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"QPQ Cimn I r n t @n" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The Double Portion ....................... 2

G n b ' ~Birrrfiue unb $Irrmiaainr llUi11 ........7

Lessons from the Cl~aracterof Balaanr . . . . . . . . 7

%!tit4tlle Blitnrn of Eggpt ...................11

Wotrs ......................................12
Pastor Boddy's Visit .......................12
Notices ...................................12
lirarles uf @ruling in Ballus ............ 13
"lhd3s ahat to nllee? ~ o l l u ma l p u i r " .14
Lessons in the Lord's School ................14
Bile %nbm~ralrlrnt.........................18
Our Lord's Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Antong fllr 'Kraals of Bouth Afrira .......19

Bn tile @anbe of ttlr &tfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
"1)iversities of Operations" ................ 20
An Address Given in The Stone Church, September 81, 1918, by Pastor A. A. Uoddy, Vicar of All Saints,
Sunderlund, England
W A S glatl to hear a sister in your we will I)ccomc a stench, as it were, in the nostrils
morning meeting emphasize the of (;otl. W e will become dead antl putrid a n d
study of the W o r d of God. There corrupt; insteacl of being a blessing we will be-
is a New Testament 1,eaguc come a curse. God wants those who receive the
lwown to man and every one who \Wort1 to pass it on. Let us talk about holy
belongs to it undertakes to carry things one to another when we have a chance, '
with him everywhere a New talk about them in a con~forting,helpful way.
Testament. I heard a young man 'I'here is such a different way of tallcing to people.
in one of our l'entecostal meetings say he never I think it is such a good thing each morning to
felt properly dressed if he hadn't his Bible with say, "I~orcl,bring me in contact today with those
him. (I'erhaps some of you t l m afternoon feel to whom I can be a blessing." T h e Lord does it.
you a r c not properly dressed.) One of the proofs Perhaps not many ~ninutesafter a prayer of that
that the Pentecostal Movement is from above is l h t l you are amazed how some one is brought
its use of the 1:iblc. When the S3aptism of the to you ill tllc right frame of mind, antl you a r c
Iloly Spirit has come into a place many 13ibles both talking naturally about the blessed Savior,
have been bought. 111 my town of Sunderland and then insteatl of 1)ecoming putrid and corrupt,
it has been so. Let 115 love the W o r d of God you beconle a blessing. Tn some Pentecostal cir-
with all our hearts. I f you traveled in Spain cles thci-e is too much gathering together "to
you would find that it is a dangerous thing in have a good time." 'I'hank (;od for the good
some places for a Inall to possess a Uiblc o r to times, we all experience tlmn, I)ut the Lord wants
read it. Sometimes it is as I ~ L I C ~asI hi5 life is us to go out and cva~~gelizc.l'hc only way to
w o r t h ; in other placcs he is 1)oycottecl hy every Iwcl) fresh and I~rightis to pass on the blessing.
one. I11 this free lam1 you have the great priv- I f we reach the (;oslwl in lovc, (;od will I)lcss
ilege of reading unmolested the W o r d of ( h l . t l ~ cmessage to olir ow11 souls also, hut if we shut
If any of qou have grown slack in reading, de- up O L I ~ S ~ ~ V and
CS don't give out the blessing,
termine from this afternoon, Cot1 helping you, some lives may be wrecked by strange things
that you will faithiully read God's Word and not of God. W e nu st pass on the blessing and
take every olq~ortunityo f encouraging others to live on the Word. Never turn to anything else.
read it. When you get a blessing from the Word 1t is the only safe guide. I f I had charge of a
1 ~ ~ it5 son. meeting, 1 woultl silcnce any one who said, "I
W h e n 1 was in the IIoly Idand the first titnc, have had such a wontlerful experience in the
yeats ago, I stood Ijy the Dead Sea. I t looked lloly Spirit, God gives me all I need without
11ke a Scotch loch, lying thcre in the bright sun- going to His Wortl." I would simply say, "Sit
light surrounded by the hills of Moab which down. This Rook is the final message. W e will
turned to wontlcrf~il hills of glory as the sun not listen to anything unless it is completely in
went down. St was all beautiful, Ilut it was dead. accord with the W o r d of God."
Not a fish can live in its waters for a moment 1 was talking to a I ~ r a k e ~ n aonn one of your
and it is even more saturated with salt than it l'ullnlan cars, antl he said, "Well, sir, I believe
was in the (lays of the Lord Jesus. T h a t is be- there is a God, but I do not believe the Riblc."
catlsc there is no outlet; always receiving but I said, "My dear brother, if yo11 had in your
never giving out, it is "deadH-the Dead Sea. heart the Spirit that is in the liible, then you
You jouriicy sixty miles north and you come to woultl believe the Ijible, you would lovc it and
the beautiful Sea of Galilee. It might be called you wotdtl find it satisfied you. W h a t you need
the Sea of the lAortlJesus; it might also be called is to have the same Spirit in your heart that is
the Sea o l 1,ifc 1)ccausc at the south end there is in the I:ible, then your heart will rcspontl to the
an ot~tlct,the 1)cautiful clear water is always run- Ijilde, antl yo11 will find it such a I h o k as you
ning o ~ i tas ~t 1s r ~ u i n i n gin. If there was a bar- l ~ a v e110 idea of." It solcmnizetl this young inan,
rier acroi5 thi5 s o t ~ t hend it wo~ildI m o m c like an(1 he saitl Ilc 1)elicvctl what I saitl was right
the Dead Sea, salt antl dead. Oh, let us deter- and w o ~ ~ lthinkd ahout it. W e (lo not lovc the
nine, wc w110 have the privilege of rccciving Ilihlc u ~ ~ l e swe
s have (;otl's Spirit, I ~ u twhen we
I)lessit~g,str;~iglltwayto pass on the blessing, or I ~ a v etllc I)lcssc(l Spirit. in us, it rcsl)oixls to the
Fame I-loly (;host that has written this l;ook and into lleavell, who has sllctl fort11 this whicln we
speaks t h r o ~ ~ g it.
li now see ant1 Ileal-. All ! tile I loly ( ; l ~ o s tcollies
1 will read from the sccontl chapter of the to glorify Jesus. I le tlocsii't colnc to get our
Second Iiook of Kings, verses one to fifteen. n l i ~ ~ tfixed
ls on 1 li~nsclf. 'I'he I)lcssccl I'loly Spirit
W e have here two types: Elijah, a type of comes that we may contini~ally have a vision of
the hlessecl Losd Jesus, although it differs in Jcsus. I l a v e we not seen rcflected in the faces
some things. W e have Elijah ascending u p to of saints upon whom the power of the I3oly
heaven. T h e Lord Jesus ascended up to heaven, Ghost has come, the beautiful light of the in-
where H e was before. I ~ u tElijah had never lxcn ti\velling Jesus? I low ordinary faces have hecn
in heaven. T h e Lord Jesus came forth from tlic lit u p ant1 1)cconle angelic and glorifietl ant1 like
Father and went back to the Father. H e was the ldortl 1 limself as they got a vision of Jesus!
with the Father before the fomndation of the The hest type of the Ikiptism of the 1-Toly (;host
world. "In the beginning was the W o r d (the which we get totlay is a Ikq)tism which shall
Lorcl Jesus) and the W o r d was with God and make us see the T-ortl Jesus, give us a vision of
the W o r d was God. T h e same was in the be- Ilim. I have seen the 1,ortl Jesus in o u r gather-
ginning with God. All things were made by ings standing there with outstretched hands,
H i m ; and without H i m was not anything made looking this way and that on those whom He
that was made." H e was Cod from all eternity. was going to 1)less. Others have secn FIim also
T h e Father, Son and Holy Ghost in holy council and tloubtless you, too, have secn the 1-ortl Jesus.
said, "Let us make man in o u r own image," and Some have secn Tlim going through the agony
when Satan tried to wreck that image, they said of Calvary, and they have slnutldered when the
again, "Let us make man in our own image." soldier came with a spear to pierce Tlis side, the
T h e Lord Jesus came down from heaven and was picture was so vivid. ~ o s 1)lcssctl t of all a r e
incarnated in t h e Virgin M a r y and hecame nlan, those who, witli the eye of faith, have really seen
lived out the holy, perfect life, and above all, far the face of Jesus.
above all, paid the price of our redemption. ''If ye see nne wllen I am taken from you, it
Bethlehem's white walls should never over- shall I)e so unto yot~." S o we have IClisha press-
shadow the Green Hill outside tlic city wall. 1t ing on. They saitl, "Oh, don't trouble, Elisha,
is Calvary from beginning to end which wins our your master is going to Ix taken away." "Rut I
redemption and brings us the precious gift of am going with him. 1 am going for the 1)lessing."
Pentecost. Group after g r o ~ t p of these people meet him,
T h e I,ord Jesus went hack to H i s Father. hut with no encouragement. "Know ye not that
Elijah could never g o back, but h e was one of your master shall be taken today ?" net him
those whom God saw fit to translate. TTe walked evesywlicse hc went. T h e discouraging sons of
with God, like Bnoch, and one (lay h e "was not." the prophets, at Jcricho ant1 at the Jordan, said,
H e went across Jordan and went home. ''Oh, he is going to lose his master ;" but Elisha
Then if Elijah is a type of the Lorcl Jesus in a said, "Oh, Elijah, I am going with you and I
measure, Elisha is a type of the undiscouragetl am going to receive the I~lessing." Elijah was
saint of God who presses on in spite of discour- permitted to d i s c o ~ ~ r a ghim
e a little, 1)ut he con-
agement. H e is determined to press on and get tinued to hold on. Religious people might dis-
God's best. Elijah said, "If you see me when I courage him, the 1,ord ITimself might permit
am taken from you then you shall have the older discouragement to strengthen his faith, but he
son's blessing." I n the East if there were five went on. O h , heloved ones, do not falter when
sons there would he six portions, and the oldest the Im-d begins to work witli you. I used to see
son would get two portions, a double portion, pools of tears on the floor and on the seats after
the others each a single portion. Blisha asks for the meetings, people were kneeling on the floor,
the older son's portion, a double portion, a Pente- bowing before God, crying their hearts out. T h e
costal outpouring of the blessed Holy Spirit tears were evidences that we were in earnest in
which worked so mightily in pre-Pentecostal seeking God through the winter of 1906, and
times in Elisha and others. .And Elijah said, Cod knew it. W e held little prayer meetings
"Yes, if you see me when I am taken." O h , it nearly every night, continuing from eight and
must be a vision, and in these davs of the out- nine o'clock until midnight, someti~ues in the
pouring of the "latter rain" there comes a won- (lark and cold. W e cried out to God for 1)lessing
derful vision t o those who press on with the ant1 could not tear ourselves away. W e heard of
Lord Jesus, this same Jesus who has. .gone up the way I_Te was I)lessing over here on this side,
antl oh, how glad wc were! W e praise God that a type of what God means all of us to do, to g o
IIc met us in the same way, 1)ut it wa\ hecause through Jordan, the River of Death. "If one
we wcrc in earnest. Some of the old sailors down died for all then all died." W e must ask the IIoly
1)y the sea, old rctiretl mariners, talking ainong Spirit to teach us what that means and make it a
then~selvcscould not understand all this. One tre~nendous rcality ; to 1)e done with the old
said t o anotllcr, "Why, they tell nle that up at his things, wllich l ~ a v cpassed away. Whcn the Lord
church yoi~tlcr they actually pray for hours." Jesus said, "It is finished," it was finishcd for us
r ,
1 hcy had never licarcl of such a thing and it im- if we trust ITim. W e l ~ a v edied to thc power of
pressed them. Of course, we prayed for hours, Satan, we have dicd to the power of self and
we were glad to pray all night at times, and sin; we have been to our Jordan, the stream of
where there is a praying and a tarrying people death, the place where we died to the old things.
God will incet thcm, and so he met us. W e have gone through with our 1,ord Christ.
S o 1Slisha pressed on, and you notice when the 17lisha went through with Elijah. It is very im-
mantle of Rlijah came down upon him he rolled portant. If we are to have a pure Baptism of
it up and made it into a wonder-working staff. the Holy Ghost there must be the true death; the
Tt camc down upon him and clothed him with real act of faith in Calvary, the crisis, and then
power from on high. 'There is a difference be- the continuation; continual death union and life
tween having the FIoly Ghost and the Holy Ghost rrnion.
falling on you. W e find this distinction in the Tt is the secret of the Pentecostal work, the
New Testament. You can have the Holy Spirit true death to self. God can trust us then, when
in a grcat measure. T h e people of Samaria were wc stand in that place.
converted under the preaching of Philip, as told llut now see what a change comes. rClisha is
in thc eighth of Acts. No tloul~tthey were born able to drive back the waters of Jordan; Rlisha
gain of the Spirit, and had a gootl mcasure of is able to make the bitter watcrs sweet; to make
the Spirit in thcir hearts. They could never have thc iron axe to float, when it was the only axe
hecn born again ;IS they were unless the Holy the sons of the ~)rophetshad, a d it was lmr-
Ghost had conic in power, but it says, "as yct rowed. Wonderfr~l tniraclcs! 'I'hc King of
T3c was fallen upon none of them." T h e expres- Isracl, the King of Judah antl the King of Edom
sion the 1,ord used was, "'l'arry yc at Jerusalem were fighting against the King of Moab. T h e
i~ntilye be clothed upon"-coming down like a armies were in the wilderness and they were in
mantle-or, in othcr words, the Lord says, "Ye danger of being destroyed because there was no
shall be baptized in the Tfoly Ghost not many water there. They sent for Elisha, the prophet
days hence." T h e I~cat~tiful figurc of ini~nersion of the Lord. H c called for a minstrel and as the
in water is a type of the Raptism in the Spirit. minstrel played the Spirit of God came upon
W e need inmersion in the Holy Ghost. You fill him, and he said, "JXg ditches, dig decp ditches,
a vessel with water and place it in a stream; the troughs for the water; in this tlcsert cvery one
water is in the vessel and the vessel is in the may drink," and as the minstrel playcd and Elisha
water. W e havc the expression "filled with the prophesied, the Imrd sent water in that l~arren,
Spirit." immersed o r baptized in the Holy Ghost, awful desert, and they drank, and as the sun
endued or clothed upon with power from on shone upon the water it looked red, and the King
high. This is the greater manifestation of the of Moah thought it was the blood of his enemies
blessed Holy Spirit, the intensive work of God and that the kings were surely slain. S o they
the I-Toly Ghost. T-Ie is with us all the time. went forth to take the spoil and wcre smitten,
When we are horn of the Spirit we begin to and God got glory.
know a grcat deal of His power, and probably Look again at Elisha, coming to the Shunam-
T3e is in us in a measure, but when there comes mite's son and lying upon that dead body, eve to
this mighty Raptism we are immersed in Him. eye, mouth to mouth, hands to hands; walking
T h e falling of Elijali's mantle upon Elisha was to and fro and going back and lying on the body.
a picture of t l ~ ecoming of the Holy Spirit, the The boy sneezed seven times and Elisha gave him
l'entecostal baptism. hack to his mother.
Now notice what a change came into Elisha's T.ook at Elisha saying to the mighty man,
lifc. T h e very first thing that met him was Naaman, "Go and wash in the Jordan seven times
Jordan. Tle wouldn't have received his baptism and thou shalt 11e clean." H e could say it in
if hc hadn't ~ o n cthrough Jordan. H e went power because the Holy Ghost filled him. Won-
through Jordan with Elijah, and that is surely derful miracle! H e filled the widow's vessels
with oil and she llad plenty to sell and pay her really comes I le doesn't m e I)l-aj,er as a vehicle of
debts. T h e r e is not another character in the our instilting one anotller. It seems awful and al-
Bible that could work more miracles, when he most like I)l;~splic~ny, ant1 it is vcry tlifficult for
had received his baptism. those controlling meetings to deal with 511ch
h t l notice one thing: When God took his things. I ic careft11 in p r a y i ~ ~al)out g others. It
spirit home, H e didn't take his body up. H e had is better to (lo it in silence. You should pray
some t ~ s cfor it on earth. I t was bt~rietlin a cer- vcry earnestly almut them in private I I I I ~ not ill
tain grave. I n the thirteenth chapter of Kings p111)Iic.
we read that in after years the land was being Iilisha \\;as a tra~lsformctl man I ) e c a ~ ~ sofe the
disturbed by bands of PIoabites, and as they power of thc lioly (;host. W e turn away for a
came over the hills they met a funeral proces- moment from lilijah antl 13lislia and \ve look 1111
sion. They were carrying a man of Israel to his at the rmrtl j e s m coming out of the Eastern (;ate
burial; the solemn processian on its way to the with T~Tis I)elovctl disciples. l'assing tlo\vn
graveyard was sutldenly startled by the Arabs. (;ethsemane ovcr the stumniit towards B e t h a ~ ~toy
I t meant death to meet them, antl what should a hollow some of us know so well, 1 Ic liftetl up I~Iis
they do with the body of the dead m a n ? They hands and I~lessetlthem, and as TIe blessetl them
spied Elisha's sepulchre, and through a n open- the laws of gravitation ceased to have an!- claim
ing they pushed the dead body. As it fell down on T~Jim. T h e laws of the heavenly k i n g t l o ~are ~~
on the hones o i Elisha, notice what a wonderful H i s now. T h e earthly life was over. l'hcy
thing happened. This man who received the looketl up adoringly, and as I-Te passed ul), the
double portion, even his bones still retained the cloud received ITim out of thcir sight. I'lle!,
wonder-working power, for as soon as the body werc not disappointed. I t was all o\.cr. yo11
of the deatl man touched I<lisha's bones he re- would think t!~ey would slied I~ittcrtears. 'l'hcy
vived antl stootl u1)on his feet. W h a t a wonder- had lost thcir 1)est I;rientl, that ivontlerh~l1:ric11tl
ful man God made of ZSlisha! Ah, if we could with whom they hatl walked I~antlin h a r d : thcy
be something like t h a t ! God wants dead people had sat ljeside Tlim in the h a t on (;alike's wa-
who shall quicken others. I'aul saitl, "lleath ters ;they llad supl)etl withTTinl at the snlall tal~les
worketh in us, but life in you." l i v e often talk in tlic white cottages. Now that I lc Iiatl gone,
about being dead, but we neetl every day to ask why tlitln't tlicy weep? 'L'hey returned to Jeru-
the Lord to keep us in sucli a place of tlcath that salem with great joy and were continuallj- in the
we may be used mightilx to quicken others. I temple. praising and l~lcssing ( h l . The!. had
do not think people neetl to get up in meetings seen ITim as I l e was being taken fro111them, and
very much antl testify about Ixing deatl. They they knew what 1~Tehad said was t r ~ w ,"Tarry
hatl better say it when they a r e tempted to ill- ye at ] e r ~ ~ s a l c iml ~t i l ye he c n t l ~ ~ c witli
tl power
temper, when they a r e tempted to unholy fro111on I~igh." ']'hose wontlcrful ten t1;ij.s went
thoughts, when they a r e tempted to answer back, by ; tliey were s o ~ n e t i ~ n eins the beautiful tcnq)le
to be snappish in their homes. Then is the time worship with its magnificent rit11a1, m t l oftimes
for us to show the grace of ( h l , the wonderful at thc !ittlc ~)ra!~cr meeting with the nwnen,
power of the I lc~ly(;host. T h e Ixml can keep Mary tlic noth her of Jesus a ~ l t lothers, am1 o n ,
H i s people in the place of death. and as death the 1,ortl's Ilay the 1 [oly (;host came to them as
works in any of us, it will meall life to others. Jesus saitl .I le wotiltl. l ' l ~ e y werc full o f joy
The sort of testimony T would like to suggest in :low. Peter hatl run away from a ~naitlscrvant.
some of our meetings is that the wife might get Imt he was a I m v c man now. Tllcy 111archet1
up and testify what a loving husband she has throng11 the streets of Jcrusalc~n \vith a ncw
since Pentecost came, that the husband get courage and new light. T h c chief priests \\.anted
up and say what a blessed wife he has since to know what it meant and sumnio~lcd them.
the Holy Ghost came and changed their home. 'L'hey were filled with a new light ant1 new poiver.
I have heard husbands praying about their wives (;otl gave them a wonderful sign, spoke through
and their tlat~ghters when they were not there them and t!iey magnified ITim, ant1 now the! werc
and I could have gotten u p and shaken them. Iiy going to walk with thc T*ord Jcsus hand in hand
their manner they were congratulating t h e n - until 1-1, should take them home.
selves they were so good and their wives ant1 ".And they two went on." "They two stootl
daughters needed so much. I t is a shocking hcsitle Jordan." Tt is to he a life of wonderful
spirit to pray about your relatives openly o r to fellowship with the 1.ord Jesus, this l'entecostal
pray at one another. W h e n the Holy Spirit life.
"Wl1e11we walk will1 the L o r d , tlicir own, to forgive ;my hard things that a r e
111 the 11ght of llis Word saitl I)y tlic other side, and to reme~nbcr they
Wl~at:L :lory I lc shctls on o u r W:\J havc sometimes saitl Iiartl things-if cach side
Wl1c.11w c do [lis good will,
I l c ;hides with us still,
would I ~ c a rthe I~iggcr1)urtlen of blame in this
Alld \\ iII1 all who will trust a n d ol)cy." nlattcr of tlivision and controversy, and close
thcir luouths, insteatl of Ictting the devil use
'I'rust ant1 obcy, two things. Don't trust with- them-then thc past might I x put untlcr the
out ol~cying,don't obey without trusting. "Thcy I)lootl, antl (;od might again sniile upon H i s
two went on." I t is to be a walk. I n 1iphcsian:j people.
it says, "Walk in lovc;" in the epistle of John W h e n I was out on the l'acific Coast, 1 found
we read, "Walk in the light." W e a r c to walk in tlie Pentecostal people in 1'0s Angelcs werc just
lovc, and this is a point we ought t o pray about about tired of shaking fists a t one another, and *

