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First Semester, 2023-2024


Program/ BSTM 2A Score:
Instructor: Yvonne Ramos

CREATIVE WORK: Think of a device with special features that you can develop to help improve lives of
people in your community. It could be something that you can develop to help in communication,
transportation, health, and the like. DRAW your device and explain it comprehensively.

Device name: BIGGLES

Device name: BIGGLES (Bike sunglasses + Swimming goggles)

How does it work?

Biggles is multi-functional it has a two uses on sports or races. example when you get into cycle
sports and the eyewear, you're wearing is low quality, because of the lights you pass reflect you on it and
it's hard for you to ride a bike because of that, but in my invention, you can use this eye wear because it
has multiple layers on its lenses. This helps in cutting down intense sunlight and getting rid of the bright
reflection or scattered light, it is more comfortable for your eyes. This eyewear has a frame made of
rubber and plastic, which makes it resistant to rusting and breaking easily. It includes a strong and
adjustable spring hinge. The temples of the eyewear are curved or can be bent, they have soft tips to
ensure that it doesn't cause discomfort behind the ears for the person wearing it.

How will it help your community?

Biggles eyewear is a cool invention that helps people when they do sports like cycling and
swimming. If you ride a bike and your glasses aren't good, the sun and bright reflections can make it hard.
This eyewear can also be used for swim races. It has a field of vision that has a 140° to 160° so that you
can enjoy the underwater world without worrying about getting water into your eyes. It also has an
anti-fog so you can see more clearly underwater and anti-glare lens to reduce or prevent underwater
bright or light shining off something under the water. When you go swimming, you can use biggles
because they have a detachable lock that can be easily attached. you can just turn to tighten; you can
adjust it to fit your head comfortably. Plus, it's waterproof, so it's perfect for swimming. But Biggles
glasses have many layers that stop too much sunlight and make it more comfy for your eyes. So, Biggles
glasses are good for cyclists and swimmers. They make it safer and more comfy to do sports, and they
help everyone in the community have a better time. Whether you're riding a bike on tricky paths or
swimming in a race, Biggles are a must have to make your sports experience better.

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