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Assignment 3

Muntaha Mateen (21U00175)

Sensory Systems

Nestle Nescafé appeals to four of the five senses in its marketing strategy: taste, aroma, sight, and
sound. All of Nescafe's advertising campaigns are centered around these four senses.

When it comes to the sense of vision, Nescafe prominently features the color red in its packaging,
logos, and TV commercials. This red color signifies "energy" and reinforces their brand identity by
conveying that Nescafé coffee provides the necessary boost to stay active. In their TV commercials,
they visually communicate that individuals become more active after enjoying a cup of Nescafé

Nescafe also employs scent marketing, recognizing that the aroma of coffee beans alone can evoke a
sense of energy and heightened alertness.

Sound is another avenue they use to target the sense of sound. All Nescafé advertisements include
background music with phrases like "uthna kafi nahi hai" (waking up is not enough) and "it all starts
with a cup of Nescafé." These phrases underscore the idea that no one can kickstart their day
without a cup of Nescafé and that tea alone doesn't provide the necessary energy.

Nestle Nescafé incorporates taglines such as "Kuch karak chahiye" (Need something strong) and
"Karo Nescafé pick, for a strong kick," appealing to the sense of taste of their target audience.

Context of Aashir Ahmed, 22, Gamer:

90% of the media I consume is YouTube where I frequently encounter Nescafe’s ads in the middle of
the videos. Their ads are crisp, short, to the point, and usually target people from Gen-Z which is why
I resonate with the ads and often times, I do not skip it. As Nescafe is a household name, I am aware
of the way it influences your senses by default. However, watching these ads on youtube and
sometimes on TV, reinforces my inclination towards the brand as it satisfies my senses.

Sensory threshold

Nescafe has evolved its logo over the years as depicted the picture.
The transformation of the Nescafe logo between 1953 and 1954 was remarkably noticeable, with a
significant change that would catch the attention of almost anyone. However, subsequent alterations
to the logo were less conspicuous and may not have been noticeable to the majority of the audience.

Aashir was born in 2001, and ever since she started consuming Nescafé, she has only been aware
about the latest logo of the brand.

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