a great deal. I d o not know that you a r e very beginning to want to shake hands instead; they
much troubled with it here in this place (God were getting very much tlisgustctl at all this
grant it may not be s o ) , but when Satan could division and wontlcretl how it had ever come
not hinder the outpouring of the blessed Holy about. T h e gathering to which 1 was invited
Comforter in our midst, which he attempted to gladly entlorsetl this resolution which I now wish
do, he then tried to turn the children of Gotl to rcad to you. Jt was given to me onc Sunday
against each other, by one emphasizing one phase morning at the Holy Communinn ; I was kneeling
of and another emphasizing another, in an l~piscopalchurch in IAS ilngclcs, and God
going under different leaders who insistetl on seemed to give nie these words antl Icd me t o
trying to stir up strife. I t reminds nic o'f wlint write tlicni d o w i . I \vent I ~ c kto my hotel,
happaieed in Jerusalctn after the I,ord Jesus was wrote tlicnl tlnwn antl sttl)mitted thcm at once t o
taken home. There came a terrible sicgc, about thc gathering at which I was speaking, and they
the year 70, and around J c r ~ ~ s a l c t tlic n Ibnlan gladly antl tllankfully rndorsed thcm. T h e y
armies gatlicrctl. Inside the city walls tlic poor \aid, "Oh, we t l i a ~ ~(;otl
k that I l c has sent you
Jews wcre starving to death, antl as they ran out, with that message to Southerti Calilornia." I
tlic Romans caught them and nailed thcm to wonltl vcnturc this afternoon to rcad it antl we
crosses of wood. Thcse they placctl all around will scc if you like to cntlorsc i t :
tlie city antl on the of Olivcs. 'l'liousantls
l ~ oK I ; I I o 1 I in
o i that nation which crucified thc I,ortl met death tlic Ik)tl! of the T,ord (see Cor. 12 2 5 and 11 :30,
in the same way antl place where I l c was crlrci- 31 ) , ant1 tinting the ol)port~~nitics Satan is get-
fictl. 'l'licy saitl, "Iris blood be 1 1 p 1 1 m , " ant1 it ting through s ; ~ ldivisions, WI: I)!, tlic hclp a n d
was a tcrrihlc time of retribution. I i t ~ tnotice xracc of our 1,ortl (lo undcrtakc intlividually aml
this: A s the Romatis were around the walls you collcctivcl!l to rcfr;~ili 11-0111cim(le~mningotie an-
would have expccted God's own ~)eoplc,if tlicy other or? the mattrr of tlic question known on
the o11c !1:1l~tl :Is
werc going lo figlit to thc death, woultl I)c unitctl,
I)ut instc;d o f that thcrc were two parties in
Jcrusalcm, the High l'riest's part!. an(! thc :~ntl0 1 1 tlic other as
Zealot's party, antl they f o t ~ g h tonc another ant1
lic\vcd one anotlier with the sword rclent!essIy:
wonicn were ripped up, ~ n c nant1 \vowen ltilletl \,+re also t~udertaltcto clo all we can, in lovc, to
tlissuatlc o l ~ r1)clovetl 1:rcthren antl Sisters in
1y the swortl, and jcrt~salcm was fllctl with
1~'cntccost Fro111 giving way to a spirit of harsh-
I)lootl. so that the Rotnans coultl get in ant1 con- ness in those matters, allowing each cne t o be
qucr it casil!,. 'The holy a ~ i t lI : e a ~ ~ t i f ttcmple
~l Fully pers~radctlin his own nlintl.
was torn tlo\vn and not one stone left t ~ p o ~an- i
('l'lle I<csolutioti was passctl cc:rtlially by a
other, l~ccausct l ~ c r cwas tlivision in thc camp. I:l~-gc congrcjiation assc~iihletl at the Stone
Is i11c1-cany division i l l tlie I'cntccostal camp ('liurch.)
totlay ? VVitl~ the devil ;mtI the world :uid the
Resh ag:liust us, Idovctl nncs, ought we not to '"1'l:ey two went on." I'etitccoital people must
stantl firm? "1,ittlc chiltlren, love o ~ i canotlier." go on 01- they will lose nirtch I~lcssing. T h e r e
Tf from totlay the dear ones liere woultl tletcr- should I:c no sta~itlingstill ; that leads to retro-
m i w , Got1 helping thcm, to ~iiinimizetliffcrcnccs gression : ~ n ddownfall. \\'c \vill g o o n , w c f ~ o ,
instcat1 of nlagnifying them, :111d w o ~ ~ try l d t o see tlic 1 ~ r t antl
l 1.
t l ~ i n g sfro111 tlic o t l ~ c r ' spoint of vicw atit1 not IJnion with our i\l~iii;hty Savior, who savcc
to the uttermost ! C'nion with I 1 in1 in 1 Iis J>cath
unto sin! Union with Him in IIis r i f e unto
(;otl! IJnion with the Gi\:cr, rather than the
craving for gifts apart from Him ! 'I'he I~lessctl
1 loly Gllost has comc to glorify JTim-our Christ.
Fat!ler, we I)cseecli Thce ever to strengthen us

Olinh'~lirerti~pnnb @ermiesiue e ill

Lessons frorn the Character of Ualaam
An Address by Ira E. David, in Chicago, July 28, 1912

