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The Best Tips for Teaching Grade School: An Essay

One of the challenges that elementary school students often face in classroom learning is
difficulty in understanding basic concepts in the subjects they are studying. Research by
Thurston et al. (2020) shows that good social relationships among students can help improve
learning outcomes in all subjects through the peer tutoring method. In addition, teacher
leadership also plays an important role in improving student achievement, which can help
reduce students' difficulties in understanding basic concepts in each subject they are studying
(Shen et al., 2020). For example, in learning practice, many fifth grade students still have
difficulty understanding basic mathematical calculations, such as multiplication, addition,
quadratic equations, and so on. According to research by Mononen and Havu (2023), almost
half of Indonesian students experience the same difficulty. To overcome this problem,
implementing peer tutoring and improving teacher leadership can help students better
understand the concept of fractions. In addition, in learning practice, teachers can use team
teaching in flexible classrooms, so that students can learn more effectively while improving
social relationships among students (Mononen et al., 2023).

To overcome the difficulty faced by students in understanding effective learning methods,

one solution that can be implemented is by introducing more interactive and social learning
methods. According to Thurston et al. (2020), peer tutoring, a method in which elementary
school students are grouped together and given tasks to be completed together, can help
improve students' learning outcomes. Another example is the use of team teaching in flexible
classrooms, where teachers and students work together on the same task or project, allowing
students to learn more effectively and in a more enjoyable way (Mononen et al., 2023).
Additionally, teachers can take advantage of these learning methods when teaching basic
mathematical concepts and fostering social relationships among students (Shen et al., 2020).
Another solution that can be applied to reduce the difficulty faced by students in
understanding effective learning methods is by providing material that is suitable for the
students' abilities and cognitive level. According to Shen et al. (2020), teachers' leadership in
adapting teaching materials to students' abilities can help improve learning outcomes. For
example, when teaching fractions to fifth grade students, teachers can consider the cognitive
level of their students and provide examples that are easy to understand, such as using
visualization or images related to fractions (Mononen et al., 2023). Additionally, teachers can
evaluate students' learning progress regularly and provide constructive and positive feedback,
helping students to better understand mathematical concepts (Thurston et al., 2020).

"Finding the right approach to help elementary school students overcome learning obstacles
in the classroom so that it becomes enjoyable learning is a challenge that needs to be faced
with effective strategies." Based on the previous discussion, it can be concluded that the
implementation of interactive and social learning methods, such as peer tutoring and team
teaching in flexible classrooms, can contribute to improving students' understanding of basic
learning concepts. Research conducted by Thurston et al. (2020) shows that positive social
relationships among elementary school students can improve learning outcomes in all
subjects through the peer tutoring method (Thurston et al., 2020). In addition, teacher
leadership in adapting materials and learning approaches to student abilities and needs is also
important, as evidenced in the studies by Shen et al. (2020) and Mononen and Havu (2023).
The solution that can be offered is to combine collaborative and social learning approaches
with the adaptation of materials and teaching methods according to the cognitive level of
students. For example, the teacher can form peer tutoring learning groups by considering the
students' abilities, so that students who understand more can help their classmates who are
experiencing difficulties. In this process, the teacher acts as a facilitator and guide, providing
relevant materials and examples according to the students' cognitive level, and giving
constructive feedback. It is recommended to conduct periodic evaluations of the effectiveness
of the learning methods implemented and to adjust them according to the needs.
Collaboration between teachers, students, and parents is also important to ensure that the
learning process runs smoothly and students receive the support they need in the school and
home environment. With a comprehensive and continuous approach, it is hoped that students
can overcome difficulties in understanding all subjects taught in the classroom and improve
their learning performance.

Mononen, M., Havu-Nuutinen, S., & Haring, M. (2023). Student teachers’ experiences in
teaching practice using team teaching in flexible learning space. Teaching and Teacher
Education, 122(N/A).

Shen, J., Wu, H., Reeves, P., Zheng, Y., Ryan, L., Anderson, & Dustin. (2020). The
association between teacher leadership and student achievement: A meta-analysis.
Educational Research Review, 33.

Thurston, A., Chang, C. R. T.-H., Burns, V., & Topping, K. J. (2020). The influence of social
relationships on outcomes in mathematics when using peer tutoring in elementary
school. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 2(N/A).

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