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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary school

Motto:"Always Our Best"

Grade 6 Mathematics Test No:2

Strand: Number and Application TOTAL _____/10

Unit: Multiplication and Division of Fraction

Topic: Multiply and Divide Fractions

NAME : _________________________________CLASS : __________ DATE : _____________

Instruction: There are three parts to this test. Part A: Multiple Choice (2 marks) Part B: Short Answers (6
marks) and Extended Response (2 marks)

Part A: Multiple Choice. Circle the correct answer.

Q1. What is the product of 1 2/3 × 2 1/2

A. 5/3 x 5/2. C. 25/6

B. 4 1/6. D. 6 1/4

2. What is the answer to 1/2 ÷ 3/100

A. 2 3/16. C. 16 2/3

B. 3/50. D. 3 2/16

Part B: Short Answers

3. Multiply or divide these fractions.

A. 4 4/5 ÷ 3/4. B. 1 1/3 x 3/4

C. 15/16 ÷ 3/10

Part C. Extended response.

Q5. There is a right angle triangle shaped flower bed below.

Use the Formula * A= 1/2 x b x h.

What is the area of this flower bed?



Prepared by Ms Fraghi. Supervisor :________

Ms S. Pembu

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