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Proyek Tengah Semester

Kelas : 6 Al biruni

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Ayo jawab pertanyaan, warnai kemudian gunting!

To all students,

We inform that reading club will be held on:

Saturday, 19 Maret 2024, at 10 am. The place
will be at school library. Don’t forget to bring
your book and tools. For more information,
please contact to Mr. Habib

Please come on time.

Answer the question!

1. When will the reading club be held?.................

2. To whom is the announcement for?..................
3. Where will the reading club take place?...........
4. What should students bring? ………….
5. How can we get the information?...................
6. What time will the reading club be held?...........

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