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Title: Mental Health Matters: Strategies for Well-being in University

Description: The Mental Health Workshop is designed to provide students with essential
knowledge and practical strategies to support their mental well-being throughout their
university experience. Recognizing the challenges and stresses commonly faced in higher
education, this workshop aims to empower students to prioritize their mental health and
develop resilience.

Workshop Agenda:

1. Introduction to Mental Health in University

 Understanding the importance of mental health
 Recognizing common stressors and challenges in the university environment
2. Stress Management Techniques
 Exploring stress and its impact on mental health
 Learning effective stress management strategies, such as relaxation techniques,
mindfulness, and time management
3. Self-Care Practices
 Emphasizing the importance of self-care for mental well-being
 Identifying individual self-care needs and strategies, including exercise, nutrition,
sleep hygiene, and hobbies
4. Coping Strategies
 Developing adaptive coping mechanisms for dealing with academic pressure,
setbacks, and transitions
 Building resilience and problem-solving skills
5. Recognizing Signs of Mental Health Issues
 Understanding common mental health disorders prevalent in university students,
such as anxiety, depression, and substance abuse
 Learning to recognize warning signs and symptoms in oneself and others
6. Seeking Help and Support
 Exploring the various mental health resources and support services available on
campus, including counseling centers, peer support groups, and crisis hotlines
 Overcoming stigma and barriers to seeking help for mental health concerns
7. Creating a Personalized Mental Health Plan
 Reflecting on individual strengths, challenges, and goals related to mental health
 Developing a personalized action plan for maintaining mental well-being throughout
the university journey
8. Q&A and Discussion
 Providing an opportunity for participants to ask questions, share experiences, and
discuss strategies for promoting mental health in the university community

Conclusion: The Mental Health Workshop aims to equip students with practical skills,
knowledge, and resources to navigate the complexities of university life while prioritizing
their mental well-being. By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, the workshop
encourages open dialogue and proactive steps towards mental health promotion and

Certainly! Here are three objectives for the Mental Health Workshop:

1. Increase Awareness:
 Objective: To raise awareness about the importance of mental health
and well-being in the university setting.
 Description: By providing information on the prevalence of mental
health issues among university students and the impact of academic
stressors, participants will gain a better understanding of the
significance of prioritizing mental health during their academic
2. Equip with Coping Strategies:
 Objective: To equip participants with practical coping strategies and
skills to manage stress and promote mental well-being.
 Description: Through interactive exercises and discussions,
participants will learn a variety of stress management techniques,
self-care practices, and adaptive coping mechanisms. By acquiring
these skills, they will be better prepared to navigate academic
challenges and maintain their mental health.
3. Promote Help-Seeking Behavior:
 Objective: To promote help-seeking behavior and reduce stigma
surrounding mental health concerns.
 Description: By providing information on available support services
and resources both on and off campus, participants will be
encouraged to seek help when needed. Additionally, through open
dialogue and sharing of personal experiences, the workshop aims to
create a supportive environment where participants feel comfortable
discussing mental health issues and reaching out for support.
Mental Health Workshop Timetable:

 Introduction (15 minutes)

 Welcome and Introduction to Workshop Facilitator
 Overview of Workshop Objectives and Agenda
 Session 1: Understanding Mental Health (20 minutes)
 Presentation: Importance of Mental Health in University
 Discussion: Common Stressors and Challenges
 Session 2: Stress Management Techniques (25 minutes)
 Presentation: Exploring Stress and Its Impact
 Activity: Guided Stress Management Exercise
 Group Discussion: Sharing Effective Stress Management Strategies
 Break (10 minutes)
 Session 3: Self-Care Practices (25 minutes)
 Presentation: Importance of Self-Care for Mental Well-being
 Interactive Activity: Self-Care Assessment
 Group Discussion: Sharing Personal Self-Care Strategies
 Session 4: Coping Strategies (30 minutes)
 Presentation: Building Resilience and Adaptive Coping Mechanisms
 Role-play Activity: Practicing Coping Strategies
 Q&A Session: Clarification on Coping Techniques
 Lunch Break (1 hour)
 Session 5: Recognizing Signs of Mental Health Issues (20 minutes)
 Presentation: Common Mental Health Disorders in University Students
 Interactive Activity: Identifying Warning Signs
 Group Discussion: Strategies for Supporting Friends or Peers
 Session 6: Seeking Help and Support (25 minutes)
 Presentation: Mental Health Resources and Support Services
 Role-play Activity: Practicing Help-Seeking Scenarios
 Discussion: Overcoming Barriers to Seeking Help
 Session 7: Creating a Personalized Mental Health Plan (20 minutes)
 Individual Reflection: Identifying Personal Strengths and Goals
 Activity: Developing a Personalized Action Plan
 Sharing and Feedback: Peer Support and Encouragement
 Wrap-up and Q&A (15 minutes)
 Summary of Key Takeaways
 Open Floor for Questions and Comments

Total Workshop Duration: Approximately 5 hours

This proposed timetable allows for a comprehensive exploration of various mental health
topics while incorporating interactive activities, group discussions, and breaks to maintain
engagement and energy levels throughout the workshop. Adjustments can be made based
on the specific needs and preferences of the participants and facilitators.

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