F T E R i-eacling the twenty-second his story. 'The New Testament tells us in l'eter
chapter of Numbers the speaker 2 :15 o f "the way of Baltrnw." I t tclls us in Jude
said: W e find here that this c f "the error of I ~ a l a a ~ ~ land , - " in the Cook of
prophet, I:alaani, living ill hea- Revelation of " t h e tenchirlg of Balaam," and back
thendom, using divination, went in the Imok of Numbers we read of "the ertd of
with K i n g Halak to the places lltrlnanz."
where Eaal was worshiped and Now, the way of Bnlirirlri was a love of the
God came in supernatural power wages of unrighteousness-"forsalci~~g the right
antl spoke four times tlsrough him. You will ?my, they wcnt astraj-, following the way o f
notice in the revised version these messages I h l a a m the son of I k o r , who loved the wages of
through the lips of Balaam are all poetic in form ~lnrigilteousncss," or, as the revised version has
antl prophetic in character. Some have been ful- it, " n ~ h oloved the hire of wrong-doing."
fillctl already, while others yet remain to I)e ful- Jsracl had come out of JCgjyt through the
filled. \vilclcrncss a n d llacl gone south of tlle Dead Sea
111 the beginning of this talk I would like to and was now al)otit to enter tlic I'romisetl Land
give ~ O L aI little outline that has been upon my f r o ~ nthe cast, insteatl of from the west as ~ r o u l d
heart, containing four scriptural expressions : 11at~1rallyhave I~eenexpected. O g , thc king of
1. T h e way of Calaam, 11. Peter 2 :IS, Nt1m.22. Ilashan, had I~ccn col~luerctl, the s~~rrountlin,rr
I I. T h e error of Ealaans, Jude 11. trilxs had hccn conqucrctl, Israel was encampetl
111. T h e teaching o r doctrine of l:alaam, Rcv. on the I~ordcrsof the 3loal)itcs and the Mitliani-
3 :14, NLIIU.31 :16. tish king, lkdak, Ilad I)econlc tlesperately fright-
TV. T h e end of l:alaam, Num. 31 :8. cnecl antl sent for Ihlaam wit11 the itlc;t that en-
.\ person reading the account of 1:alak's call c l ~ a ~ ~ t m cmight
nt I)c used to pre\,enL thc defeat
ior IMaatn and the visit of I M a a m to the of tllc R,loal,itcs. Iktlaanl \vantetl to go I ~ u t
Yloabites would naturally conclude that the whole \vaitctI for a mcFsagc fsoni (;otl during thc night.
story ended with the twenty-fourth chapter of !;od said, "Thou shalt not go \\.it11 t l w n ; thou
N t ~ ~ n h e r and
s , that IMaani went 1)ack llomc and shalt 11ot curse thc people : i11r tile!. are 1)lessed."
I)ehaved liimself tlic remainder of his life. H c .\ccorrlingly J!alaam sta!.e(l wllcrc he was, hut
llad had marvelous meetings with God as re- ~)rese~~tl!. morc mcssengcr.; a n d no re lionoral~le
corded in the twenty-third and twenty-fourtl~ ~ ~ r i n c c those
s, higher in authorit!- i l l thc Noa11-
chapters of N~~inbci-s, antl while he sprung from itish Icingtlom, came to him with intl~!ce~nents of
Iseathenilom and had lived all his lifetime sur- Inrgc honors if Ihlaam woultl colnc. I l e should
rounded by heathen people and itlolatrous wor- 11;tve answered :it once that (;od hat1 given him a
ship, and while he had been using divination and message not to g-o I ~ u t insteatl,
, he tojwl with the
enchantments to get supernatural information, temptation ; he lingered over thc opporttuiity to
\,ct there came a time of great crisis in his life get. rich tlisho~loral~l!~ and so Ilc. saitl to this sec-
\vl~enGoel's people \vei-e made thc sul~jectof corl- ontl co~nllanyof ulessc~~gcrs. "'l'arq- J.C also h e w
sideration and when God Himself four times ovcr t!li:< ~ ~ i x l ithat
t, r 111ayI,III\\. \ v l ~ thc
~ t Ix~rclwill
met 1:alaani and wontlerfully spolw through him. S:LJ.u ~ l t ome ~norc."
Now, a t the close of the twenty-fourth chap- I lcrc is a11 inipostan( lesson fos every child of
tcr of Numbers Ilalaam goes to his own place (;od to learn. T;irst oi all, not Io love the hirc
xnc! King 1T:alak wcnt his way, I)ut that is not all o f wrong-doing, the \\,;~gc>oi ~ ~ n r i g h t c o ~ ~ s n e s
T V C know of T:alaanl, for there arc side lights on Imt i l l atldiiion to tllis. Ilerc is a11 exceedingly im-
portant lesson: Don't tease God for things H e her back. 'I'hc angel of thc T,ortl moved on antl
has said you ought not to have. l ' l ~ cIiilde coii- slood in thc path whcrc therc was a wall 011
tains sixty-six books and several thousand rich either sidc and when the ass saw the angel she
and precious promises. I t hoiiors C h t l for us to crept up close to the wall a i d crushccl 1:alnani's
stand on these promises antl claim the things that foot against the wall. Hy and by the road passed
Gotl wants us to have, and whencver a soul makes through a narrow tlefilc antl there was no chance
bold to reach up the hand of faith autl take that to move to the right o r to the left; then thc ass
which is promised in the W o r d of God I I c is lay down untler her master and lie whipped her
plcased, H c is honored. l<ut, on the other hand, again. 'I'his 1mn, I ~ n on t having his own wa!-,
when Gotl has said, "Thou shalt not," to tease bccarne so bli11d he could not see even as ~iiuclia s
Him, to be determined to havc one's ow11 way, is a n ass could see, and so over and ovcr it is with
self-will and it is obnoxious in the sight oE ( h d . thosc who will g o their own way. They becomc
T h e worst thing that can happen to a inan o r spiritually blind, stupidly insensible, until they
woman is to be able t o have his o r her own way. cannot see as well as the beasts that perish.
H u m a n nature likes to have its ow11 way. .I;rom Ualaam said, "I will g o back," but God said,
the cradle to the gravc wc see it. T h e mere in- "No, vou are boui~tlt o go, so go ahcad, but never-
fant in the cradle wants to have its own way. theless, only the word that 1: shall speak unto thee
I sce it in my own chiltlren over and ovcr. \iVhen shalt thou spcak." A n d so it was, for as Ralaani
we have had little babies I put them in the ham- went on God took such ~)osscssioilof him in this
111ock o r in t l ~ ccril), and a child ninc or ten crisis in thc history of God's people, Israel, that
months old will stick its hcatl up at onc end and he had to speak what (;od said. I t is a marvelous
its fcet up at the other and 11owl to havc its ow11 casc. TTour marvelous messages! A t the time
way, antl u ~ ~ l c the s s fathcr ant1 ~ n o t l ~ carc
r pretty of thc first one IGng Ilalak and I.'rophet Balaani
strong cchai-aclcrs it zuill have its own way. Well, cliiii1)cd to the top of the hill. Seven altars were
that is I I U I I I ~ I I nature and you can see it a t any I ~ t ~ i lvictims
t, werc offercd on cach of thcsc altars
stage; aiitl wliilc prul)aldy the \vorst t h i ~ ~that g ;md 1:alak withtlrew a little, hut 1:alaam saitl.
can happen to a man is for Ilim to h;~vchis ow11 "1 low shall J cursc, who111 God hath not cursed ?"
way, thc I ~ s thing t for him is to I)ow the neck Another sitc was choscn, scvcn other altars wei-e
antl take thc yoke of Jesus Christ, \vhicli is the built, scvcn oi'lci-ings wcrc inade, and this time
will of God, and learn m e e k ~ ~ c s steadfastly
s, re- I3alaam had to speak the message, "The people
fusing to have his own way. a r c blessetl." Again another site was chosen.
Some one has defined sanctification as "a stead- seven altars built, and Ualaam got a message
fast determination never to havc your own way," from the T,ord that Israel wcre to be ~ilnrvcloztsly
and that is a mighty good I)rand of sanctification. blessed, blessing poured out as water pourc(l
'That is the I<ind of people you like to live with. from buckets that were ovcrturnetl; everybod!.
T h c pcoplc that ncver give up their wills arc, of that blessecl Israel was to bc blcssed and ever!,-
all pcoplc, the hardest to get along with, but it is 1)otly that cursed Israel was to be cursed, for
heaven to live with pcople who arc sanctifictl in (;od had taken chargc of the situation antl I [is
this, that thcy have a steadfast tlcterniitiation people were savctl.
7 .
tievcs to havc their own way. I hat is a sw ect l c s s o ~for
~ 11s to learn. If Gotl's
Ihlaam wanted his own way. I le s o ~ i g l richcs ~t pcople walk with the T.ortl, then the world, the
and h n o r and alltliority, and fellowship of kings flcsh and the tlcvil tiny try to withstand them,
and in-inccs and Ilo11oral)le peo1)le. If he could may trv to curse t l ~ e n ~ but, nevertheless, thcy a r e
only go this way ! l i u t God had saitl, "'l'hou shalt blessed. If you arc steadfastly bcnt 011 going
not." I h l a a m teased thc 1,ord antl the 1,ortl said, God's way, on choosing God's will, nobody can
"(hahead." If yon d o the same H e will say the ~ucccssfullycross you.
same to you. H e will say first, "No, that is not Now Jude tells us of the e r r o r of 13alaani;
in My will; that is not My plan for you, My about wicked men that privily got into the church
child;" lmt you kecp on asking and ( h d will say, and wcrc turninx the grace of God into lascivi-
"All right, go ahead." ousness and that were a dishonor and a contiilual
M a a m startctl and hc camc straight against trouble, and he says that these people run in the
the angel of the I ~ r with d a drawn sword in his way of Cain ant1 run greedily o r riotously in the
hand. ( h l hat1 saitl, "Go," 1)ut as he went tlic e r r o r of 1:alaam. As you study the chaptcr
angel of the 1,ortl inct Ilinl. T h e ass he rode closely you will sec that the e r r o r of Ealaam is
turncd aside into a n open field and he whipped that of judginx, only Ralaam was judging Israel
without knowledge a n d understanding of the to the worltl a11d the devil, " I see n o iniquity, I
atonement. H e saw the failure of Israel and 1)cIiolrl no perverseness." There will be times
judged Israel could be cursed, but God was judg- when Ilc will deal with y o l ~in secret concerning
ing o r dealing with Israel under atonenient. l i e some failr~rc,but in pulAic H e says, "It's settled;
had dealt with them concerning sins antl they a contrite heart is covered by the blood of Jesus."
manifested contrition ; the morning and evening Ilalaam couldn't see that.
sacrifices were being continually offered and (;od said, "1 have not seen iniquity in Jacob,
once a year the great day of atonenient was cele- nor beheltl perverseness in Israel." O h , how
brated when confession was made of the sins of sweet! I wonder if your heart really takes it in.
the people and when blood offerings were made A r e you a crool<ed stick? as crooked as Jacob
for all the people; a n d because of this God was w a s ? Jacob was one of the most crooked of
,dealing with Israel entirely from the standpoint people. H e was as slippery as a n eel. You put
of the vicarious atonement, the vicarious sacrifice. your hand on him and lie wasn't there. I-Ie
Ralaam didn't understand this. H e considered slipped around almost any way a n d every wav
them only from a standpoint of natural morality to have his own way. A crooked, perverse sin-
and this was his error. I n one of these messages ner was Jacob, the father of a crooked and per-
that God gave him we find these words: "Hc verse ~)eoplc; 1)ut God the Almighty got hold of
hat11 not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath that perverse nation and hrought them through
H e seen perverseness in Israel." You have said. heart repentance into a renunciation of thern-
perhaps, when you have read it, "What a strange selves and acceptance of the way of the Lord ancl
statement to make! I thought God was always they were covered with I~loodatonement. T h e n
dealing with Israel f o r her sins, and here we have ITc says,"l d o not see any fault in them." H e says
an inspired message which says, ' H e hath not be- the same to you and me. O h , how our hearts
held iniquity in Jacob, neither hath H e seen per- ortght to leap for joy. l'erhaps you say, "Why,
verseness in Israel.' " I t is a strange but blessedlv l'astor, you call me a saint! I a m afraid to call
true message, and when you understand it your m~.selfa saint." If you are a contrite heart un-
heart bounds for joy. H e had dealt with Israel tier tlle I~loodof Jesus, God calls you a saint.
for sin, they came in contrition, they had ac- Now look a t the tetrclzing of Ralannz at the
cepted blood atonenient and now they were cov- close of the twenty-fourth chapter of Numbers.
ered so that n o longer were their sins visible. H e goes on his way, but he hungers for those
God was looking forward to the suffering of H i s honors; he itclies for that money, and though he
Son, H e was looking forward to the day when has gone home he cannot stay there. Happy
Christ their passover should be sacrificed for \voultl it I x for him if the curtain of his
them and those who came under blood atonement !ife had heen drawn with the twenty-fourth chap-
were covered, they were free. T h u s God deals ter of Numbers and left him in his honie; but
with Tsrael and deals with individual believers in all the time there was such longing for this honor
private for sin. You may have had a session' this antl this fellowship of kings lie concluded t o g o
morning with the IJoly Ghost for some sad fail- hack, antl according to the Book of Revelation,
ure ancl you may have come to the place of con- the last 1)ook in the liible, when he got back h e
trition where you have cried o u t : taught Midian to sin, he taught the Midianites t o
entice the Israelites to sin. H e said in effect,
"Jesus, T h y l ~ l o o dantl riglitcousness
My beauty are, my glorious dress," "Let your 111ost beautiful women dress in their
most I~eautifulgarments and deck then~selvesin
and God would say, "Yes, M y child, I cover the their most lxautiful jewels and call the princes
contrite heart with the atonement of Jesus Christ. of Israel to idolatrous banquets, a n d when t h e
I no longer see iniquity in thee." W h e n it comes idol meat is offered and the idol worship is going
to God's public dealings before the world and on, invite Israel to feast with you." A n d so these
the devil concerning contrite hearts, H e says, "I beautiful women invited the Israelitish men a n d
see n o iniquity in them." Oh, praise God, though ditln't stol) their I)landishnients until they went
you may have been a deep-down vile sinner, roll- into awful corruption. I3y and by there came
ing in the gutter, groveling in the slums ; you may I~oltlly antl gaily into the camp o f Israel a n
have been a self-rigliteot~smoralist, obnoxious in Jsraelitish prince with a beautiful princess, the
the sight of heaven, but oh, a t last having come daughter of one of the foremost nien of Midian,
to the place of contrition and having accepted the hanging t ~ p o nhis arm, ancl these two guilty
sacrifice of Jesus in your stead, God announces lovers entered into a pavilion in the sight of all
Israel, as the congregatioil were weeping at thc you Midianitcs will gct the Israelites to COIII-
tent of 111ecting, because of (iocl's jutlg~ncntsupon promise with you, if ~ o will u get them to co111e
tllcm, for the plague had struck Israel ant1 to y o ~ idolatrot~s
r feasts, if !*ou will get thein to
twenty-four thousand Israelites lay dead. And join in the dance antl the music antl the frolic of
then I'hinehas, a nlan of God, picked up a javelin idol festivals, if you will get them to join in the
antl, in thc sorrow of his heart and anger against nudeness and fornication of Midianitish worship,
sin, he followed this guilty pair into the pavilion thcn Israel will I I ~dcgradecl to your level and
and thrust them both through and lcillctl them on they will be cursetl." That is the teaching of
the spot. r l l ~ dGod said, "I'hinehas hath avengctl 1:alaam and there is a mighty leveling power in
Me of this sin," ancl becausc one righteous man it. As long as individuals, families and churches
tlarctl to stand against sin, God stopped the will work for God and choose I l i s way, they can-
plaguc. Oh, for inen and won-ren who dare to not be cursed, but the moment the world, thc
stand against sin, tnen that hate sin in themselves flesh and the devil get in, the moment Gotl's sep-
when it appears, that judge it if it steals into the arated people will coinpromise with worltlliness,
corner of the heart or has any place in the mind ! then their security is broken in 11po11. If you l e ~
God wants men and women that will take part the world into the church, into your home, into
with Him against sin, and no matter whether sin your heart, then do not be surprised if the curse
is in us or in other people we need to stantl comes. But as long as you walk with God in
against it. Not to stantl against sinners, mind separation, like Abraham, you will be blessed.
you. God loves sinners while H e hates sin. God Now the thirty-first chapter of Numbers, eighth
loves sinners because H e hates sin and knows verse, tells us of the end of Balaam. 1:alaam
that sin will ruin them. God's contlc~nnationis ought to havc been a t I1ome. Instead of that he
always against the sin. A n infinite God wants came back for the money and the honors, antl
IIib people evcrywhcre to rise up and judge sin. whcn he cainc back he pitched his tent among the
Midianites. God was so grieved with the sin of
"Vice is ;I mollster of such frightful mien the Midianitcs that H e instructed Moses to com-
'That to I)c hated, needs I ~ u tto Ijc scen, mission an army to g o against them and exter-
13ut seen too oft, familiar with her face,
W e first endure, then pity, thcn embrace." minate thcm,and whcn this army went against the
Midianites they killed the kings of Midian, and
As I walk the streets of Chicago or ride on the the eighth verse adds significantly: "I3alaam also
street cars and see sin in every direction, I have the son of her they slew with the sword." If
a continual fear that God's people seeing it too 13alaam had been at home he would havc been
oft will first endure it, then pity, then embrace it. spared, but he was out of the will of the Lord
One of the things that I cannot be reconciled to, having his own way. I-Ic had started against the
as I ride from the West Side to the South Side anqel with the drawn sword and he never stopped
on Sunday, is that all these stores are open- ~ i n t i lthe drawn S W O I . ~ had taken off his head.
grocery stores, dry goods stores, furnishing And 50 it will be with those who have light. I t
goods, salooils, almost everything. I rode over is possilde to g o against God until you lick the
here today from the West Side and I saw only dust and punishment is meted out. Oh, may it
one place of business that was closed against traf- not be so with us here this day! God has sent
fic on the Lord's Day. I n just one single window me here today to urge you to hate sin. I t is one
1 saw this sign, "We close all day Sunday." 13ut thing for Gotl's people to talk ahout thc love of
I saw othcr signs, "Ope11 for I<usiness," in God antl the grace of G o d ; it is blessed and ex-
abundance and the doors were wide open. Sill ceedingly important, and it cannot be overdone,
is a monster, '%ut seen too oft, familiar with her but on the othcr hand, it is just as important that
face, we first endure, tllen pity, then embrace." God's peol)lc should hate sin, and if you do not
'I'lic first thing you I<now you will get out of bread hate sin, t11en you arc not a proper follower of
or inilk and the children will be sent to the store the I,ord Jesus, for it was said of Him in the
on the I .ortl's Day. Endure it, suffer these places forty-fifth i'salnl and it is saitl of IIim again in
to stay ol)cn, and by and by if you do not look the New 'I'cstamcnt, first chapter of Hebrews.
out v o ~ iwill be enticed into conq~romisewith it. "lkcause 'I'hou hast loved righteousness and
'I'hc last sin of Ilalaan~ that we are talking h a t c ~ litlicluitv, therefore God, even T h y God,
about is his teaching, antl he taught the Midian- Iiath anointetl l'hcc with the oil of glatlncss above
itcs this Ic5son : "I cannot curse Tsrqel bccausc ' ,'I'h>t fellow^." . '4 f w k 'would walk in the foot-
thev are with God and God blessetl them, I)ut if step> elf Jesus, it' Me would be anointed with TIis
r'l '
IIoly Spirit without measure, as was Jesus, we of prayer. 'l'lle Lord is w o n d e r f t ~ l l with
~ us.
must hate sin and lovc righteousness. Nothing Some of the pcol)lc around herc arc looking to
else will do in a child of God. This is what (rod the Lortl for healing and call 011 the missionaries
looks for. This is what the angels do, what (;od daily to pray for them. W c have also taken in
I'ii~nself does. 'This is what God calls everv he- a native haby of fiftecn months from the orphan-
liever to, a love of righteousness and a hatred of age a t Assiout, whilc Sister Lillian Trashcr, who
iniquity. Are we there today? If not let us gct startctl thc orphanage, is in America for a few
there. for the times are hastening to the consmn- months. T h e child is quite an attraction, both
mation. God alone knows where we will he a t o thc missionaries and natives.
week from today. This is the day of our op- This is my third year in Egypt. I:rother Moll,
portunity. Have you ernbraced i t ? who is now on his way to 13ritish East Africa,
was also here about the same length of time and
ior awhile we were the only Pentecostal mis-
sionaries. H o w often, when our eyes were on
Sarah Smith, Cairo, Egypt the hartlncss of the fight, our IIeaveiily Father
reminded us that the battlc was not ours, but the

