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Telling Stories

1. Common Structures

Have I told you about the time…?.

So, what happened was...

You won't believe this, but...

The other day...

It all started when...

2. Questions About Use

​ How is storytelling language used in literature?

​ When is it socially acceptable to tell a story?

​ Is storytelling common in your culture?

​ Can you think of a scenario where you would tell a story?

​ What are some professional contexts where storytelling is useful?

3. Common Scenarios

​ Sharing a personal experience in a job interview

​ Telling a bedtime story to a child

​ Sharing a travel experience with friends

​ Telling a story during a public speaking event

​ Narrating a past incident in a work meeting

​ Sharing a funny story at a party

​ Telling a story to illustrate a point in a classroom

​ Sharing a family story during a reunion

​ Telling a story to entertain guests at a dinner

​ Sharing a customer experience in a business presentation

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