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Name: Emmeliza B.

Course: Diploma in Professional Education
Subject: PROF ED 15 (The Teacher and the School Curriculum)

Due Date: March 1, 2024 11:59 pm

Activity 2


I. Please submit your output as a Word or PDF file.

Writing Activity:

Using the boxes below, discuss how aims, goals, and objectives are related with one another.

1. Aims:

Aims are lifetime aspirations, they are purposely stated, they provide long-term directions
for students, they are developed at the system level, and they are never fully attained.

2. Goals:

Goals are group expectations. It means that they do not require each and every student
to succeed. Unlike the Aims, Goals are attainable, but many remain unattained.

3. Objectives / Targets

Objectives are short-term. In this context, it refers to what is expected of students in their
daily activities. They must be clearly specified, appropriate, arranged logically, and they
require constant revision.

In other words, target (or objective) is the exact result of what you want to get. Aim, is what you
hope to get, and you want to do this. Goal on the other hand, is what you hope to get but may
take a long period of time.

If we put it in a hierarchical structure, it should somehow be in this order.

1. Aim
2. Goal
3. Objectives

We aim higher than our goals, because there are tendencies to fall short. Objectives are small
steps to reach our goals.

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