P E R H A P S it is not well known to people in

America that the Latter Rain is falling in
Egypt, even in this wicked city of Cairo, although
IAordJs,and all we had to do was to obey and
praise, as in the case of Jehoshaphat in 11. Chron.
20:lS-21, God's promises never fail us when we
the mission work is new here. I t started with trust Him. ITe is with us today as when I-Ie
several missionaries on the field and excited quite spalte through Moses saying, "The Lord shall
an interest among the natives. Alexander Paul, fight for you and ye shall hold your peace," or
the intrepreter, got interested and came into the throug-11Joshua, "One of you shall chase a thou-
Mission t o live, and he and his wife now trust hand, for the Lord your God H e it is that fighteth
the Lord for their support just as the other mis- for yotl as H e hath promised you."
sionaries do. Some of the missionaries who first T h e part of Cairo where the mission is located
came to the field have left for America, but three is called Christian, but alas ! very few know Jesus
others--13rother Townsend and wife and daugh- as their Savior from sin. Dear Christians at
ter-came in their place. home,do not forget t o pray for this dark Moham-
W e do not know just the numbcr of souls medan country where even the professing Chris-
saved here, but God has been pouring out IIis tians have inany heathenish forms still clinging
Spirit and quite a number have received their to them and ceremonies that are distressing to
baptism and many more in Assiout. Ten mis- witness. W e are sure God is hearing prayer for
sionaries have recently come to Assiout where E p p t and w e praise Him for answered prayer.
Brother Brelsford and wife are, and we under- I a m happy in the work God has given me here
stand they are scattering to the villages round and prav that H e will Idess the dear ones in
about where there is a blessed field for labor. The America.
village people are hungry for God and it is very
~nterestingto see how they will follow the mis-
sionaries, inquiring the way of life and bringing
their sick for prayer. I11 losing all the gifts with all their supports, I
U'hen I was in Cairo last summer a certain found the Giver. I n losing the sense and percep-
part of the city was much on my heart. The tion of Thee in myself, I found Thee, 0 my God,
people there were hungry and when I distributed to lose Thee no more in Thyself, in T h y own im-
Arabic literature, they read it with interest. This mutability. O h poor creatures, who pass all their
summer I felt led to come back here to Cairo as time in feeding upon the gifts of God, and think
the work among these poor downtrodden women therein to be the most favored and happy! How
lav nearest my heart. It is away from the mis- T pity them if they stop there, short of the true
sion. but the Lord opened the way to rent rooms rest, and cease to go forward to God Himself,
here right among the native Coptic people and through thc loss of those cherished gifts which
the mission workers will help me all they can. they now delight in. How many pass all their
Already some of the women have called to see lives in this way, and think highly of themselves
me, a ~ l dthough our room is not ready for therein. They never enjoy ~ o -in d His fulness,
ings, vet some of the m i ~ + ~ ~ ~ @ e ~ ~ cannot
~ bef perfectly
~ $ known
@ in~ 5
several times and we have had blessed seasons t h ~ s
ceived a IAessetl outpouring of the lloly Spirit
in 1007-08 and arc still enjoying the I)lessings of
Pastor llodtly cdits a paper entitlcd C o ~ ~ f i d e n c c ,
3616 Prairie Avenue - - -
- - Chicago. Ill., U. S. A.
which is now in its Ninth Volume. This is a
neat and interesting monthly paper of twenty-
Published;.Monthly on the Fifteenth by four pages, subscription price 50 cts, per year.
The Evangel Publishing House
T h e current issues contain interesting accounts
Bubsrription price of llrother 1:odcly's visit to America. Write to
QTO A N Y P A R T $1.00 (4s-2d) per year in advance
OF T H E W O R L D .50 (2s- l d ) six months in advance Ilon. Secretaries, All Saints' Vicarage, Sunder-
T o those wholly engaged in the work of the Lord land, Ilnglancl, for sample copy. W e will be glad
Fifty cents (2s- ld) per year in advance to accommo(lctte our rcaclcrs by forwarding their
61.Special rates to Assemblies ordering twelveor more copies. Write
for terms. (TSend drafts, express or ~ o s t a lorders ~ a y a b l e to su1)scriptions for this paper t o England, if they
The Evangel Publishing House. so desire.
QContetnporaries wishing to copy any article from this W e are cupecting Brother Bocldy to be with
paper will kindly acid "LATTER RAIN EVANQEL"
Chicago, U. P. A . us again Lord's Day, October 13tI1, for the after-
noon service.
UEntered as second-class matter, April 8, 1909, at the Postoffice
Chicago. Illinois. under the act of March 3. 1879. Ecginning October 13th we are planning
jD. V.) to have a series of meetings conducted
6I.A croas opposite this note means your subscription expires with
this number. hy Pastor James Ostema of Mattoon, Illinois,
and continuing for a t least two weeks. Firother
Ostcnla will hold his first service on the evening
of thc 13th.
1 l A l .the waders o f '1'1i1; E V A N Gwho E ~ . arc \.\re ask the prayers of our readers that God
W in arrears kindly rcncw their sul)scrip- will give us a real revival and a mighty outpour-
tions 5 W C are grateful for the renewals that ing of the Iloly Spirit in our midst.
arc coming in, Imt therc are a large nt~mberthat
arc still outstancling. Many o f our subscril~ers
(lo not wish 11s to cliscontinue thc paper on its
An .4postolic Faith Convention \\ill be held a t
expiration, so we are continuing to send it to'all
1006 Pent1 Avenue, Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania,
~ ~ n l c sothcswise
s notified. November 17 to December 1, 1912. F o r inform-
\\'hen your sitI)scriptio~~ expires your wrapper
ation address T. E. Float, 1104 Bclmont Street,
is stamped "Your sttbscription ends with this
\Vill<insburg, Pennsylvania.
nunihcr;" you arc also notified by a blue cross $# * #
o n the editorial page If you d o not wish to have
tlic 1)aper continued, kindly notify us at once and George E. Berg of South I ~ i d i a has moved
~ . o t ~wishes
r will be coniplied with. fro111 Uangalore to Ceylon, feeling he could su-
\\-e trust yon havc been sufficiently blessed perintend the work under him better from this
thr~lllghthe columns of TIIE BVANGEI, to wel- point. l l i s address in future will be-George E.
conic its visits in the conling months, and that I k r g , Peradeniga Post, near ICandy, Ceylon.
we shall hear from you to that cffect. * * *
Robert Atchison, returned missionary from
Japan, has settled his family in Los Angeles for
the winter. God opened the way for their re-
0"" L people in T h e Stone Church were tnuch

