaching

methods, classroom management ,communications skills ,assessment and teacher’s

personality are all descriptively “ very high” this means that the pre-service teacher

perform a very high teaching performance that was based upon the instruments that the

researcher used which is the Final Teaching demonstration evaluations sheet

(APPENDIX B) that serve as guide to evaluate the BEEd pre-service teacher

performance and the researchers finds that there is no significance difference to the

teaching performance of the BEEd Pre-service teacher in terms of lesson

planning ,teaching methods ,classroom management ,communications skills ,

assessment and teachers personality with respect to gender ,age, economic status ,

and parents educational attainment . Therefore, this study accepted the null hypothess.

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