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Тут одразу дві теми: About myself and About my best friend

Це третя тема Starting your first year at university

Це четверта тема:Why do I learn English?

I have been studying English for 12 years. Now I know it at about B1 level.
Knowledge of English gives me a lot of opportunities:
-I can get a better paid job. Now almost every financially attractive vacancy
involves English proficiency. Knowing the language, you will be able to settle in an
international company where the level of remuneration is higher;
- also I can read different literature in the original;
- It will be easy to find business partners, investors, customers or negotiate with
foreign partners knowing English;
-Also I can freely use English-speaking sites;
-English language also helps when you are traveling. You can ask the road, rent a
room in the hotel, order something without any problems etc...;
-you can find a lot of new friends in different countries;
- Also, you can watch movies in English, to understand the story deeper, perceive
the original humor;
So I think that English is a very important part of my life and I will continue to
study this language to make my life better!
Це п’ята тема: GROW model
To facilitate the learning of the English language, an effective model was created,
which includes several stages: analysis, planning, implementation and evaluation.
It is called the GROW model.
In order to make it easier to understand what each level is responsible for, I want to
show it through the questions they answer

The first stage G- goal

Some G questions are:
• What do you want?
• Over what time frame?
• Where would you like to be on a scale of 1–10?
• Imagine you have achieved it:
• What does it look like?
• How do you feel?
• What do you want to achieve in five years/one year/three months?
The second stage R-reality
Some useful questions here are:
• What is happening at the moment?
• How important is this to you?
• What impact is this having on you/how do you feel?
• What have you done so far?
The third stage O-opportunities
Some O questions are:
• What could you do?
• If there were anything else, what would it be?
• What steps could you take?
• Who could help you with this?
The fours stage W-way forward
Some examples of W questions are:
• What will you do about that?
• How will you do that?
• When?
• What will it take for you to commit to that action?
• What could you do to become more committed?
• Could you do more?
So, I believe that the GROW model will help you learn English quickly,
effectively and comprehensively
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