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Peter Drucker has stated that successful innovators must look, ask, and listen.


Innovation is the process by which entrepreneurs convert opportunities into marketable ideas.


The innovation process involves only the development of a good idea.


The four basic types of innovation are invention, extension, duplication, and synthesis.


Entrepreneurs are always looking for unique opportunities to fill needs or wants.


The cognitive ability of entrepreneurs to acquire and transform information has yet to be studied.


Creativity, in the entrepreneurial context, is the generation of ideas that result in the improved
efficiency or effectiveness of a system.


Creativity cannot be developed or improved.


Structured and focused chaos is necessary for creativity to occur.


Truly creative people are always geniuses.


Successful creations do not require investigation and information gathering.


Many inventions and innovations are a result of inventors seeing new and different relationships among
objects, processes, materials, technologies, and people.




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The innovation process allows creative people to subconsciously mull over the information they have


Creative people always exhibit a strong need for group approval.


The four phases of the creative process are knowledge accumulation, incubation, idea experience, and

Researchers uniformly agree that the easiest step in the creative endeavor is the implementation and
evaluation phase.


The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logical and analytical skills.


The creative climate rejects the ambiguity common in work and life.


Background or knowledge accumulation is the second phase of the creative process.


Incubation in the creative process often occurs when the individual is doing something completely
unrelated to the subject.


The idea experience phase of the creative process is often the least interesting part of the process.


Only new patterns of thinking lead to new ideas and innovation.


Innovation is planned and predictable.

Most innovations result from a conscious and purposeful search for new opportunities.


Most successful innovations are complex and focused.


Incongruities are gaps or differences between expectations and reality.


Innovators must always search for new ideas, opportunities, or sources of innovation.


Extension is the combination of existing concepts and factors into a new formulation.


Synthesis is the combining of two existing concepts into a new formulation.


In innovation through duplication, a product is simply copied.


The principles of innovation are largely focused on profit maximization.

Innovation should follow a milestone schedule.


It is really genius and not hard work that creates success for the entrepreneur.


Innovative activity should be rewarded.


One of the most helpful avenues for developing one's own creative talents is to be aware of the habits
and mental blocks that stifle creativity.


Which of the following questions concerning innovation is not relevant?

"When should the product goes to market?"

Which of the following statements is true?

Innovation is the specific function of entrepreneurship.

Which of the following are keys to understanding opportunity and its development for entrepreneurs?

innovation and creativity

The two most important aspects of creativity are

process and people.

Which of the following statements is true?

People can learn to be creative.

Entrepreneurs sense potential in business problems by asking

what if and why not?

One way to develop a creative mind is to

observe other entrepreneurs.

The incubation process involves which of the following?

letting the subconscious work

Which of the following statements is true?

The right brain helps people understand analogies and imagine things.

Which of the following can help speed up the idea process?

taking breaks while working

Which of the following can help entrepreneurs carry out the evaluation and implementation stage?

increasing energy level

A person can develop their own creativity by

seeing new and different relationships in people, objects, and places around them.

Which of the following is a characteristic of creative people?

bright but not necessarily brilliant

Which of the following statements is true?

Both sides of the brain are important to the creative process.

Which of the following mental habits inhibit creativity and innovation?

either/or thinking, stereotyping

Security hunting means

using probability and stereotypes to minimize risk

Which of the following statements is not true?

Creative ideas never come out of the blue.

Which of the following is not one of the phases in the creative process?

preliminary investigation

In the incubation process, ways of getting away from a problem include

working on something else.

Successful entrepreneurs are able to identify and implement

those ideas that are workable and that they have the skills to implement.

Security hunting is

trying to make the right decision or take the correct action.

Creativity is most likely to occur when the "climate" is right. What is a characteristic of that climate in
the workplace?

trustful management that does not exert strict control over employees

Relying on abstractions can

left hemisphere of the brain.limit one's perception of reality.

Looking for different or unorthodox relationships among elements and people is one way to develop
creativity. How might a person develop this capacity?

by perceiving in a relational mode

Which of the following terms would not be associated with the right hemisphere of the brain?


Logical and analytical skills are developed in the

left hemisphere of the brain.

Which of the following terms would be associated with the left hemisphere of the brain?


All of the following are characteristics of a creative climate except

restricted communication with outsiders

The four phases in the creative process in order are

background or knowledge accumulation, incubation, idea experience, and evaluation and

Which of the following statements is true with regards to creativity?

People's process will remain the same, but their approach will change.

People practice the creative search for background knowledge in which of the following ways:

a and b

(the eureka factor and the big bang theory)

The idea experience phase of creativity is also referred to as

the eureka factor

Which of the following is not an example of recognizing relationships in creativity?

Introducing Sierra Mist to the market to compete with Sprite

Which of the following statements is true?

Successful innovations are clear and focused.

What are the four types of innovation?

invention, extension, synthesis, duplication

Which of the following statements is true?

Innovators rarely work in more than one field.

Which of the following are sources of innovation?

unexpected occurrences and incongruities

Which of the following are causes of industry and market changes?

advancements in technology

In terms of opportunity trends, what is cocooning?

the desire to shelter oneself from harsh realities

Most innovations result from

a conscious and purposeful search for new opportunities.

The combination of existing concepts and factors into a new formulation would define which of the
following terms?


Ray Kroc's development of McDonald's would be a good illustration of which form of innovation?


A potential entrepreneur needs to realize that

principles of innovation can be learned.

It takes _____ to innovate successfully.

work, not genius,

Most successful innovations are

simple and focused.

Which of the following is not a type of innovation?


A gap or difference between expectations and reality defines


Process needs

exist when and entrepreneur can meet a new source of demand.

The phase of the creative process when the idea or solution the individual is seeking is discovered is the

idea experience.

Shifts in consumer tastes and attitudes are an example of

industry and market changes.

Overnight package delivery is illustrative of which source of innovation?


Retirement centers for older people reflect which source of innovation?

demographic changes

Which of the following is considered a myth of innovation?

Creativity relies on blue sky ideas.

Which of the following is not considered a principle of innovation?

Invest in securities.
People with muddling mind-sets exhibit all of the following habits except

process thinking

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