blessed by the ministry of Pastor A. A. turn from Japan, after an absence of eight years,
Iiotldy of Sunderland, England. H e spoke in the and they are now living at 6313 Meridian Street,
afternoon and evening of September 2211d t o T,os Angeles. Brother Atchison is visiting the
large and appreciative audiences, and ministered Pentecostal centers and laying the needs of Japan
to a number of afflicted and needy ones a t the before his hearers. H e wishes prayer for the
close of the afternoon service. P a r t of his after- work in Japan which is in charge of a brother
noon addrcss, entitled, "They T w o Went On," missionary during his absence.
is given in this issue. \.Ve cheerfully forward money to missionaries.
Pastor I:otldy is a Rector in the Church of If you havc some money you wish to give for the
h q l a n d , yct lie and his people a r e fully identified conversion of the heathen let us forward it for
\\it11 the L'cntecostal Movement, they having re-
C)1> is truly working in a \vontlerfd way in ant1 forlorn he loulicd ! It says ill the Wort1 w]ien our
G Da!las, Texas, in thc meetings conducted
1)y 311-s. Woodworth-Etter and the pastor, M r .
father antl niothcr forsake us, t1ic11 the Lord will take
us up, and H e truly did that little fellow. S.ister Etter
laid her hands upon him and prayed, and lie was in-
Fred. 1:osworth. During the first week in Scp- stantly healctl. With thc a r m that had Ixen paralyzed
t e n h e r abotlt fifty were baptized ill the Holy 11e beg-an to tear off the spli~llsand hantlagcs from the
Spirit, besides many bright conversions ant1 I)rokcn a r m without any one telling liitn. I-Tc tllrew
~niraculoushealings. 110th l~alitls towartls lieavcn, raised them high and
shoutetl and prriisetl God, and I liave seen him in the
\Ve quote the following from a private letter
hervices nearly every niglit since. I l e testifies before
received from a n eye-witness under date of that large niultitutle and has two perfectly well arms
August 22nd : t o sliow what the mighty power of God can do.
"A Inan thirty-six years of age came from Oklalion~a,
"Tlicre a r c about five thousand people in attendance
I)orn tleaf antl du~ml);he was instantly healed when
ever!- ]light, and ou Sunday nights many more. T h e
prayctl with antl Ixgan t o talk, repeating what Sister
sick and afflicted a r e coming f r o m all parts of Texas,
litter would say. 'J'here liave been at least a dozen
;!nd soule have come from Oklahoma, .\labauia, Georgia
cases of tleaf and duml), many of them 11orn in that
antl Louisiana. They a r e coming o n trains, coveretl condition, I~ealctl instantly, aud they a r c learning to
\\ragon.i, and every way they cau. Oh, the pitiful sights! t ~ l kby repeating what they hear others say. They a r e
JSow tlicy make my heart ache! Sometimes it is ~ n o r c ctlucatetl in tlie dcaf and d u t n l ~ language, but don't
than I can hear when I see as many as four o r live in
lanow how words sound; they have to learn, I ~ u tthey
one service nearly eateu up with cancer o r consump- Irarn very rapidly. A little girl, deaf and dumb, was
tion aud given up by all eartlily aid, and as a last re- licaled :I few days ago and had a vision of Jcsus com-
sort the) come to the Lord. ing. Under the power of the Spirit, she exclaimed, 'I
"The first niglit I was here, there were four 1)rouglit see Jc;us coming on a white cloud.'"
iu on cots in a dying condition, several in roller chairs
atid many afflicted who were able to walk. I saw two
on cots get up antl walk when prayed with. Some who W e also give the follow in^ clipping from the
were thought to he dying have jumped right over the Jlnllos Iloily Times-Hr~nld of September 7 ,
end of their cots, leaping and walking aud shouting all 1012:
over tlie tent after tlie prayer of faith was offered. I
will ~ncntionone o r two reuiarlial~lecases:
Iltrntlretls in 1)allas and all Texas and Inany
"--1woman here in Dallas, dying from a double af- other states have already I)een healed in this meeting
fliction of cancer of the stomach and t~~berculosis of o f all manner of diseases and afflictions by tlie power
the lungs, a living skeleton, given up by all tlie best of God, in answer to "the prayer of faith." Many
physicians of this city, was brought t o the meeting on have 1)ceti I l r o ~ ~ g l iover
t one thousand miles and have
a cot and thought slie would die before Sister Ettcr been wonderfully saved and healetl. T h e lame, the
could get aroutid to her. When prayed with she was I~lintl,many dcaf and d u n ~ b ,the palsied, the paralytic,
healed instantly of both afflictions, arose from the cot cotisumptives, those suffering with cancers, tumors,
and slioutetl and praised the Lord. She is coming to fistulas, pellagra, operations, Inan?- with epilepsy, and
the meeting every niglit and testifying. She is still very invalids for years a r e praising Gotl for healiug for soul
thitl, but the disease is killed and she is gaining every :1nd l>ody.
day. Perhaps never before was there such a scene as that
".A Imy, ljrougl~tfrom Beaumont, Texas, several hun- witnessed by the great audicnce AIonday' night, when
dred miles away, suffering from epileptic insanity, was three deaf and dumb mutes, fifty-four, thirty-four and
healetl instantly antl a few days afterwards a business seventeen years old, all strangers to each other, hugged,
man from that city, coming to the meetings in Dallas, kissed, wept, shouted and praised God for perhaps
testilietl that the boy was sound and well. twenty minutes, I~ecausel i e had opened all their ears,
I':\ lady irom Cleburne, Texas, came to the tneet- gave them their voices and s a \ d their souls. Sinners
ing last Sunday with a cancer on her nose. I t was look on aud weep and niakc their way to the altar. Suu-
mostly eaten away. S h e had not been free from paiu day, Chtl came in slaying power and twenty-one, like
for ten years and had not eaten anything but liquids Saul, wcre struck down 11y the power o f God and lay
for three months. Sister Etter prayed with her at the from one to eleven hours. They had wonderful visions
morning service. Instantly the pain left and she went of licaven :mtl of Jcsus and all got up with shining faces,
out and ate a hearty dinner. She came back that night tilletl w ~ t hthe love of God. T h e tent looked like a
to the meeting and testified that she was healetl, no I):~ttlelicltl for "the slain of the Lord were many." This
paiu f o r tlie first time in ten years, and oh, how slie I:ourer has continued all the week :end sinners liave 1)ecn
praisctl God ! struck clown in their homes several tiiiles from tlie tent.
''-4 little waif, a newsboy on the streets of Dallas, I~untlrctls in I>nllas have I)cen filled with the I-loly
strolled into the meeting with one a r m paralyzed and Ghost as at I'cntccost. Perl~npsin no other place in tlie
the other I~rokenfrom jmnpiug off a street car a few \vorltl is (;(XI so wontlerfully tli.-playing His power at
days previous. Oh, how deserted antl pitiful and dirty tlic ~)c.cscultime.
Mrs. Clay li. Martin, 2124 Cal~cllstreet, Dal- A boy was taken from Wilcy, Texas, forty
las, one of the deaf mules who was hcalctl, b' ' ~ v e s miles, in a wagon. ITe had a ~)aralyzcdleg, could
a written testimony as follows : not raise 111s foot from the grouncl, but had to
"1 am now fifty-four years old. hIy father and pull it along. God instantly healed him and he
m o t l ~ c rwere first cousins . . . . Mysclf and two sisters ~valkedperfectly.
were I ~ o r ntotally tlcaf antl d u n h . T was horn at Jones- Something over a ycar ago, Rrother 110s-
ville, Lee County, Virginia, educated a t Staunton, Vir-
worth, the pastor, was twice scriously mobbed
ginia, under Prof. J. J. Covell. I was teacher in Prof.
Van Nostrand's deaf and d~1~11) ~ c l ~ o aotl Austin, Tcxa5, when preaching near 1)allas becanse he preachetl
at the time my rlnclc, Ilcn U. Martin, was state senator to a mixed congregation of white antl colorctl
under Governor Cokr. On Wednesday, July 31, 1912, people. H e was severely Ileaten and his life
1 went t o the wonderful meeting in the large tent at threatened, but God saved him. Iiecently the
the corner of P a r r y and 1;letclier streets. When Sister
two leaders of the mohs have both met violent
Etter put her finger in my mouth a t the root of my
tongue and then in my ears, cotnmanding the 'deaf and deaths. T h e leader of the first mob was rnn over
d u n ~ l j spirit' to come out, God instantly opened my bv a train and his body terribly ~tiutilated. T h c
ears and gave me my voice . . . . Oh, it seems so won- other man was thrown from an a u t o n ~ o l d eand
derful to hear everything." had his neck broken.
T h e meetings a r e increasing in interest and God's eye is over all and H e wonderfully vin-
power and being attended by people from Min- dicates H i s own. llrother Rosworth never re-
nesota, Illinois, Michigan, and even from the taliated in any way or 1)rought his persecutors
Pacific Coast. Many drive forty and fifty miles to justice. I I e only prayed for them, but JIe who
to see the wonderful works of God. said, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," meted
0 1 1 August 12th three men took a man dying out the punishment. O u r brother, looking back
from consumption and fistula, from Murcury, upon that time of conflict antl sorrow, coulcl we!l
Texas, two hundred miles away, in a baggage say the suffering was not in vain. 'The revival
car on a cot. After being prayed for he jumped that is now going on in Ilallas has been prececled
from the cot and ran up and down before the by days and nights of prayer, but this travail of
people. praising God. l l e returned home walk- soul and the trials and persecutions endured are
ing antl praising G o d ; has gained four pounds a not to be co~nparedto the blessings that are com-
week. ing to thousands.

Lessons in the Lord's School

Mrs. Lydia M. Piper. Chicago, Sunday, August 4. 1912
IIE third verse of the thirty- the train. I can scarcely speak of it, it is so
seventh Psalm stands out more sacred t o me. I t seemed as if the very heavens
prominently in my mind today opened upon me and God showed me what I I c
than any other passage of Scrip- wanted to do for us, not through the great ones,
ture. "Oh magnify the Lord with 11ut through the hmnble ones, through the united
me, and let us exalt IIis name to- ones. H e brought before me the life of that lit-
gether." W e hear a great deal tle French peasant maid, Joan of Arc, antl what
in these days about exalting the that humble girl of the people was inspired to d o
L o r d : there are plenty of testimonies in which for her country. She said she heard the voice
people talk irl~oztt the Lord ; but there is a vast of the 1,ord whicli instructed her to do ccrtain
difference between talking trbout the Lord and things thc generals of Francc could not accom-
really exalti~zg 1Iim. plish: and she, feeling the power of God within
I have been away for five weeks antl feel as if her and with patriotism for her country thrilling
I had been in school. T h c Imrd has very dcf- her very soul, went forward and accomplished
initely led in every place to which I went, ancl thinys that before had bcen impossible to the
while I wanted to go to other places for quiet- armies of l ~ r a n c c . T h e Lord brought up before
ness and rest, I was unmistakably led in the me with great emphasis the fact that she would
paths that 1 did walk in ancl I know that the 1,ord do thal for her country and I and others would
had mc in the school of IIis choosing. not do as much for IIim. H e told me I-Ie wanted
A s I trnvclcd 13ast T had a wontlerful time on to do tnr~chthrough us I ~ u twe wanted to see the
end from the beginning. H e showed me our pos- at his ability to climl). A f t e r awhile he sa\\. a
sibilities and privileges in I-Iim, not in oursrlves. hoy falling; he watclnetl him, but when the 110~.
I said, "Lord, I am nothing." I-Ie said, "I know struck the earth he found it was himself. Whe11
you a r e nothing." 1 said, "And the people a r e he told me ahout it I saitl, "That is very strange,
not very much." "I know they a r e n o t ; hut they Ilitln't you Ii~nowyo11 were falling?" I I e saitl,
are the ones I can use--those who feel they are "No, I thought it was another boy." This made
nothing." Then I got another lesson from IIim. no impression on me at the time, but the Lord
iYlien Joan of A r c had accomplishetl the duty 11t-ought it back to illy mind and showed me how
the Lord had given her to do, she became self- we a r c like little William. A t first we climb up
sufficient; she went on in her own strength, testing this antl that position of faith very care-
pressed forward by men and politics, and she fully, "looking mnto Jesus" all the while, but by
failed. S h e had accomplished the work Got1 had antl bv as we surmount one tlifficulty after an-
given her to do, but going beyond her call, she other, antl get beyond this blessing and that, we
failed; and friends, that is the reason God can- become self-complacent and feel important, and
not use us. Sometimes H e cannot get us started, when we have climlml to some tlesired eminence
and when H e gets us started H e cannot get us we sit there dangling our feet, as it were, quite
to stop. You start a person t o doing something satisfied with ourselves. Ry and by we see some
for the L o r d and you rejoice to see him working one fall; we look on with sorrow but feel secure
for God, then along connes some one and praises mitil we strike the earth antl find it was ourselves
him, and says, "Mr. So-and-so is being wontler- that fell. H a v e you ever met anybody like t h a t ?
fully used of the Lord," and the first thing you I have met a few such people. O h , how cau-
know that man becomes self-sufficient and down tiously they climb upward at first, with their eyes
he goes. A r e we never going t o learn by the ex- on Jesus, but when success in climbing brings
perience of others? I t seems we ought to learn spiritual pride they venture on some elevation
through the failure of others, but we do not. I without testing their position in Jesus, then sonne-
saw that day on the train through this lesson the thing I~realisantl down they go. A t first they
I.orc1 gave me how H e either couldn't get us hardly realize they have fallen; it seems to I)e
started o r could not get us to stop. People who ~omehotly else that is making mistakes all the
begin in the Spirit of God may g o on in the flesh time-until they strike the earth with a thud.
and end in the most awful manifestation of the People have been greatly used in giving nies-
flesh. N o one likes the pure work of the Holy sages, but in these very blessings they have got-
Spirit more than I do. I like t o see a person ten their eyes off Jesus, and used H i s power for
worship and exalt the Lord in t r u e humility, but their own self-exaltation until the Lord is left
it doesn't take any unusual degree of discer~i- out of it entirely. You can have the gift of
ment to see where the Spirit stops working and tongues, the gift of healing, the gift of prophecy
the flesh begins. Ah, that the Lord might get us o r any other gift, and it can become a n awful
to the place where we could work for H i s glory stumbling I~lock. I groan when I hear a person
only and not for our own. say lie has this, that, or the other gift. If you
A little incident was brought to my mind-an have a gift let the Lord prove it. D o not exalt
experience which my oldest boy had two years yourself. Just as soon as you begin to talk about
ago. I t had completely passed out of my mind, what you have your friends will lose sight of
but as the Lord was talking to me along this line Jesus : all they will see is the "1," and oh what a
I I e brought it hack as an illustration. big "I" it is! You ha(1 a genuine experience, but
My boy, William, while in the country two you went on climbing the tree and not testing the
;,ears ago became quite a n adept at climbing limbs. By and hy, you struck a dead limb and
trees. W e didn't tell him not to climb trees but you came down with a thud.
we told him to be very careful to test the limbs

