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Gerhalou D. Belbes

Michael M. Grant 2010

 The word STORYTELLING is a combination of the
words "story" and "telling". It is therefore a skill
and just like any other skill, in order to be
effective at it, it needs to be enhanced and

 Story a narrative account of a real or imagined

event or events. Telling a narrative in detail;
making known. According to National Storytelling
Association f the United States of America,
STORYTELLING is the art of using language,
vocalization and/or physical movement and
gesture to reveal the elements and images of a
specific, live audience.

habits ce

Stories are use

to share


 Stories have been present in society for as
long as mankind exists. It has ben used for
many different purposes. They have been
present in every culture everywhere to:
 > entertain
 > inform
 > persuade
 >instill moral values
 > transmit culture
 > inspire
 Good stories have the following elements or tools for their
messages to be more effectively conveyed their audience and
•provide Theme
Charact •indicates
Plot s the
Setting what the
ers •tells in contreve story all
•shows •perform rsy in
chronolog about
the the the • could
ical order
listeners action story. include
where and •make findings
happens one's
the story make the story
in the happiness
is taking the story more
story. friendship,
place happen. interesti love etc.
 . As stories have been perceived by many to have a great
power to capture the attention of its audience, they have
also become one of the most effective ways to present
lessons and subject contents no matter what the subject is.
Telling stories have been used in the teaching - learning
process to make lessons come alive. Teachers are expected
to become excellent story tellers. The world's literary
culture is very rich. Teachers may use a variety of tools to
give life to their every day lessons

Song l/
Stories Comic
Poems lyrics Movie feature
Part of being an effective storyteller requires
three(3) preliminary steps:

There are many stories

1.Finding the that teachers can work
correct story with. The idea is to find
the right one.
You have to consider the
• appropriateness to the
• length and complexity of
the story
• time and availability
materials available.
2. Know your This Preliminary step is in direct relation
audience with the first one. Your audience spells a
lot difference in the story that you going
• age of the teachers
•vocabulary ability of learners
• size of your audience
3. Pre-reading
Once you have chosen your story and have
identified your audience, it is now time to pay a
more in-depth attention to how you are going to tell
your story. Here are some guidelines:
• Read and re-read the story
• analyze where the major/interesting points in the
story are:
• Decide where to stop or pause for effect.
• Identify with the characters in the story.
The National Capital Language Resource Center
(NCLRC) in Washington, DC discussed the reason why
teachers need to use pre-reading activities.
 During this part, teachers may:

> assess student's background knowledge of the topic and linguistic

content of the text

> give students the background knowledge necessary for

comprehension of the text, or active the existing knowledge that the
student posse

> clarity any cultural information which may be necessary to

comprehend he passage

> make students aware of the type of text they will be reading and
the purpose(s) for reading

>provide opportunities for group or collaborative work and for class

discussion activities.
Some strategies for pre-reading
may include:
♥ Anticipation Guides- according to frank smith
(1978)allow the reader to make prediction about
the text that well be read by eliminating
possibilities that unlikely.
♥ Motive Question- question given prior to telling
the story. Students will to pay attention to answer
the question at the end of the story.
♥ Opinion nares/ Questionnaires - are useful tools
for helping readers examine their own values,
attitudes , opinions or related experiences before
they interact with book characters (Reasoner,1976)
♥ Brainstorming - students may examine and talk
about the illustration on cover page or the title of
the book.
♥ Concept Mapping / Mind Mapping - a type of
brainstorming where you place the title / subject of
the story as the main idea and gather the student's
around it.
♥ KWL Chart-A chart divided into three columns (
What I know?, What I want to know? And What I
Have to Learned?)
Well-known proponent of the Theory of Multiple
Intelligence. Howard Gardner said, "well, if
storytelling is important, then narrative ability, or
your ability to put into words or use someone else
has put into word effectively is important too,,
Effective storytellers can make words come alive. They can
make the audience and listeners sees, taste, hear, smell and
feel what the characters in the story are feeling.
According to Barry McWilliams, these are essential delivery

Sincerity and Whole – heartiness – story

teller should deliver the story honest and
earnestly credits must be given to the author
illustrator and publisher of the.
Enthusiasm- storyteller should show genuine
excitement in the story this will make the listener
feel how great a story list.

Animation- storyteller are

animated beings they put
together gestures body
language, eye contact, facial
expression and protection of
the voice to deliver then story
McWilliams further added particular oral
storytelling skills that storytellers must
• Emphasis – when telling a story are should know
when to stress a word a phrase or an entire
dialogue for effect.
• Repetition- Sometimes words and lives must
repeated and to get the desired feeling and
• Transition- This is the transfer from one part of
the story to another necessary in reflection of the
voice and pacing of the words make transitions
very smooth.
• Pause – storytellers stop for a at any point in
the story for effect or to check for
understanding by asking questions.
• Proportion- this refers to the bulk to
information presented in a part of the story.
A storyteller should what part of the story of
being presented to that he/she can make the
necessary adjustment that would suit. The
time allotted the attention span of the
audience and listeners.
In storyteller it is important that the listener are
engaged all throughout the process. This will ensure
better understanding of the story and more reflective
thinking end. Here are some suggested strategies to
keep the listeners in tune with the storyteller.

* Active involvement of the listeners- use the

audience to read a part of the story or yell out words or
dialogues do some action and answer some question.
• Shifts and projection of the voice - a sudden change
in the pitch tone and volume of the storyteller voice
can sustain and regain the attention of the listeners.
• An unexpected twist in the narration- this keeps the
listeners anticipating what well happen .
* Constant animation- this keep the listeners due to the
listeners to the storytellers every gesture, facial
expression and body language.

Thank you 

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