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ST Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 A wide range / variety of Nhiều, đa dạng
2 Be in danger of = be at stake Có nguy cơ
At stake = at risk = in danger = in jeopardy Bị đe dọa, gặp nguy hiểm
3 Become extinct = die out Tuyệt chủng
4 Benefit from st Thu lợi từ cái gì
5 Depend on Phụ thuộc vào
6 Drive sb / st to the verge of Dẫn tới bờ vực của
7 Enact laws to do st Ban hành luật để làm gì
8 Endangered species Loài nguy cấp
9 Habitat destruction Phá hủy môi trường sống
10 Have a chance to do st Có cơ hội làm gì
11 In order to - so as to = to + do (st) Để mà làm gì
= so that / in order that + clause
12 Introduce sb to sb / st Giới thiệu ai với ai / cái gì
13 Lead to = result in Dẫn tới
14 Loss of biodiversity Mất đa dạng sinh học
15 Make a balanced environment Tạo nên sự cân bằng môi trường
16 Make a list of st Lập danh sách cái gì
17 Make effort to do st Nỗ lực, cố gắng làm gì
18 Natural selection Chọn lọc tự nhiên
19 Prevent sb from doing st Ngăn cản ai làm gì
20 Protect sb / st from st Bảo vệ ai / cái gì đó khỏi cái gì
21 Raise awareness Nâng cao nhận thức
22 Stop to do st Dừng lại để làm gì
Stop doing st Dừng hẳn làm gì


1. An endangered species is a population of an organism that is in _______ of becoming extinct.
A. danger B. dangerous C. endanger D. endangered
2. Some species of animals have become _______ because they could not adapt to a changing environment.
A. extinct B. extinction C. extinguish D. extinguished
3. The Mountain Gorilla, a uniquely social animal, is threatened by habitat _______ and poaching.
A. destruct B. destructing C. destruction D. destructive
4. Human beings have driven rare animals and plants _______ of extinction in the past 100 years.
A. on the verge B. under the verge
C. at the verge D. to the verge
5. Higher demand for goods and services _______ to higher imports from abroad.
A. lead B. leads C. have led D. have been leading
6. The main cause of the loss of _______ can be attributed to the influence of human beings on the world’s
A. biodiversity B. conservation C. urbanization D. deforestation
7. Cold-blooded animals depend _______ the temperature of their immediate environment.
A. on B. from C. with D. under
8. The school now _______ from a number of facilities, new buildings, and technology.
A. benefits B. profits C. advantages D. disadvantages
9. All members of our group are making an effort _______ English.
A. conquer B. conquering C. to conquer D. to be conquered
10. We should plant more and more trees _______ live better and more healthy in the future.
A. such as B. so that C. as well as D. in order to
11. Just a minute, Margaret, I want to _______ you to Betty.
A. advise B. introduce C. produce D. encourage
12. We’re trying to _______ about the environment in general and air pollution in particular.
A. rise aware B. raise aware C. rise awareness D. raise awareness
13. The government should _______ to protect endangered wild animals.
A. enact laws B. law reports C. case laws D. binding cases
14. It’s important to protect your skin _______ the harmful effects of the sun.
A. out B. off C. behind D. from
15. We sell a wide _______ of cosmetics at a very reasonable price.
A. range B. field C. vary D. differ
16. Come off it! England doesn’t have a(n) _______ of winning the match.
A. chance B. occasion C. opportunity D. accidental
17. Although insects are harmful to plants, their existence contributes a great part to biodiversity which helps
to make a _______ environment.
A. equal B. equality C. balance D. balanced
18. We hope to _______ anything unpleasant from happening.
A. prevent B. promote C. advance D. increase
19. We’ve stopped _______ plastic bags in supermarkets. We take our own bag with us now when we go
A. use B. to use C. using D. to be used
20. The plan also provided for measures to protect _______ species, protect the ozone layer and increase
energy conservation.
A. danger B. dangerous C. endanger D. endangered
21. The theory of natural _______ remains the key to our understanding of the natural world.
A. choices B. options C. selection D. collection
22. After gathering information about your home, you can _______ changes for cost-effective energy
improvements and better comfort and safety.
A. make a list of B. make a list C. make a go of D. make light of
23. Please speak up _______ the people at the back of the room can hear you.
A. so that B. order that C. in order to D. so as to
24. Food allergies can result _______ an enormous variety of different symptoms.
A. on B. in C. from D. of
25. Thousands of lives will be at _______ if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.
A. danger B. stake C. brink D. jeopardy