I he I,orcl gave me this illustration coming


before h e crawled out on them. A t first when he home on the train and I~egan to talk with me
climbed the trees he tested the limbs one after ahout taking 0111- position in Ilim, exalting IIiln
another, but after awhile he became quite self- in our blessings and with every ~ ~ p w a t step
- d keep-
confitlent and said to himself, "Why, I'm a good ing our eyes on IIim. 1 heard a brother tell of
clinilxr; there is no reason why I should test all hearing two men preach. A t the close of one
of these limbs." S o when he had clinibed up to sermon lie said to himself, "What a wonderful
the desired height, he crawled out on a lin111 and jcsus we !lave!" :Is he listened to the other
sat there with his feet dangling, very self-satisfied prcacI!er he saitl, "What a w o n t l e r f ~ ~man!"
I :otll liatl talked abut Jesus, I~trtone ex;dtctl I I i ~ n \va5 sufficient. 'I'hcn I l e said, "Wlicn the strong
a n d tlle other exalted Iiimsclf. arm was taken away, what did you tlo?" "Well.
I want to tell y o t ~onc of the lessons S learned I fountl Yo11 in a deeper way than I had ever
while away. I was attending a large convention, drcamc.d of." Then I l c led me in spirit to the
;mrl one night they had what 1 considered a very timc w1ic.n I was I~aptizeclin the 1 loly Spirit, and
serious time. 1;lesli rcbul<ed flesh, and as 1 sat i lived that wllole night over again. 1 went
there my spirit revolted. 1 turned to one of the t l i r o u ~ hthat glorious experience again when the
l)rctIiren who sat near me on thc platform antl ITolv Spirit Inptized me and the heavens opened
said, " I h yo11 think this is of thc Lord?" LIc and 1 was thrilled and re-thrilled with the joy
saitl, "No, we do not think this is the I,ortl, but and c(.stasy of the Im-d surging tlirough and
1)rol)al)ly I Ie has some lesson for us in it." As I through my I~ody,and I said, "Yes, I,ortl, I had
.;a\\: the dcvil getting the victory antl r ~ ~ i n i n galmost forgotten that beautiful experience." T h e n
what wo~rltlotllerwisc liave been a 1)lcssed mect- I l c saitl, "Wasn't that from M e ? Didn't I give
inc, and outsitiers standing I)y in ht~tidrcclslook- that to yo11?" ''Oh, yes, it was a wonderful ex-
ing ( H I and scoffing, my heart was sick ant1 1 cried periencc I I ~ a dthat night, it did so much for me,
out to t l ~ cIm-tl in my distress. 1 hat1 seen sev- it transformed my music and my very lifc. I
eral meetings ruined by fanaticism antl I)y mixetl will praise You as long as I live for that revela-
spirits and God's holy cause Ixougllt into dis- tion of Yourself." ' 1 4 ~ ~ now cl you are in the
repute, antl in my anguish of spirit I left thc I'entccost:d Movement, aren't y o u ? h u d you
~ n e e t i n gand went to my room. As 1 lay on my 1-egin to look a t peoplc antl when they are not
l~ctl,harrassctl hy my own thoughts and feelings, ~:erfectyou want to throw the wl~olething over?"
I said some pretty strong things to the Lord. I I-lc sl~owctlme I would sitnply have to let the
told 1Tim 1 was going ho~iie,I didn't want any people g o and if the flesh wanted to work itself out
Inore of tliat mixture of ilcsh and Spirit, and my ~t wotlltl have to do so. A s I tossed on my bed and
Ilcart was sick antl sore within me. It took me a told the 1,ord of the things [ fountl myself out of
long timc to get "talltctl out," l ~ when t I got touch with, I I e said to mc, " ' W h a t is that to
quiet tllc T a d Ixgan to talk to me. Ile took me tliec? I;ollow thou Ale.' " O h , it was a wontler-
over every part of nly life and T shall nevcr for- ful Icsson, antl as I again said, "Ilut, I,ortl, I am
get that night as long a s 1 live. l I e took me back not in sympathy with such things," all TTe said
seventeen years to the timc when TIe so wontler- to mc was, " 'What is that to thee? 1;ollow thou
fully touched my body ant1 brought new life into Me.' "
it. I l e reminded me how H e touclml this I)ody 1 went back to that camp and things were even
in its anxlnic co~itlition,Iiow 1)y one touch from worse than lxforc, I ~ u tI was happy. There were
Ilim H e had put new life into it antl made it pos- contending spirits and people had messages that
sible for ntc t o Ix the mother oE six healthy chil- were not of the Tmrd, but the 1,ord lifted me
tlrcn, and I saitl, "Why, yes, Lord, that was won- al:ove it. T was w r r y for the people and wanted
tlerful!" l'llcn I-Ic said, "Antl you fo~untlsomc to prav for them, Imt my spirit was not distressed
people wlio 1)elievetl jnst as you tlicl, tlitln't JWLI?" as 1 cforc
"Yes. 1,ortl." "ilnd yo^^ joined yot~rselfto those 1 (lo not know whether !ou a r c acquainted o r
people?" "Yes, 1,ortl." "And after awhilc that not with the discouraging condition the churches
orga~lization cr~~ml)letlaway and you were are in t11ro11gho11tthe land. I liave talked with a
awfully humiliated ?" "Yes." "What did you n u m l w of ministers of thc tlenominations and
(lo then?" "Well, I.ortl, T hacl to fintl You in a they told mc how when they would try to launch
rlccpcr sense than 1 had known You before. 1 out in ('otl atid preach a full gospel they woulcl
h:~tlto say, 'T,ortl, it nlakcs n o difference whether I c ecclesiastically l:eheaded, as it were, and they
tliis organizatio~l falls r r tliat one falls, I know wcre facc to face with the question, "Am I going
Yorr touched my I:otly. I know You gave me to stand for the truth or am T going to take care
that l i c a l i n ~and 1 have Y o t ~to praise for 1)ivine i.f mv family?" Tt is the bread and butter ques-
Ilealing.' " tion to thcni antl their families. Some of these
'I'lic~i I lc took mc on and showed Inc that when 11-inistcrs are looking towards the Pentecostal
I 11i:rl-riul I lc hat1 1 lis hand upon Ine a t ~ dhow hloveme~i!, hut friends, i f we have as IIILIC~I of
\\,llc.n I Ic liatl so~iicti~ncs wanted Inc to (lo things ('o(l ;IS kve profcsi and cxpect to make the people
Tor l li1i1 1 1c;rnctl 11po1i the strong arm of lily I ~ u n g r y f o r I lim, wc must show them that we
11usI);11ltlau(l tlitl not always (lo the tliin[:.s the have sonlctliing worth making a sacrifice for.
I,ortl \\,;lntctl Inc t o (lo, 1)ecartsc I felt my huslnntl \Yllcn the\ qcc orlr people striving for pre-
eminence of the flesh and exhibiting umtroversy 1Ic is far more tlesirous that we have unit! than
and strife where there ought to be tunity, they a r e that we split hairs ovcr doctrine. 1 can go to
repulsed. W e have t o find C b c l these days. T h e heaven on "the finished work of Calvar!" ant1
Lord is surely teaching us to get our eyes off "the second work of grace," too. I care less ;bout
people. I would rather see on this platform a these doctrines than I ever di(l in my life. l';icw
man or wonlan who could exalt Jesus in the things can all be Ilarmonizcd if we just have
power of tlie Spirit than one who could preach grace to let the Spirit of God harmonize them. I
the most eloquent sermon I ever heard. W e are can see how the Lord in l l i s great love wants to
in an awful crisis and the trouble isn't all in the harnionizc these two great truths, for both a r e
denominations. W e have plenty of trouble in the tnre, and you can harmonize them if yo11 have
Pentecostal Movement to pray about, but the grace enough and keep quiet long enough to let
Lord showed me I had received 111y I~lessit~gstlie Lord speak to your hearts. (;od gave me a
from Him. H e is the 13lesser and, whether the wontlerful vision about it one night on my knees
Movement is out of God's order or not, let us and I am not I)otheretl allout that any nlore, but
intlividually find God. H e is in it so~ncwllerc. when you get so narrow, as 1 lieartl a man say,
When we a r e all emptied out of wanting to show \WI can hide 1)ehintl a ten-cent piece stantling
forth what God has given us, all emptied of our edgewise, so narrow you can sce only one thing,
self-exaltation and when w e take a huml~leplace !,our condition is pitiable. W e know of peoplc
before K m , the Lord will d o something for us. today in this Rilovement who won't sit o n the
Some people a r e agitated because we a r e not platform with people who don't I~clieveas they
getting more people saved a n d baptized in the do along the litie of some minor tloctri~ie. Ah,
Spirit. I helieve the secret of success is for us little will it matter up yonder. 'I'hesc things will
to exalt Jesus in our words and in our lives. If then seem of little consequence, hut we will sing,
we get emptied of self a n d lift up Jesus we will "\4~ortliy,worthy, worthy is the l.aml>!" 1 have
have more results in our w o r k ; I)ut friends, if often wotltlcrctl what the dcar I)rethreti a r e going
you had gone around the cott~itr):as I have ant1 to d o when they xct ttp tlierc around the throne,
seen the chaotic condition of the churches, you i f licre they cannot sit on the same platform with
would thank the 1,ortl that w e have l ~ c e nheld c)nc who has a different shatlc of tloctrinc, or if
steady even though we d o not have wonderful onc has to go out :mil walk around the camp
results. I t means something even to stand still grotuntl, while another 1)reaches wit11 whom he
in these days when the devil rages all around us. is not in harmony. 'The time is short, let us hold
X o one hut the Lord knows the pressure of these itp the dying 1,aml) hefore a dying world and lay
times, hut we praise (iod we have f o ~ t n dI-Iim our Iinir-splitting thcories aside. If we believc
sufiicient. My heart is truly grateful this after- that Jesus is coming soon let us prepare om-
noon for all Tle has done for us. hearts to receive I Iim. I lc will not ask ~ O I Ior
I heard a man say a t one of the campneetings me whether we believe in olie work of grace or
that when he got clown t o worship the I m - d he two? but Tle will look down in our hearts to see
didn't think of receiving a blessing, because the what kind of a lifc we have lived. I I e won't need
worstlip in itself was enough blessing for him. to ask any questions, hut there will IIC the ;dl-
but as he \vent on worshiping the Lord in an searching eve of (;od ul~oliyour heart and mine.
unselfish wa!7, God never failed to meet him. I f T,et u s lay every tlifference down a t Jesus' feet.
he set out to worship H i m for something he 'l'here is plenty in this oltl Iiook to preach a b o t ~ t
could get out of it, he never felt so happy, but on which we are united without trying to hunt ulr
if he worshiped Hi111 for I-limself alone, he was something to bring about a division. T h e world
well repaid. May God help us to be a n unselfish is going to ruin as fast as it can and here the
people, ant1 let us not get s o self-sufficient we Christians are quibbling over tmn-essentials. You
cannot hear anything but what is important to us. cannot preach what you (lo not live. You can
Did you ever see people trying to bring out their preach it from your head, Imt it has a liollow
pet doctrine on every occasion? I have met sotuld. Jt may have a loud ring to it, but you
people who seemed to feel if they did not give realize something is lacking. 'I'he 1,ord is just
a certain message they would g o straight to hell ; yearning. ovcr this Pentecostal Movement \vhich
if they didn't preach "finished work" or "second has received s o much from ( h d , hut has s o soon
work of grace" they woulcl lose their salvation. fbrgottcn the great essentials of unity 41~1 love
H o w little the 1,ord cares about these tl~eories. of the S!)irit.
U ~ &dm
P gmltl~mutth @ur K~i~nrh'e
Max Wood Moorel~eatl,Uombay, India
N I h g l a i ~ d , the conflict I)ctwcen was the agilatio~i c o n c c s ~ ~ i nthe
g M'liitc Sla1.e
Capital and I A o s is I)cco~niiig 'I'raffic and proposed legislation to al)olisli that
niorc and more serious. T h e Lori- iafamous I)usiness. Tlic substatice of the lcttcr
don l'inzes aniiounccs tliat, acting was as follows:
on tlie advice of his niinisters, the " I was called professionally to visit a young
K i n g decitlctl to caiiccl his eti- woman whose illiicss sceinetl partly due to her
gagement to perform the ccre- untlcrfcd bodily conclitioil. Upon inquiry shc told
mony of the cutting of the first ~ n that e she had been einployecl in a Iargc drapery
sod of the Royal Albcrt Dock ICxtcnsiot~. O n this establislinicnt and for her services slie received
occasion I m t l llavenport would have received six shillirigs weekly ($1.44). Every day shc had
Iiim. A fortnight ago hl r. Jlen 'l'illct threatened tli~inerantl tea supplied to her in the shop where
that if Lord 1)avcnpoi-t showed his face in the shc servctl, but out o f tliis pittance slie 1;ad to pay
. f k t End on July 17th the strikers would tlrapc for two meals at 11cr home, omnibus fares and all
the route with crape and the women would bring other cxpenses. I called to see the manageress of
out their starving I)al)ies and show then1 to the this estnblishment who assured me that it was
King. A few days ago Tlze Telegraphic Press true tliat this girl reccivecl only six sliillings per
comtnunicated tlie news that in tlie preseiice of a weelc; moreover, slic said that t11c day after her
great crowd of stril<crs, Iicn Tillet, tlic popular witlitlrawal two hundred applications were made
socialist Icader, prayctl to God to strike IAortl for the vacancy. I was also told that hundreds
1)avenport dead. After tliis praycr tlic 1)ancl of girls a r e cmployed a t fivc shillings per weelc
played t l ~ e"I_)eacl March in Saul." antl hundreds at four shillings in West 1 k l
l r i thc same issue of 'I'lzc 7'i111cswllicli p u l ~ - cstablishmerits, somc of wliom are 12oyal W a r -
lislicd the canccllation of the 1Gt1g's engagement rant Iioltlei-s."
a t tlle 1Coyal A1l)crt J)ocks, ail appeal was printctl W h a t cruel injusticc and frautl inultitutlcs of
~ m t l e rthe signatures of thc 1:isliol)s of I,otitlon, young w o n ~ c n suffer a t the Iiantls of Iieartlcss
l \ ~ i ~ i c l ~ c s tSoutliwark,
er, Stcpncy, and W o o l ~ i c i i antl we;i!thy cmploycrs. I s it greatly to I)e won-
::~itl t l ~ cAi-chtlc:~con of I~cwishaiii,on I~chalf O F tlcretl at tliat hundretls of 1.ondon shopgirls eke
starviiig cliiltlrcn and \\.omen in t l ~ e I k s t and out a ~niserable sul)sistence hy lives of shainc
Southcast of I ,ondon. 'J'hcy state, "7'llesc iuno- which this lady physician declarccl in l ~ e rprinted
cent vicli~iis of thc present tmfortur~ale 1,al)ot- letter that slic lmcw to be tlic case.
tlisputc are s u f l c r i ~ ~just g now the no st awful In tllc first few verses of the ICpistlc of James
~)rivationsantl Iiclp, ~)ronipt Iiell), is urgct~tl!, \ire scc tliat the present day conflict 1)ctweeri
llcctlcc!." (3pital and Idabor is tlie f d f i l ~ n e n tof prophecy
111 a rc1)rescnt;itivc church comcil recc~ltly wsitten ~ n o r cthan nineteen hundred years a g o :
I:cltl, t l ~ ci\rclil)isliop of L'oi-k said tliat the prcs- " ( ; o to now, ye rich 111c11, weep and howl for
c i ~ ti111.est
t was due to thc actual pincli of poverty, \.our 11iiserics that sl~allcome upon you . . . . .
;111(1 i t was the duty of cliurchmcn t o tell em- \.c 1i;~vc I~eaped trcasurc together for tlie last
1) tliat tlic invcst~ncntof capital ill I)tisiiicss tlays. I k l ~ o l d ,the hire of t l ~ claborcrs who have
t l i t l 11ot al)solvc any 111:111 f r o n ~t l ~ emoral respoil- rcapccl down your fieltls. which is of you kept
.;il)ilitv as to tllc coriclitions uildcr whicli I~usincss l ) : ~ kby fraud, crieth." Janics 5 :1, 3, 4. I11 the
\\.as cmiductcrl. "In tlic interests of tlic conl- I:cginning of this 'fifth cliaptcr of jamcs T bc-
~iiunityno Iargc scctioii of working pcople sliould lievc we can see clearly the chief causc of this
l w employed at a wage I,!. mcans of which it is conflict to be in the heaping together of treasure
i~ul)ossil)lcto livc :I tlece~itlife o r ohtain a decent so c1i;~ractcristicof thcse last days. It is an in-
ilolllc." co11t1-o\wtil,Ic fact tliat in ISngland tlie laboring
( )nIy a few wccl<s ago a Ictlcr was printctl in classes arc ~untlcrpaitland Inoncy wliich in justice
7 ~ 1 1' ~ ' ~ I Iw I cl ~
. ~i c lfully
~ 1)ear.i out t h i~nplicatio~i tlicy slicviltl I-ccc,ive goes into tlie pocl<cts of the
of tlw Archl)isliol) of York that a large section of sic11 men ; and so imt alone in E ~ ~ g l a n Id~, u tin the
\\:oi-king people a r c emplo!.etl i l l I<tlglantl at O~nitctl States and the ( h t i n e n t of T'urope,
\\.;l,qcs yisuficicnt to ciial)lc tlic~iito live (lecc~itl~..I;~l)ort-ro~il)lcsarc gsocvilig :'liore actitc ever). clay,
'l'l~is lcttcr \ V W written I)!, a Iatly pliysician atid all(! the iticvitaldc fruit o i t l ~ i sconflict is obsei-vccl
the. occasion wl~icll callctl forth its pul)licatio~i in .;tr~lccso f increasing niagnitutlc, thc spirit of
la\vlessness on the part of the unemployed, dee]) in all!; app-ecialdc tlegrce when we consider the
poverty, antl intense hatred nianifestecl toward the sum total o f miscry. I a m convinced that tlic
capitalists. I n the United States, which is the condition of n~ultitudesof the very poor who a r e
richest country in the whole world, more than employed at starvation rates will not IK amelio-
ninet!--five per cent of all the wealth is in tlie rated, I x ~ tthat as 'I'rusts ~nultiplythe rich will
hands of less than five per cent of the population. grow richer and the poor will I~ecomepoorer, and
"r very few years ago it was stated that the Stall- the conflict between Capital and Labor will wax
ilartl Oil Company controlled ten per cent of the iiercer and fiercer until thrones will totter and
\vedt!l of the United States. A few 111onthsago govcrnnlcnts will disintegrate antl monarchies
a n X1iglo-~4merican plutocrat transferred somc will crumble and fall.
objects of art from London to New York and it Praise the I m d ! T h e r e is a silver lining to
was stated that thcse articles were valued a t sixty this awfully black cloud which is hanging low
nlillion doliars. Just think of how colossal the ovcr tlie industrial and political world today !
fortune of this nod ern Crcesus must be when 'I'here is something instructive and very cheering
the vast sum of sixty millions is invested simply in the sequence of events recorded in this fifth
in pictures and bric-a-brac! chapter of James. Synchronous with this con-
O n the fifteenth of last April when the Steam- flict in the industrial world is the Latter Rain
s h i l ~Titanic foundered, there was a little group period, this present day outpouring of the Holy
of millionaires on board, nearly all of \\.horn Spirit with tlie sign of tongues. Many spiritu-
perished. T h e estimated fortunes of the mem- ally minded men and wromen who a r e close stu-
bers of this group aggregated five hundred mil- dents of the Prophetic W o r d believe that the Lat-
!ion dollars; the fortune of one individual was icr Rain period which I)cgan six and one quarter
reckoned to 11e one hundred and fifty millions. )-ears ago is now rapidly drawing to a close. "Be
I;acts like these illustrate the centralization of patient, tlicrefore, brethren, unto the coining of
wealth which is a unique characteristic of our tlic Lord. Tkhold, the IIusbandman waiteth for
twentieth century civilization whose strained in- thc precious fruit of the earth, and hath long
dustrial conditions find no parallel in any other paticnce for it, until H e receive the early and
period of the world's history. latter rain. lie ye also patient; stablish your
I n Great Jh-itain, France and the United ilrarts : for the coming of thc 1,ord draweth
States, Syndicalisn~is now a recognized force in ~ii?:li." j a ~ n e s5 :7, 8. T h u s we sce that the next
Socialism ; though all Socialists are not neces- t l ~ i ~ IS~ gthe
- ~ C ~ L IofI - nour I)lessed Tmrd. "Be ye
sarily S!mdicalists-the latter constitute a wing also 1)atient; stal)lish your hearts: for the coming
of the great Socialist party. Syndicalism means of tlw 1,ord drawctll nigh." l'llen in verse nine
that one of the parties of the Socialistic order by is tlie exhortation: "Grudge not one against an-
means of 'a federation of Trades Unions h a x o t l ~ e rlcst ye 'he condemned: I)eholtl, the judge
clecitletl that Capitalists shall no longer control stantleth I~eforcthe door." I n this time of con-
the l ~ u l kof the wealth but that inclustrics shall f~ision and industrial and political unrest, our
change hands and that Socialisnl shall rule thc lxlovcrl T,ord is s o near that I l i s hand is on the
commcrcc of tlie world, T o accomplish this latch, for I l c stantlet11 lxforc tlic door. In a very
transferral o f capital t o themselves, strikes o f little \vliilc l l e will COIIIC :IS J u d g e to arbitrate
great ~nagnituclc are to be put into operation ill this weary worltl's wrongs.
{~rtlerto paralyze track and even standing armies I k l ~ v c t lI~~-et!lrc.n,
tlic 1)urning question is, Has
arc t~ I;e terrorized and disbanded in order to rhc I2,~rrlentcrcd yonr heart in the depth of H i s
carrv out wicked designs. 1 riunc indwelling, and does 1 Tc abide t l ~ e r ein the
\,\'ill legislation redress tlie working nlan's I 'erson of the Coniforter ? 1 n othcr words, A r e
wrongs and the umrking woman's wrongs? S o t \-ou ready for l l i s coming?
-4ugust 2, 1912.

