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The Freedom Struggle: The Gandhian Phase

Answer the following
1.What do you mean by Satyagraha?
Ans-Satyagraha is a term coined by Mahatma
Gandhi. It's a philosophy and practice of nonviolent
resistance or civil disobedience. Satyagraha involves
resisting oppression through nonviolent means.
Gandhi employed this principle in India's
independence movement, advocating for civil rights
and social change without resorting to aggression or
2. What did general dyer do in Jallianwala Bagh?
Ans-General Reginald Dyer was responsible for the
Jallianwala Bagh massacre, a tragic event in Indian
history. On April 13, 1919, Dyer ordered his troops
to open fire on a peaceful gathering of thousands of
unarmed civilians in Jallianwala Bagh, a public
3.Why was the Simon Commission set up?
Ans- In1928, the British government appointed a
commission under sir John Simon named 'Simon
The aim of the commission was to review the law
and order situation in India and come up with new
The Congress boycotted it as there were no Indians
among the seven members of the commission. They
greeted the commission with black flags and

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