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Name: _________________________________ Teacher: Miss Jose

Date: __________________________________ Level: JIIM

1. Write a BOOK REVIEW on The Secret Garden. Use the outline below to help you.

• Paragraph 1: What’s the title of the book? / What’s the setting? (if there’s more than one
setting mention it too)/ Who are the main characters? (describe them as much as possible)
• Paragraph 2: Make a summary of the story: What happened? What did the characters do?
Remember you mustn’t tell the ending of the story.
• Paragraph 3: Write your opinion on the book. Would you recommend this book to a friend?





















2. Use the information provided below to write a REPORT.

Remember to:

☺ Write complete sentences and make appropriate use of punctuation.

☺ Choose an appropriate title for your report.

☺ Write an introductory sentence before the first subheading.

☺ Divide your text into paragraphs.
☺ Use the following subheadings to introduce each paragraph:





Jaguar’s Fact File

➢ Biggest cats in the Americas

➢ Yellow and orange coat
➢ Dark spots
➢ Short legs
➢ Size: 1-2 meters long
➢ Swim, climb, crawl
➢ Found in North, Central and South America
➢ Argentina: Misiones
➢ Live in forests or woods
➢ Live close to water
➢ Carnivores
➢ Hunt at night
➢ Fish, deer, sheep, birds
➢ Less jaguars: humans hunt them for their fur, destroy their habitat
➢ Laws to protect them

Write your text on the next page

Title: ___________________________ ______________________________

































Final Mark: _____/10

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