Antnng tlp LKrnulri nf Bnutll Afrisn

Chas. \V. Chawner, Vryl~eid,Natal, South Africa
'I'IIOUGHT gootl to show tlic signs antl to Spirit-givcn 1Jraycr at our family worship,
I wonders which t l ~ eITigh God hath wrought.
'1'r11ly, \Ire realize TTis I loly I'rcsence.
tlle I)lesse(l Iloly Spirit camc down upon our
%u1~1 ~ m ~ p as
l c wc gathere(1 i t 1 ollr grass-covered
.\ 111-othcr and sistzr camc to us through the cliurch antl tllcrc: was a great crying out to God
Icatling of (;od and on Sunday last, in answer fro111 among them. Men, \ v o ~ i i eantl ~ ~ children,
hr~tltlledtogether on their knees before us, cried stones from the hillside, with a roof of grass,
out to God for forgiveness and some came a n ( [ we thank our God and you for the timely
through praising God. 13allel11jah! T w o of our help. O u r eycs look unto JTini. When wc
native Christian w o ~ n c nwere among thc number steplml out some years ago in obedience to I lis
and one confessed to having rcceived three call I l e gave us I ' h ~ l . 4:19 on which to staiitl
chickens from a friend, knowing they had been ant1 Ile hat11 not failed to supply orlr need.
stolen. T showed her that she I N L I S ~make the Vcril\, I l e alidetli faithful.
matter right and, blessed be God, the very next W c 1i:~ve a very good gathering in our chui-cli
(lay she b r o ~ ~ g ltwo
i t poles to sell to make restitu- on S ~ ~ n d a y 1s .~ 1 the
t work to wliich the Master
tion. specially cnllctl, and today leads Inc, is visiting
A t the class meeting previous to our monthly the Zr~lusin their huts and preaching to tllcm
communion service I did not feel a t rest in my Tesus atld tlie r c s u r r e c t i o ~; ~and my ambition is,
spirit regarding their spiritual condition; hut I tlirougl~ Ilis gracc, to carry l l i s precious word
could neither see nor learn of any cause why they of i~ivitation into cvcry ltraal that 1 can possibly
should not sit with us at tlie T,ord's tal~lc. l l o w rcach. and 1ca1.e in human hearts that TIoly Seed,
T psaise the 120rtl for showing these dear, 1)rowii- tlic NTord of God.
skinned cliildren of IIis their wrong-doing. There
were great searchings of heart for wliich I praise W e arc all well, and joying in 11iin. \\7c re-
IHis blessed name. joice with you over the s ~ ~ c c e s s f ~croln v c ~ ~ t i o n
r .
I hank you in Jesus' clear name for the draft and k11ow that hi-ough the blessed Spirit we 11iay
sent. Just now we are l~uildiaga church of ilieet wi!h you at the tl~roiicof gracc.

%n the q a n b ~o f the #btter

Leila M. Conway, Hurlock, Maryland
E arc h'ly witnesses, saith the the glad tears c o ~ ~ r s cdown
tl iny clicel<s. I I~vartl
1,orcl." Tn tlic summer of 1907 I Jim say, "Scck and oljtain," and then T lc as
when I licnrtl a prominent and gone. l;ro~n t l ~ a tmoment as hest I I<tic\\-I ~ o w
well known evangelist pul)licly 1 I)cg:m to welt, though zcllzat I scarcelj lanew.
denounce what he callcd the my information having been so o n e - d c t l a11t1
"tongue movement"--nip first in- prejudiced; mtl, furthermore, holy men and
telligence of its existence-I in- women had taught me tliat there was no furlher
wardly sided with him, although blessing to seek beyond "Sanctification." they
refraining from taking an open stand. 'I'his was likewise callinq that "the enduemetit for service,"
at a holiness campmeeting. Ily tlie followiilg "thc baptism in the Spirit" and " P e n t p s t "
winter, judging from what T liad learned, Rut 1 felt I must not 1)e disobcdient to the
chiefly through holiness papers, I was fully per- heavenly vision. O n the strength of that revcla-
suaded that'this "movement" was a delusion and tion alone r must press through t o what I r e had
was ready to unite with others in opposing it and called nlc to obtain. And right here 1 would
crying it down a s one of the most grievous fa- s o m d a note to Tlis praise. W h e n about to lag
naticism~of the day. l iowever, before I could get or grow weasy ITe would invarialdp draw near
my first public opportt~nity,God graciously and to cheer me and draw nie on (Cant. 1 :4),giving
tnarvelously interposed. the assurance that I would yet receive, so thal
O n e evening in January, soon after I liad rc- ofti~ncson my I<nees I fot~nclmyself rejoicing
tired for the night, TIC drew near. I knew JIim and praising TTim for what FIe was going to do.
-my Lord and my Kctlecmer: " l h not take \'Votiderful (;or1 ! "l.ilte a \ a father piticth his
part with others in pronouncing this 'new thing' children so tlic I.ortl ~ ~ i t i e tthem
li tliat fear ITim."
a delusion. F o r the place that thou dost think More than two years passed by without my
t o tread upon is holy ground." seeming eveti to get within sight of tlie goal, but
O h ! the tender enipliasis upon the "holy." It early in the spring of 1910 the I ~ r t let l me Imo\v
revealed to me that Jesus was somehow to 1)c my long wait was drawing to a close. I fc sent
found in this reproached "movement" and that to my Marjlantl home a letter fro~ma I)rotlicr
I had already to some extent been lifting up illy and sister in New 1Ianipsliirc tcllinq me of a
hand against IIim. I was dumb with astonish- 1,attcr Rain Carnp~nectii~g to 11e held that \urn-
ment. A great thankfulness began to well up mcr. 'I'his Ijrothcr and sister were entire stran-
in my heart for I l i s nierciful intcrvcntion while gers ant1 had gotten l~oltlof my nanlc ant1 atltlrcss
abe Eatter &in Enangel