ST Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 Advise sb to do st Khuyên ai làm gì
Advise doing st Khuyên làm gì
Advise sb not to do st = advise sb against Cảnh báo ai không nên làm gì
doing st
2 Apply for st Nộp đơn để giành, đạt cái gì (học bổng, việc
Apply to st Đăng kí vào, ứng dụng, áp dụng
Apply to do st Ứng tuyển làm gì
Apply oneself to a task Chuyên tâm vào nhiệm vụ; hết lòng hết sức làm
nhiệm vụ
Apply one’s mind to st Chú ý vào việc gì
3 Ask / tell sb to do st Bảo ai làm gì
4 Be enrolled in Ghi danh vào
5 Be good / bad at st / doing st Giỏi / kém cái gì
6 Be in charge of Chịu trách nhiệm, quản lí
7 Be on first-name terms with = having an Có mối quan hệ thân thiết với ai
informal / friendly relationship
8 Be qualified for st Đủ trình độ cho cái gì
9 Be shortlisted for st Được đưa vào danh sách gì
10 Be suitable for st Phù hợp cho cái gì
11 Be well-prepared for st Chuẩn bị tốt cho cái gì
12 Be willing to do st sẵn lòng làm gì
13 Blue-collar workers Lao động chân tay
White-collar workers Lao động trí óc, nhân viên bàn giây
14 Complain to sb about st Phàn nàn với ai về vân đề gì
15 Curriculum vitae - CV Sơ yếu lí lịch
16 Encourage sb to do st Khuyến khích ai làm gì
17 Focus on st = concentrate on st Tập trung vào cái gì
18 Get a feel for st - begin to understand how to Bắt đầu biết cách làm gì
do st well
19 Go through Trải qua
20 Invite sb to do st Mời ai làm gì
21 Make a profit Sinh lời
22 Make an application Làm đơn
Make a request Yêu cầu, đòi hỏi
23 Make redundant = lay off Sa thải, cho thôi việc
24 Manage to do st Cố gắng xoay sở để làm gì
25 Offer to do st Đề nghị làm gì giúp
26 Office hours Giờ hành chính
27 Put st in order of importance Xếp cái gì theo thứ tự quan trọng
28 Refuse to do st Từ chối làm gì
29 Relevance to Liên quan đến
30 Specialize in st Chuyên về cái gì
31 Start up Khởi nghiệp
32 Study for a degree Học để lấy bằng


1. I’ve _______ a new job with the local newspaper.
A. applied for B. applied from C. applied on D. applied
2. You’d rather focus _______ what the world is happening, wouldn’t you?
A. on B. to C. over D. through
3. I’d advise _______ your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August.
A. buy B. you buying C. to buy D. buying
4. Jim offered _______ dinner because I wasn’t feeling very well.
A. cook B. to cook C. be cooking D. cooked
5. She will need to be well _______ for the task ahead.
A. interested B. satisfied C. concerned D. prepared
6. I was so shocked to hear that my story was _______ for the fiction award!
A. screened B. tested C. shortlisted D. listed
7. He is well qualified _______ the job, but he does lack personality.
A. to B. by C. for D. with
8. I am sending you my _______ vitae so that you will have a chance to study it before our interview.
A. curriculum B. program C. syllabus D. national
9. I think she will be _______ for the work because she has been working as a teacher for a long time.
A. suitably B. suitable C. suit D. suited
10. You must _______ an application to the Minister for Immigration for any and all permits to remain
within the state beyond the standard allowance of 90 days.
A. show B. keep C. make D. turn
11. You’d think his children would be more sympathetic towards him after all he’s gone _______
A. through B. in C. from D. for
12. Marcel asked me _______ sing that song.
A. not to B. not C. to not D. Ø
13. Thank you for inviting me _______ dinner.
A. to have B. have C. having D. had
14. The teacher encouraged Nam _______ harder.
A. to work B. he should work C. that he work D. working
15. He refused _______ the contract because he would have to relinquish creative control of the project.
A. signing B. being signed C. to be signed D. to sign
16. We complained _______ the manager _______ the poor service we received at the restaurant.
A. on - about B. at - for C. with - of D. to - about
17. The referrals are usually sorted by a team leader, _______ in order of importance, and allocated to social
A. put B. change C. carry D. believe
18. She hired a lawyer who specializes _______ divorce cases.
A. on B. in C. over D. off
19. He’s a talented boy. He is _______ every subject at school.
A. good at B. interested C. watching D. good
20. She studied _______ a degree in engineering.
A. in B. through C. for D. by
21. By the time Ms. Valspar retires as president of Movene Technologies, she _______ to increase the
company’s market share significantly.
A. manages B. will have managed
C. managed D. has been managing
22. Each of the teachers is willing _______ attend the meeting at the weekend.
A. to B. about C. from D. upon
23. Most of the _______ companies spend a relatively high percentage of their budgets on advertising costs.
A. follow up B. turn up C. start up D. break up
24. The company said it had _______ a profit of about £1.4bn on the deal.
A. made B. did C. gave D. carried
25. He is _______ a charge _______ theft.
A. for - of B. in - of C. on - with D. with - in
26. On first _______ terms with one another to feel young again!
A. fame B. nationality C. country D. name
27. The _______ collar workers received a rise, but the workers on the shop-door were told they had to wait.
A. blue B. black C. grey D. white
28. Their phone lines are only open during office _______
A. minutes B. second C. hours D. days
29. If you continue to turn in abysmal work like this, we’ll have no choice but to _______ you off.
A. lay B. sack C. cut D. see
30. Students’ interest is more likely to be maintained if they can see the relevance of their studies _______
their future careers?
A. with B. for C. to D. in
31. Only one hundred people enrolled _______ the family planning program.
A. in B. by C. over D. next
32. I practiced for a few hours before I really _______ a feel for the best way to do it.
A. turned B. said C. got D. cared

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