by the merest chance as it seemed, but I knew shriveling up within such as you see on a flower
it was not so. I beheld the hand of God focusing in the scorching rays of the noonday sun or when
matters for me and my heart heat high with licltl near the hlazc of a fire. This-not the words
praise. A few weeks later an open lctter in The -co~lvincetl mc thcre was soincthing amiss in
W n y of 1;nitlz tlid more than any other one nit, soniething lacking. Tt took the strong re-
thing in bringing me light on the Latter ICain huke of t l ~ cI)rotlies to I m a k down my spiritual
Moven~ent. I t appeared that a missionary, un- pritlc and I fcel that (;od pcrmittetl hi111to speak
der the pressure of adverse tlcnominational in- as he did in order that son~ething11101-emight be
fluences, was about to retract her favoralde at- accomplished in me. l'hc revelation w;ls like a
titude toward these Pentecostal manifestations thunt1crl)olt out o f a clear sky, so shocked ant1
and the writer of this letter set before the waver- amazed was I. God had hegun to tear me down
ing one a tender plea of entreaty in words that that I l c might build me up, to slay me that H e
1 knew could never have originated from human 1nig11tmake me alive. I had fallen on Christ the
wisdom o r understanding. T h e Spirit of the 1,iving Stone to be broken in heart, in intellect,
Father speaking through the lines brought me in will antl in I~ody,until every part of my being
to my knees in prayer before Him. M y soul now 1)ccatne plial)le in the hands of the Potter. There
came to wait upon God with almost unbroken is a world of meaning in Psahn 51 :17, which says
continuity. "the wcrifice5 of (iod are a broken and contrite
When there remained but a few days before i i t . Some of us have substitutctl other sacri-
my departure for the campmeeting the thought fices antl failed to o1)tain what we sought from
of the criticism I would encounter from friends God.
began to come before me. Would it not be bet- Eut, tliougl~T kncw that wilting and shriveling
ter for me to obtain the hlessing T sought before up to I)c none other than the working of God,
going from home? With strong pleading and the cilclnv was present to tempt me. "Do not
agonizing I pressed my suit night and clay. Pi- ~-c~iiain hcrc a (lay longer hut pack up and leave
nally I thought of the promise of 1. John 5 :14, 15, the camp ground at once," he whispered. "They
through which I had often received blessing from have not trcatcd you with coni~noilcourtesy, but
God. I n my secret closet I went over the words have as good as saitl you are professing a lie.
to H i m : "If we ask anything according to TTis when you know you would sooner have died."
will, H e heareth 11s: and if we know that TTe hear "Get thee behind me, Satan," 1 cried. "If what
us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have these workers say is trxe, surely I ought to thank
the petitions that we desired of Him." I had God and them for delivering me from deception,
assuredlv asked according to T-Tis will, and T and if not truc why should J care what they say?
knew that H e heard-therefore T had the I am herc to go through with God, and here J
baptism. will stay until TTis time comes for me to go
Taking the stand of having received by faith away.:'
r .
I went to the campmeeting and testified that T J his was no s n ~ a l lvictory over the powers of
had received the baptism. This, I fotmtl, did not darkness hut 11y no means tlid it dispel the per-
meet the views of the workers and indeed, as T plexity and mystery settling down on me as a
afterwards came to see, there was alonp with my 1)aIl. Did it mean I had been claiming some-
real receiving by faith a subtle form of self-love thing I did not have when I. John 5 :14 was so
and pride, an endeavor t o avoid the shame of the explicit, and must 1 acknowledge it all a mistake
cross in the reproach that the speaking in tongues antl hegin to seek over again? T h e tears fell
might bring. This had t o be done away with and like rain.
God used one of the workers t o bring it ahout. Some time before this the people had left the
During an early morning service when we wcre altar and T was alone with my thoughts. Rising
bowed at the altar in prayer I, too, prayed, thank- from my knees I went in haste to the tent where
ing God for the baptism which I had received the workers were assembled and bursting in on
through faith in His W o r d , whereupon this them I sohbed out, "Oh, won't you pray for me
brother exclaimed, "If Sister Conway persists in and help me to get right with God?" Instantly
saying she has the baptism she will finally be lost a11 wcre 011 their knees. H o w they prayed! But
and drop into hell." "No, you will not," said thc 1 was too absorbed with my grief to take much
Spirit within m e ; but a t the same time under the ~ioticeof what they said. "I don't know what
power of that rebuke and while the brother was clse to do, nor what to pray," wailed T. F o r if
still speaking the words 1 felt a wilting and cvcr a h u ~ n a nbeing had "come to the end of the
ropc" 1 was that one. "You (lo not ncetl to pray and awaiting l lis coming. 'I'heti tlw Sl~iritbe-
any more," said one of the workcrs, "nor do any gan to take me through a series of cluestions:
more than vou have done." Not to lxay ? It put "If your unl)elieving mother and family were
a still more puzzling aspect on the situation. "No, liere in the congregation looking on and thitiking
just quietly wait until I-lc sentls the manifestation you hacl gone stark mad, could you still lie here?"
of the Spirit." "Yes, oh yes!" cried I, shutldering at the mere
I n the ttumult and distress of my mind 1 found thought of missing the goal to which I had almost
it well-nigh i~npossibleto cease from my pleading attained. "The pastor and people of your
cries to God; but the prayers of His saints at church antl neighborhood will lose their con-
last prevailed and by degrees I came into a state fidence in you and say: 'Sister e----? Well,
of outward calm. My sufferings in spirit from of all things! She is the la5t person we would
one o'clock until six r. M. of that day are inde- think of to be so led astray by that fanaticism.' "
scribable. It was a literal fulfiltnetlt of the latter I watched the ignominy, slander, persecution, ill-
clause in Matt. 27 :46, a complete hiding away of name, trials, following one after the other in
the face of God, something I had never known panoramic array, saw my aristocratic relatives
before. My anguish of s o d brought forth the and Christian friends leave me till the last hacl
cry, "Where, oh where is God?" "He is right gone; then, turning to the Spirit, J replied: "I
here," rcplicd one of the workers. This assur- will go forth therefore unto TJim without the
ance brought a measure of comfort, for to my camp, bearing T-Tis reproacli." "Only a few
senses H e had seemed clear removed from the weeks ago the one whom you hold clearest was
earth and it was good to know T-Ie was still saying he had watched you amidst the false
present. teachings antl deceptions aro~tndyou and had re-
They had heen telling me not to do anything joiced to see you stand true to Christ through
save to wait ant1 praise God; Imt with the spirit them all as a needle to the pole. TTe is one of
of heavi~icssupon me, rather than the spirit of the number who, with all good conscicnce, hon-
praise, onc can conceive what it cost to do this estly believes this so-called 'tongue movement'
even with the lips, and how for some time it was has originated from the pit and is the climax of
no more than a form of praise. decepfion. What if he should leave you?"
So~newherebetween the hours o f six and seven It took me some time to answer thic, question.
1 began to feel a lifting of the tcrrilde darkness I had counted him a friend that would never for-
and a most vivid consciousness of the returning sake though all others should fail. Tn a sense
presence of my 1,ord. TTope sprang up anew in more real than words can depict 1 felt myself
my breast, mourning was turned into joy. I had made as the filth and offscouring of the earth-
in the nleanwllilc noted that these men and undergoing a stripping process-that Christ
women of God had at no time denied my claim migllt be made my "all in dl." "Naked, poor,
on 1. John 5:14, 15, to the baptism, but only in- despised, forsaken," came to me with all of its
sisted that T tarry and wait for the ~nmzifcstntion. force through this, the last stroke, But the suf-
T,ight began to break. About an hour later I fering was tttrncd into joy most exquisite as I
heard the voice of the 1,ord telling me to go out beheld that Jesus hacl gone this way before me
to the evening service. I rose from the floor and was only opening up the lone, lone path that
where J had lain prostrate through all the long H e had trod and saying, oh, so tenderly, "Can
hours of the afternoon and went into the audi- you walk therein?" The last question of the
torium where already the service was in progress. Spirit answered, the preparation was now com-
T had tlo more than taken my seat when there plete as "when the day of Pentecost was fully
dropped into my heart the assurance, sure and come" (Acts 2 : I ) . I first began to feel mv body
strong, that T would receive the manifest fulness being taken up by a power altogether outside my
of the Spirit's presence that night. I-Tallelujah! own volition o r control. A violent shaking and
"Though H e tarry, yet wait; for H e will surely waves of electricity passed over me from head
come" (Hal). 2 :3). to foot making even my finger tips to tingle-a
Some one has said that there is a time to stop literal fulfilment of T-Iis protnise, ('1 will pour out
praying and begin praising, t o stop asking and of My Spirit." Then the fire fell! Under its
begin receiving. T knew that this time had come burning hoth within and without (which con-
for me. Most eager expectation of my Lord, tinued in a mild gentle manner for several days
who was now on the way, was enkindled within afterward), I was constrained to cry out, "I
as T lay there in the straw those hours praising shall burn up ! I shall burn up !" "Did you not
pray for I Iim to baptize you with the Holy Ghost that results fro111 a graill of wheat falling into
antl f i ~ e ? " said some one n e a r ; then I remem- the ground, "And if it die it I)rii~gctlifort11 much
I~ercdmy prayer and said, "TTallelujah !" fruit." II;dlelujah! 'I'llcrc was given me a
There then came what to me was the most rcvclation of thc I'ather antl thc Son far trans-
precious and 11iost sacred manifestation of them scentling what I had known Ilcfore antl which it
all, the memory of it is in my soul to stay through hat1 not cntcrcd into my heart to conceive o f .
all time and eternity. I became aware of a dis- My soul was lost in wonder at the condescension
tinct physical dealing of the Lord. T h e clutch of God, yet filled with a joy unspeakable ; a little
of a human hand could not have I~eenmore real foretaste of tlic experience that will he ours when
than was the grasp of that Divine H a n d on my we are caught u p to be forever witli the Lord in
h e q r t - q ~ r o b i n g , :tightening--under the mighty the glory of Ilis immediate presence. I t was
grip of which I lost my breath a time o r more, heaven !
while across niy mind there flashed the con- This precious "latter rain" outpouring of the
sciousness of the bliss it would be to die under Spirit by no means conflicts witli any of God's
that H a n d ! God, nieanwhile, letting me know it works toward us in the past. T h e writer once
was for the purpose of getting out the root of heard certain workers say that their past associa-
unbelief far down in my heart. I was amazed tion witli the Ilolincss Union was a mistake,
a t the revelation, for I had firmly believed myself tliough scores of men antl women in that throng
possessing more than a n ordinary degree of faith. knew of the time when these heralds of full salva-
Through that searching illun~ination,laying bare tion went proclaiming a Saviour that saves to the
the innermost recesses of my being, I saw my uttermost, God attending their ~ninistryin great
faith did not measure up to the grain of mustard power. Oh, lo be wise, beloved! T h e I-Ioly
seed spoken of by Jesus in Matt. 7:20. O h , the Ghost has ever been in the world since l l i s de-
different way in which God looks upon things! scent in that "upl)er room;" hut from what we
I was next brought to drink in of the Spirit somctin~eshear it woultl secnl as i f H e has been
( I . Cor. 1 :12, 13) and to speak in other tongues, away and is just returned. Neither can we over-
sensing, oh, so clearly, that tlie "foolishness" and look the "differences of ad~iiinistrations" and
"weakness" of God (I. Cor. 1 :25) was being "tlivcrsities of ol)crations" by which I I e has
manifested through me before a scorning and ~ I I - worlictl in I)v-gonc years and ccnturics; "lmt all
believing world. Jesus was hid away from the these workcth the one antl the self-same Spirit."
sight of men by reason of IIis lowliness, "a root And now that God is pouring out the "latter
out of a dry g r o u n d ; no form nor comeliness; no rain" in the closing days of this (;ospel tlispensa-
beauty that we should desire Him," in tlie light tion we may know it will correspond to the
of which I could now see how it was that "His "former rain" given in the inauguration of this
own received Him not" (John 1 :11). All, be- present dispensation. so that tllc one who receives
loved, in the eternity to come it will be revealed the I-Toly Ghost in these "last days" may expect
that the Jews were no more ignorant of their to speak in other tongues-the distinguishing
"day of visitation" than a r e some of us. I t was evidence of the "former" and "latter" rain-as
revealed to me that subtle pride antl a self-life did the disciples on the day of Pentecost. There
that does not want to be put to the death is at the are exceptional instances on record but I am led
bottom of our resistance. W e do not see because to believe the "sign" (tongues) more particularly
we d o not want to see; we do not know because 1:elmgs to these periods.
we d o not want to know. Those who have taken
From the understanding that comes to me I
a stand against "this niiserable tongue move-
do not see wherein God would have us formulate
ment," as one of our good, eminent ministers
this precious "latter rain" into a doctrine o r even
terms it, a r e some day going to awaken to the
to s l ~ e a kof it as a "movement." 1 see in this
fact tliat the despised and lowly Jesus has been
recent outpouriiig of tlie Spirit an indication of
liere in our midst and they knew H i m not. O h ,
the near return of Jcsus antl an end of the pres-
to get humble and teacllalde hefore God so tliat
ent ordcr of things, a ripcr~ingof the "first fruits"
T-Ie can get us to g o "all the way" as in song
of the llarvest for Christ at I lis coming.
and testimony we liavc so often said that we
w o d d do, even ~ I I O L I ~ $ it terminates in o u r cruci- 0, sleeping virgin, (lo not sl11111l)erlonger ! For
fixion with Christ, being "made a spectacle unto only they that love I lis al)pcaring, with tlic "first
the world and to angels and to men ;" but oh, fruits" out from among the dead will be "caught
hlcss JTis dear name, H e that loseth his life shall up'' to nicct the tlcscending I.ortl. "And so shall
have it niultiplicd back to him in the proportion we cvcr I)c with tlle Imrtl."
OR some two years the Spirit has strongly in~pressetl formul;~tcany crcctl o r assume any authority over work-
F upon us tlie aclvantage of an occasional coming to-
gether o i l'cntccostnl leaders and worlccrs to .confer
ers or countenance any attempt to "organize" the Pente-
costal work.
concerning tlic things of tlie kingdom. 'J'l~rce months T h e object of the conference, so far as it can be ex-
ago tlic Spirit began to lay upon us the obligation of pressed in a word, will be to find and further such fel-
taking the initiative in this matter, by inviting all those lowship of the Spirit and to scck such a coiiperation of
engaged in "I'e~~tccostal"ministry to mcct in 13osto11, activities as was manifest in the Apostolic Church,
March 5 to 13, 1913. This proposal has been warmly whilc avoiding tlic bondage of outward organization
welcomcd by all tlie workers to whom it has heen men- and tlic nlachine ~iicthodsof the modern "church."
tioned antl has the approval of cvery asseulbly whcre it W e believe that wherever possible, assemblies would
has been presented. (lo well to arrange to scnd their pastor or leader, o r
W e believe that sncli :I council cannot fail to be of that in far distant places several small asse~nbliesmight
great spiritual profit to all who attcnd and should bring wisely fcllowsliip together in sending some worker to
blessing to every district rcpresentcd by a worker. If, 11ri11gback a report to them. 111 other lands a general
in the providence of God, it shall awake11 an intcrna- nmvcment might be sct on foot ( a t the next conven-
tioiial interest o r result in bringing together representa- tion) to send some one o r mote accredited delegates
tive workers from those lands not yet fully evangelized, to represent the Pentecostal work in that country.
we believe it will prove a great stimulus to this won- T'cntecostal people everywhere can most helpfully
derful world-wide work. Especially do we look for a cooperate with u s in extending this notice by sending
great new impulse to be given to the paramount inter- us the names of all Pentecostal leaders and mission-
ests of the foreign fields. arics who are known to them; also the names of one
Much as we would like to meet workers from every or two of the most respected, influential and .active
country, we shall not, however, presume to designate workers in each assembly.
tliis council as "international," o r even as "national," Furtlicr information desired by those who hope to
unless the immediate response shall indicate that we attend or those willing to help will be supplied mainly
~ columns of The Truth f o r The Times, a
are justified in expecting this. I t is ours to scnd out t l ~ r o u g lt11c
the call. I t is for the Holy Spirit to put the "glad- frcc l'cntecostal paper which the writer expects soon
ness" and the "go" (Ps. l22:l) into the hearts of tliose to pul)lisli. I t is our thought to use the first few issues
whom Fie would have come. Our thought is merely to o f tliis prospcctivc publication as tlie official organ of
provide tlie meeting place and prepare for the enter- this c o ~ n i n gconicrcnce.
tainment of the delegates, leaving the conference to 'I'. Arthur Lewis (Conference Secretary), The Trzlth
choose its own chairman o r effect such temporary or- f o r The 'l'itrzes (our paper), o r (the writer) Morton
ganization as shall then "seem good to t l ~ eIToly Ghost l'lu~umcr, t11:1y all I)c atldressetl at 54 I'oplar street,
; I I I ~ lo us." I t is not expected that tliis conncil will Mclrosc, M;~ssach~rsctts.

By Mortorc l ' h t ~ r c ~ r ~ o
This tract has already had a splendid sale and is This tract wonderfully shows tlie faithfulness of God
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finished work of Christ," versus "sanctification, as a fulness) is of equal importance with the summer fruit-
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harmonizes the scriptures o n 110th of these subjects antl
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1908-19 10, 19 10-19 1 2; Each $2.25 Postpaid
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